
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Blow-Out Giveaway!

Hoot of a Giveaway
 I received an email from Diane Harris, the interactive editor for Quiltmaker Magazine – just as I was emptying the fridge at the cabin and packing up to leave…..

So here I am a couple of hours later and making this post go live because here is a give-away never before matched!

She writes:

Hi Bonnie,
We have a great giveaway going on: a complete set of all 8 volumes of 100 Blocks!
Click HERE to get to the post!
Have a great trip, wish I was going!!

ALL EIGHT VOLUMES of Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks by 100 designers are up for grabs—that’s right!  Someone is going to win ALL EIGHT VOLUMES in one collection!
That’s 800 designs total!
Go now, leave a comment on the Quiltmaker post ((Not here on my blog, Quiltmaker is having the drawing, I am just passing on the word!)) and cross your fingers and your toes – you could be a lucky winner!
Good Luck Everyone!!
And while I was rushing home to post this:

I have a lead foot.  I admit it.
But dang it, it’s just my luck to think I’m GOING the actual speed limit, and still get pulled over ---
I thought the speed limit was 65 where I was driving.
It is 55.
And to add insult to injury, I was told that my “Born to Quilt – Forced to Work” License plate frame covers up the bottom half of the words NORTH CAROLINA on my license plate obscuring them and should be removed.
Like you can’t TELL that’s a North Carolina plate, Mister!?  It’s got a dang Wright Brothers airplane smack dab in the center of it!
Someone needs to invent license plate frames that do not break laws.   I’ll be sad to retire this one!
I’ll also be sad to pay the $218 it is going to cost me to take care of this ticket.

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


Mary said...

Oh no, that is terrible. How can they sell licence plate covers that aren't legal to use? Was he having a bad day and taking it out on you? Thanks for the heads up on the contest

AddieNCE said...

WOOT? 218$ for a 10 mp/h speeding ticket? Are you serious? (now I know that speeding tickets over here in Germany are way cheaper...)

And about the license plate frame... seems like this cop was just trying to find something else to add to the list... poor person who has to make himself feel better trough finding the smallest mistakes that other people make...

Just keep looking forward to your trip to Germany and Austria... maybe that'll cheer you up a bit :)

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Bad day for me in the car too. I was in a hurry and backed into the tree that's been next to the driveway for 20+ years. Nobody told me that it MOVED . . .

paulette said...

Too bad!! Not a time of the year when there is a lot of extra $$! Bummer! Thanks for the heads up on the GA!

Unknown said...

Ohhh! Do defensive driving. and you will get a discount on your auto insurance. Removes ticket from your record.

Sherrill said...

Can't you do the deferred adjudication thing and take a little online class and get off scott free? That's what I've done the couple of times I've gotten a speeding ticket and you SHOULD get a discount on your auto insurance, too, for taken the 'safe driver' class!

Patti said...

Sorry about your ticket. I've been there for sure! Thanks for the info on the Giveaway though and here's to a better tomorrow!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

OUCH! That was a big fine!!

Nancy said...

Crap.... that's a lot of fabric money :(

AuntieEM said...

Check out the adjudication thing, I got a ticket like that once too! OUCH! Hope the rest of your week gets better...that is a LOT of fabric $$...

QuiddityRox said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry about your ticket but SO HAPPY about the heads up on the contest for all 8 volumes of Quiltmakers 100 Blocks! Thank you, Bonnie! :) Anne G

Mary Ellen said...

Here in Missouri there are license plate holders that cover up part of the plate and are also illegal. It's because the way the plates are designed, the cover obscures the month that the tags are due. Not all states have plates designed this way and the folks that make the holders probably don't give a rat's patoot as long as they can sell holders that people will buy. Sorry to hear about your ticket. If you otherwise have a good driving record, the safe driving class is the way to go. You can actually learn a few things in the class, too.

NonnaD said...

I bet he has issues with some quilter in his life! Ha ha stinks he gave you a ticket....glad you made it safely home and had a great weekend with family and your friend! And just think... you'll soon be on your trip to Germany and Austria! Both beautiful countries! Wish we were going! Have fun! Can't wait to see your posts!

Barb H said...

Ouch! I've felt your pain in the past.

Caro said...

Dern it, that stinks!! Hope I win.

Judi Vian said...

Would love to have these books? How do I enter? I'm on facebook, also and have an email address.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Must have been just east of Wilkesboro.....?!

Sherri said...

sorry to hear that Bonnie. If it was me, I would keep the frame and hang it on my wall in my quilting room! But that's just me...........

Did that $218 include a fine for the cover too? if not, then that seems really excessive for 10mph over!

Here, generally they don't even pull you over for anything less than 15kph or just under 10 mph (even 20kph or just under 15mph over is only $120!)

DaniQuilts said...

That is so not nice! And not only is it a lot of fabric money, it affects the auto insurance premiums - ask me how I know. (Or maybe it was because I got two in one year ;()

Joanie s said...

Sorry to read about your run in with the law! i to have a led FOOT. I'm always going faster then what I think. Last summer I got stopped going very fast almost 20 mile over the limit. I didn't get a ticket. But he did tell me to put my cruse on from now on. And I also was told about the plates.they can fine you for it. Your not to have anything over the plate at all. So I took mine off. I could have gotten a reckless driving ticket to. But I think because I was the only car on the road he let me off. Now I do put my cruse on when ever I can.

The NCQ said...

Get a lawyer (will cost you less than the fine) and plead faulty equipment. Points will not go on your license and raise your insurance rate. That's the big kicker. The license plate frame law has been in effect here for at least 2 years. It is ridiculous. Like you said, big plane, colors, First in Flight across the top - what other state could it possibly be???

Judy Brennan said...

How exciting!!! I would love at least one of these books. WOW!! SO sorry about your ticket. I think many of us have been there. It's a bummer for sure. But you will rise above it. AND, just think your excitement was creating the need for your foot to press on. Maybe have a chat with your foot. HA HA

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

N. Carolina is an expensive state to be speeding in!!

And, totally off topic: I usually use Firefox, but since you instituted word verification on the blog I have to switch to IE anytime I want to comment because word verification just won't show up on Firefox. Weird, I know.

WeedyMama said...

Wait until you see what it does to your car insurance rates.

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Well ding, dang, darn! I just hate paying for tickets! A while back I was late for a pedicure appt. and forgot to put my seat belt on, which I usually wear 99% of the time and of course, I got caught, which made me even later for my pedi and an expensive one too. That ticket was $148!!!

Andee said...

Oh no Bonnie...tickets always make me crazy mad! There is one stoplight to be avoided in Mesa because it has cameras and my CAR has had three yellow light ticket at it (and I was only driving the car once, GRRR!). Maybe some of your fans will shower you with one dollar bills til you have 218!

Lewjacks said...

I ordered a license plate for my front bumper and put my quilting license plate frame on that one. I googled quilting license plates and got one that says "quilting makes me happy". Don't retire it, just move it!

Kathleen said...

NCQ is right - I got a NC ticket, and the Cop himself said "you must get an attorney who can plead it down " so you won't get points toward your insurance... it seems crooked, but it is how it's done. you pay the attorney something like 50 bucks - you wait, your mailbox will soon be filled with letters from attorneys offering their services!

Richard Lavimoniere said...

Wow, sorry to hear about that. I received one about 10years ago when I first moved to GA....was speeding to get to my haircut appt. (He said I was going 85, I beg to differ, my truck is so old it freaks at going over the 65 mark, but whatever,) needless to say that was a $240 something haircut that morning, but I took the course and paid the fine, whatever. LOL. Have fun in Germany, stuff happens.

Vicki B said...

This would make a wonderful Christmas present

Kelly said...

Ooh, that stinks. Wisconsin is the only state I've lived in that pulls people over at 10 miles over the speed limit. One thing I do love about Michigan is the 70 moh speed limit.

Anonymous said...

Well the ticket was cheaper than giving him one of your quilts or sewing machines out of the car......

Phyllis said...

Phyllis ,pcsews@sbcglobal.net

Unknown said...

Getting a ticket and fine stinks big time! I'm so sorry. I would think I died and went to Heaven if I won the 100 Blocks books. Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win. Hope you have a lot of fun in Germany. I can't wait to see pictures.
Linda R email: liketwostep@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Oh how frustrating!! In the UK you get points on your license that stay there for five years. Too many points and you are banned from driving for a while!
Take it easy and enjoy your German holiday!

Unknown said...

Ouchie...$218 is a lot of fabric money...

Please drive safe, please! No phones, texting etc while driving. Bonnie, we do not want to hear of you wrapped around a telephone pole! Please do whatever it takes to be safe

I am now stepping off my soapbox.
Hugs JulieinTN

Kathy MacKie said...

Tough luck Bonnie, there's never a good time for that to happen. Count me in on this fabulous giveaway please. Be safe in our travels overseas and can't wait to see the pictures if and when you post them, many thanks.

Marly said...

That's too bad about the fine. A case of wrong place, wrong time. Just think of all the times you've seen maniacs driving at twice the speed limit - not a cop in sight, of course - and it makes your blood boil.
But now think positive; good times ahead with all those fabulous Christmas markets. Enjoy you trip to Germany and Austria.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Maybe make cruise control your friend. That was some good quilt money that went bye bye. He should have given you just a warning this time I think.
Thanks for the chance to win. Diann... kyquiltymama@hotmail.com

Carolyn Sullivan said...

OUCH! expensive lesson! Ihad to pay one this yr too. I really would like to have those books those! I (sigh) haven't any!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Can't you get a quilter's discount for that ticket? How about offering a quilt as a bribe...No better not.

Jittina said...

Seriously? $218 for speeding 10 mph? OUCH! That must really hurt!
I've been told that here in Sweden (have only moved here 7 months ago) it is common practice to have your drivers licence taken away for a couple of months if you're speeding more than 7 km/h in a 30 km/h zone. That is worse than a speeding ticket, but still... $218?!
Going to check out the giveaway, thanks for pointing us in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the police state. I've noticed our garmin will show red in the speed limit if it senses we are going over the limit. I'm thinking someone clever needs to invent a device we can add to our cars to keep us from going too fast...think of the money to be made! I'm in a love hate relationship with our police departments...and to think that the only reason they give these tickets out, yes you were speeding, but these departments receive grant money to sit for x amount of hours to 'patrol' for safety sake. In other words, you paid into having them lie in wait for you to get pulled over...it completely sucks!

Anonymous said...

Oh Bonnie, Ouch! That was a hard hit from your friendly state trouper! And the nerve of him telling you to take off your clever plate frame! I am not sure why they sell cute plate frames that might violate the state's laws on concealment?

MaryBeth said...

Woe, he's obviously not related to a quilter - otherwise, he would have given you a warning. That sucks!

Rebecca said...

They do, it is called cruise control. They would have me buried under the jail if I didn't use that! I know old old vehicles didn't have it but mine is 10 years old and it came on it. I even use it on streets where speed limit is 25, it is almost impossible to go that slow manually - at least for me :)

Rebecca said...

Sorry for the ticket. I set my cruise control 7 miles over and have sweated several times when I went by their hiding places but they haven't come after me so far. Thanks for the heads up about the give away. Stay safe!

sandy from BC said...

Oh my, doesn't that tick you of? Driving along, minding your own business and wham, he's gotcha!!! A fairly new quilter and I buy those magazines now but would LOVE to win some older copies

NeverBored said...

When I have to drive distances, I enjoy seeing how many out-of-state license plates I can "collect" and those license plate holders that obscure the name of the state have always puzzled me: how can they be legal? Why don't the state transportation people come down on the manufacturers, instead of the consumers? I'm sure anyone buying them thought they were legal to use --until they found out the hard way as you did. Putting the plate holder on the front doesn't work for everybody either because in some states (like where I live/Wisconsin) we are required to have plates on the front and the back.
And setting cruise control doesn't solve your problem when you think the speed limit is faster than it actually is . Mentally you thought you were going the limit. We all just have to remember that these traffic stops are really about keeping us safe, not about being vindictive. Just the same, in the spirit of the season it would have been nice if the trooper had just given you a warning.

Judymc said...

Oh, Bonnie.....so sorry to hear you got a ticket!!!!! I've deserved one MANY times, but I drive a Crown Vic and that seems to help.

Anonymous said...

I sympathize with you Bonnie. Can't you go to traffic school so the ticket won't affect your insurance rate? In AZ, we have the same stupid law about license plates. Except for NC, the other 48 must have cactus on them! Problem is, the law was created after they manufactured millions of those license plate covers! In some areas, they even give out tickets if your radio is playing at high decible levels. It always amazes me that they can't seem to get the fool who drives past my house at 2 am with the radio so loud, you can hear it through closed doors and windows!
Mary in AZ

Anonymous said...

Tears! Did you try tears?? Or the excuse, "Gee, officer! I was thinking of all I have to do, when I get home and I guess, my foot was doing the driving". "I was going how fast???"Both of these have worked for me!!

Anonymous said...

Wow great information. If you want to learn driving and live in North West or Hornsby area then Cherrybrook Driving School is the best place. Hornsby driving school.

Kim Jones said...

As a former North Carolinian, go 9 miles and they'll give you a warning, hit 10 miles and they hit you hard. So sorry that happened to you Bonnie. Thanks for the heads up on the 100 blocks book give-away. Swap to lighter weight shoes or new glasses, lol.

Glenda said...

Sounds like his wife is a quilter who hasn't been cooking lately.

Unknown said...

You actually make it appear really easy together with your presentation but I find this matter to be really something which I feel I might never understand. I'm looking forward your next update. Online traffic school California online Traffic School for traffic tickets, Traffic school course for ticket dismissal & – DMV/State & DMV-Licence court approved course in CA.

c said...

everything you touch Bonnie speaks to my heart, If I live I would never be able to complete what you do, the book is one to KEEP near your sewing table.

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