
Saturday, December 07, 2013

A Judy Martin Give-Away!

Over the past several months I have enjoyed email conversation with one of my own most cherished "Quilting Rock Stars”, Judy Martin!

Can you imagine my shock and quilter’s heart flutters when I received a friendly conversational email from Judy introducing herself to me (As if I didn’t know who she was!)  and telling me how much she enjoyed MY quilts.

Holy cow, Judy’s book “Scrap Quilts” published in 1985 was one of the first books on my shelves. I was 23 when I bought it. I still have it --pages worn and dog-eared and oh, so cherished.

Her quilts whet my appetite from the very beginning, and here she was introducing herself to me in such a friendly way via email, just to say hello.

She drew the parallels between us in the following ways:

we both love scrap quilts
we both own sizable stashes
we both write quilt pattern books
we both design original quilts in the traditional style
we are not afraid of quilts with a gazillion pieces
we both started making quilts as teenagers
we have both written for Quiltmaker
And little did she know that one little email made my day, my week, my month, my year ---yes, Judy Martin is still MY Rock Star!
So when her hubby Steve contacted me to ask if I’d like to offer one of Judy’s new books, Extraordinary Log Cabin Quilts as a GIVE-AWAY to one of my readers ---my reply was an astounding, AUTOMATIC YES!
I wouldn't be where I am without the lessons I learned and the inspiration I received through Judy Martin’s books. 

These are NOT your ORDINARY Log Cabin quilts...

Within the pages of EXTRAORDINARY Log Cabin Quilts you will find:

  • 15 quilt patterns, each in queen or king and wall sizes.
  • 200 illustrations of color and set variations for these quilts, each quilt a new Log Cabin variation with a pieced border designed to enhance it.
  • big color photos of the quilt plus detail shots
  • easy-to-use block diagrams, with pressing arrows
  • a whole quilt diagram for each quilt size in the patterns
  • quilting suggestions
  • pattern ratings
  • a chart to help you plan these quilts in other sizes, with fat quarter requirements
  • a chart listing Log Cabin quilts from basic Log Cabin blocks, in 24 sizes, with yardage
  • a chart listing practical quilt sizes for various mattress sizes
  • tips covering every aspect of making a Log Cabin quilt, from rotary cutting to organizing logs, to chain piecing, opposing joints, to checking your block layout.
  • links to free videos, such as Judy Martin’s “Tips for Successful Log Cabin Quilts.”
  • a ten-page, lavishly illustrated chapter on value and color to help you choose your favorite pattern based on the design instead of the color, and to help you apply your favorite color scheme to the pattern (Most of the color schemes are mix-and-match!)

128 pages, soft cover, $27.95 retail U.S. Order at www.judymartin.com or call 1-800-642-5615.
Mariposa Log Cabin

15 brand-new Log Cabin patterns, each in multiple sizes. You’ll find clear directions with lots of construction diagrams, accurate yardage, alternate coloring and setting suggestions, huge color photos plus close-up detail shots, and quilting ideas. Up-front material includes important help for perfecting your seam allowance plus a pictorial discussion of color and value.
The quilts are stunning….and the instructions are clear and precise (as is always the case with Judy’s work).
---Connie Doern, Creekside Quilting, Clive, IA

Paducah Log Cabin

The quilts in Extraordinary Log Cabin Quilts are not only unique and memorable, they are also within your grasp. These quilts are made principally, if not entirely, from rectangles. You are going to love the quilts you make from this book. Don't settle for anything less than EXTRAORDINARY Log Cabin Quilts!

I LOVE looking at your log cabin designs! There is always so much to look at, and I especially like your interesting border treatments and the way they complete the inner layouts so perfectly.
---Evelyn G., Tucson, AZ

Door County Log Cabin
Your designs are breathtaking and truly inspirational.

---Ann G., Olds, Alberta Canada


Buckeye Log Cabin
The 7 guiding principles [in Extraordinary Log Cabin Quilts] represent a great synthesis of what makes quilts extraordinary.
---Ruth P., Columbus, OH

Minnesota Log Cabin, and MANY MORE!
These designs just blow my mind!  And I know they will yours too.
Check out the other quilts in the book and info about each one HERE.
There is a ton of cool stuff on Judy’s Website, Check it out HERE.  And while you are there, be sure to sign up for Judy's Newsletter!

You can even purchase your own copy of Extraordinary Log Cabin Quilts if you can't wait for the drawing to happen.
Did you know that Judy is on Pinterest?  Follow what inspires her HERE!
And if you would like to be the lucky winner of Extraordinary Log Cabin Quilts, personally signed by Judy herself,  leave me a comment in the comments section below--- 

I will do the drawing of the lucky winner this coming THURSDAY from Germany ---how exciting!

Make sure that you also leave your email address if it isn't visible in your profile so I can contact you.  No email address means I have to draw someone else!
And you know what would be even better?  Please mention your favorite Judy Martin quilt or quilt book/pattern in your comment.  It’s my hope that she’ll stop by and read what you have to say, and YOU will make HER day.

Doesn't it feel great to give something back to someone who has given so much to the quilting industry?  I honestly believe that I am the quilter I am because of Judy’s love of scrap quilts.
Now, if only we could get her to start BLOGGING! Open-mouthed smile

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


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Anonymous said...

Judy Martin is also one of my favorite quilters! She inspired me back in my 20's also when I made my first log cabin quilt that my older son still has on his bed! I'd love the opportunity to win her new book!

Vanessa in Oklahoma

Laura said...

My favorite Judy Martin book is The Creative Pattern Book.

Tamara Hampton said...

wowzer! those are beautiful and I have had an obsession with log cabin quilts lately so I have to get this book! either win it or buy it! lol... i hope i win it! tamaraboatright at gmail dot com.

MTgranny said...

I have a couple of Judy's books but I check her website every week for new pictures of her quilts made by others as they are all so different and beautiful. I read your blog almost everyday. You are also an inspiration. I appreciate the sharing that the internet offers and the learning that is available from folks like you and Judy.

Unknown said...

Wow....what a great giveaway!! I love Paducah Log Cabin!! That is definetly being put on my list of quilts to make!! Thanks Bonnie for all you do for the quilting world!! You are our Rock Star!!!!

~Kris~ said...

I love the book, Stellar Quilts. My all time favorite quilt is from that book called Kyoto Gardens.

Mrs T-W said...

Scrumptious! Main Street Log Cabin is gorgeous, but I love Door County Log Cabin and Honeymoon Log Cabin too. Thanksgiving, Kyoto Gardens, and Loveland Log Cabin are lovely too. So is... How can I choose a favourite?!

Karen said...

Love, love, love log cabin quilts. I need to make more of these to reduce my scraps. This book looks like another winner.

Lisa said...

Hi, Bonnie, Judy has been a long time favorite designer of mine as well. I can see many parallels between your work and Judy's. These patterns are just wonderful - WHOA! - who'd believe these are log cabin variations? That is one powerful traditional block, isn't it?!

Gloria said...

Wow, What stunning quilts. Log Cabin was my first quilt and still my favorite design for a quilt. I would love to make one of these new designs.

Karen said...

What a beautify book. We feel about you the way you feel about Judy. Inspired. Thanks to you both for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

I am a beginner quilter who has never done a log cabin block and my quilting library is sparse. Would love to have this book and learn something new.

Julie said...

I have Judy's Log Cabin Quilt Book and just love it!!!! Judy's new book definitely is going on my wish list. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book, thanks so much for the opportunity!!

Gina in Missouri

Adrienne said...

My favorite Judy Martin book is her Pieced Borders book written with Marsha McCloskey. It has so much info. I've used it so much it's falling apart.

Kay said...

Such beautiful quilts!! Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

Judy's quilts are amazing! I would love her new book!

Becky said...

Those are some amazing log cabin quilts! Thanks for introducing me to another great scrap quilter.

Marilyn said...

I have many of Judy's books now and love the inspiration I find in them. Had to run down to my bookshelf and haul them all up to peruse thru the day. Thank you Bonnie and Judy for keeping the spirit of quilting alive!
Maybe I'll try some of Judy's cookie recipes over the holidays!

Unknown said...

Oh My Goodness! I'd be tickled pink to receive a copy of this book. I've just recently fallen in love with logcabin blocks but don't know anything other than how to do the most basic things and layouts. I've seen beautiful logcabin quilts in pictures that just blow my mind (like Judy Martin's examples you shared) but haven't the foggiest how to begin. WOW is all I know to say about the photos of Judy's quilts!!

Margaret said...

I would love that book .I love scrap quilts and log cabins and the photos I have seen here are beautiful

Unknown said...

This book like a MUST HAVE


BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

Would so love this book. My friend Fay has one of her other books that she seems to carry with her everywhere. Judy Martin quilt is on my bucket list.

Brita said...

Yes, Shakespeare in the Park is also on my list, but my most favorite book is her Cookies and Quilts book; the recipes are amazing, especially the one for chocolate chip cookies that are baked in a muffin top pan!!! Ill bet you're still grinning from getting fan mail from one of the biggies :-)

Brita said...

Yes, Shakespeare in the Park is also on my list, but my most favorite book is her Cookies and Quilts book; the recipes are amazing, especially the one for chocolate chip cookies that are baked in a muffin top pan!!! Ill bet you're still grinning from getting fan mail from one of the biggies :-)

Chris Shepardson said...

Love her quilts and have made several. My favorite so far is Fingerlake Log Cabin. I made this in blues for my daughters wedding in 2009. She loved the quilt but cancelled the wedding 2 weeks be fore the date. It sits upstairs in my sewing room waiting for her to be ready to enjoy it. She will finish a college degree this spring so I am hoping I can relabel it and she can enjoy it for this occassion. Also made Lincoln Lofs in red white and blue. It is hard to deciede what to try next,,,after this mystery quilt of course!

Anonymous said...

Have fun in Germany, Bonnie! I would love to win Judy Martin's new book. The two are the queens of scraps.

Theresa Westrup


Patti said...

Oh my gosh! I love Judy Martin's books too! What a fabulous give-away! And so happy to hear that she has another book coming out! You both are such talented women. It's no surprise to me that you have so much in common! And quilters really are the best kind of people! :)

Laura said...

I didn't know there are so many ways to use the log cabin. I love all of these quilts. WoW!!

Judy Snider said...

I own all her books. Have been a fan for years!!!!


Maureeneh said...

Wow - what a great book, would love to win it!

Denise said...

I made Judy's Shakespeare in the Park and won Judge's Choice in our local show. Then I taught the class at our LQS. I have traveled to meet her and have all her books except this newest one. She and Bonnie are my heros! Thank you for the chance to win this book.

scrappy101 said...

Would love a change to win this fav book. Log cabin is one of my favorite patterns

Glenda said...

Judy Martin quilts are amazing and an inspiration to keep growing. Snake River is on my bucket list.

Beth Cates said...

I have several Judy Martin Books and have made quite a few of them. Judy breaks the patterns down into language that is easy to understand.. My favorite is Kentucky Log cabin. Beth Cates RONBETH64@msn.com

Sharon said...

I've only made one log cabin quilt & it was a crib size. Judy's book makes me want a bed-size quilt for myself! It may get a top ranking on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing your passion for quilting and thanks to both of you for the opportunity to win this book.

Unknown said...

I would love love to win this book by Judy Martin! Love it!

Helen said...

I have been a JM fan since forever, and would love to win her latest! I love her scrappy quilts (the more fabrics the merrier!) and I love your scrappy quilts, too, Bonnie! I don't have a favorite quilt from Judy's books. Love them all!

QuiltLaughLove said...

Oh. My. Heart! I just added 6 must- make quilts to my list. First Paducah Log Cabin then Honeymoon and 4 more. Love, love, love!

Barb in Mi said...

Shame on me that her name doesn't ring a name until now. Love her Patriotic Main Street Log cabin!
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Her designs really are amazing.
I would love to win this book
Mary Jo

Shirley said...

Really JUdy Martin I love her patterns. Yes for sure. Let me win.

Quilter Kathy said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I love all of Judy's designs, but for sure "Shakespeare in the Park" is on my "to do" list. Thanks Judy and Bonnie!

Pam said...

Oh MY! What beautiful quilts. I have to admit that I have never been introduced or seen a book by Judy Martin. I L-O-V-E these quilts! I will be ordering some of her other books first in the hopes that I will win this drawing - it could happen! If not, this book will be in my library very soon! Thank you for the opportunity to win but mostly for introducing me to a wonderful designer!

Elke said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks a lot to Judy and to you!

Anonymous said...

beautiful tiny strips in those log cabins! that would be such a challenge to me who has been stuck making almost nothing but 2.5 inch wide log cabin strips for everyone I know and being afraid to branch out...Celtic Solstice and a few prior BOM have helped me some. Would love to win her book especially if you love her, Bonnie!

Lynda F said...

I just bought my first little white Singer Featherweight to use for piecing and I would love to use it to make Judy's Paducah Log Cabin Quilt. (tlfouhar@gmail.com)

Nana Bluebird aka Kathy Aho said...

My first quilt was a log cabin in 1979! Love them. You and Judy are both terrific! Keep up the great work.

CountryGal said...

Love log cabins and these look pretty spectacular!

schultziequilts said...

I love Judy's books and have several. This one also looks like a winner!

Karen said...

I think my first Judy Martin book was Scraps, BlocKs and Quilts. Always love her style.

Bonnie mcdaniel said...

Thank you for doing this. I would love to win this book.

Candace said...

Gorgeous quilts! I love her books, and I love love love log cabin quilts! And I love seeing your photos from far away places. Hope you are having fun in Germany (o soon will be).

Lady of the Cloth said...

I have been eyeballing that book but just couldn't justify buying it for myself, especially at Christmas. Her quilts like yours look too complicated to make, but one bite at a time and they just stun you. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

Joyce said...

Oh Bonnie, you both are my heroes! I have all of your books and almost all of Judy's. I would love to win her newest book, then my collection will be complete. I'll keep my fingers crossed until Thursday. Kinda hard to sew that way but I'll try. haha
Joyce in AZ

Donna said...

I would love to add this book to my other Judy Martin books. I love her quilts and have the blocks done for Shakespeare in the Park.

janie said...

OMG I so love Judy's work and for whomever wins this new book it will be such a lovely Christmas gift to spend all day reading and looking at their new book.

Kitsey in Texas said...

Hi Bonnie and Judy, What a great surprise to see this morning, a Judy Martin book and a give away. I've admired Judy's first book for years, but not taken the plunge. I think the Paducah log cabin may have me stepping out and doing my first one although looking at all of the quilts in the book made me want to do several. I admire the detail and craftsmanship in these quilts. It would be an honor to have this signed book to work from. kitseye@gmail.com

Mary Dowell said...

I would love to win a Judy Martin book. Thanks for the chance.

Glenda in Florida said...

I've got several of her older books, and especially love the 'blocks' books. Carolina in the Morning from Judy Martin's Ultimate Book of Quilt Block Paterns was used for a quilt for a miltary commander's wife's quilt, and then I resized it to 6" for the next version of the quilt. Those guys in the 82nd Airborne certainly saw a lot of mornings in Carolina--the name of the block made it an obvious choice.

Joellyn P. said...

I love Judy Martin books as well. I can't believe all the amazing ways she has come up with in this book to use log cabin blocks. I can't wait to get this book one. Thanks for giving us a chance to win it.

QuiltinGram said...

Thx. For chance to win this book. Love her books!

Diana in RR,TX said...

I have all her books and several of her quilts that she auctioned off a few years ago. Love her style but then I too love scrap quilts!

Dorothy said...

Love, love, love her log cabins! A log cabin was the first quilt I ever did, and it in no way looked as stunning as hers. I would love to have one of her books.

Dorothy Hall said...

How awesome these designs are! I would absolutely love to have this book. Log cabin quilts have alays been one of my favorites. Thanks to both of you for all the beauty you share.

Deb said...

I've made a few traditional log cabin quilts, however I love the way Judy has reinvented the pattern. I especially love the Paducah Log Cabin pattern and know it's going on my bucket list of quilts I gotta make.

Shirley said...

OMG!! A new JM Book? I have collected her books for years, only made 1 though, Shakespeare in the Park. I need to revisit her site.

CindyB said...

Count me a Judy Martin fan. She was scrappy before scrappy was cool.

Carole said...

I would love the Judy Martin book. the quilts look so beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win. Have fun in Germany.

Gweneth said...

Door County at the Gate, I love log cabins and this log cabin with the circles is elegant with the flow creating from the center. Feeling lucky.

mary said...

this looks like which one to try first They are magnificent looking

Paula, the quilter said...

I love Judy's quilts! It all started with her Colorado Log Cabin quilt for me.

heleen said...

I love the Buckeye Log Cabin . I really love the quilts you showed

Cassy said...

Wow! These are incredible. I have always wanted to do a log cabin quilt but have been so intimidated. I am still intimidated but if Judy holds my hand, I might just be able to do it. :) Thanks for a great giveaway and hope you are having fun in Germany.

Lee said...

I remember one year when I made it an intentional search to find her Log Cabin book. This new book looks like it should be a wonderful addition to my Judy Martin book collection. I need to find time to make another one of hers, in between making yours.

quilts a lot said...

Wow, those quilts are wonderful. Thank you for the chance to win the book. I love log cabin quilts.

Kitty Cat Four Patch said...

How exciting! Sounds like you love Judy as much as we love you!

kathy said...

Omgosh!!! What an opportunity!! I love her books and designs. You're right y'all both have so much in common and I would love to think I fit right in there with both of you!! I have all your books and have made lots of your patterns and the same with Judy. You both are definitely my "Scrap Idols!" I would love to win this book to add to my collection!

Kimberly said...

OMG, What awesome designs, thanks for the opportunity to win this book. If I don't win, I will definitely be searching her books for my perfect one. Thanks Bonnie~

lefuntz said...

Log cabin has always been a favorite block because of its versatility. Judy's are log cabin on steroids! I would love this book. Maybe you should guest host a post from your new friend. It might spark an interest in blogging. Thanks for the opportunity.

Jittina said...

Winding Ways as a Log Cabin Quilt?! WOW! I think I want to be Judy Martin when I grow up and make quilts like that. Sigh....

Kim said...

This is an wonderful giveaway. Thank you Judy and thank you Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I never knew could do so much with a log cabin. Love them!!!
Mary P

Lynda said...

Made my first log cabin block when I finished off my Stonehenge meets Jamestown BOM - loved the look, and so easy to chain piece. I really love the movement in some of these quilts - hoping to win the book, but if not, will surely buy it. Here's hoping for a win.

Donna said...

It would be impossible for me to pick just one of Judy's quilts....love them all! Would be a wonderful Christmas present to win this book.

WhoMom said...

To pick a favorite I'd have to head down to my bookshelf, and it's too cold right now to do that! The Padacua Log Cabin is a wowzer! I'd love to make that one and succeed in finishing.
Thank you for sharing the lovely quilts. Such a nice way to start a Saturday morning.

GranChris said...

I love the Scrap Quilt book. Great ones in here. Thanks for the chance to win her Log Cabin book.

Donna said...

Love, love, love them all! What a wonderful Christmas present this book would be~

phyllis said...

I can see by the comments that I'm not aone in being a huge fan of both Judy and Bonnie. A favorite quilt of Judy's? Can't choose --maybe Shakespeare in the Park or Colorado Star or Tennessee Waltz or Virginia Reel or. . . .

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I love Judy's quilts. I own several of her books. I think one of my favorites - although there are many - is "Shakespeare in the Park". I have even converted the pattern so I can use my Go! dies to cut most of the pieces! I also love log cabin quilts.(sue@asdfwordpro.com)

Anonymous said...

Sure would love to win her book, she has the prettiest log cabin patterns I ever saw. Haven't saw her books around here anywhere either!!! Email marsha.steelman@gmail.com

MaryBeth said...

Wow, I've always love log cabins, but Judy has taken them to a whole new level!

Karen (Misiz C) said...

I, too, find loads of inspiration from Judy's books. One of my go-to books for great borders is Pieced Borders coauthored by Marsha McClosky. Her new book looks fabulous!! Hope to win it but it needs to be in my library one way or another! LOL! Thanks Bonnie and Judy.

Anonymous said...

A log cabin quilt was the first I ever made and have made several more since. But they were nothing like those showing from Judy Martin's book. Would love to win it, but will get it one way or another! Thanks for offering it.
Dianne in BC bcquilter73 @yahoo.com

Kim said...

I keep hoping that Judy will be initiated the Quilters Hall of Fame, honestly she has done so much for the quilting world and her patterns just keep on coming!
My all time favorite of course is "Shakespeare in the Park"! What a great pattern.
And when it was time for me to make a baby quilt for my very first grandchild I turned to Judy's books to scout out the pattern.

Thanks for the chance to win her newest book, I'm sure it will be full of her inventive and fun to make quilts!

Happy sewing

Mary said...

Shakespeare in the Park is my favorite. It's based on the snail trail block. Judy gave it a different look.

Monica said...

Scrap Quilts was my first quilting book too, and I was probably around the same age as you when I bought it, but quilting took a back seat to other activities until recently. Right now I am making Texas Star from that book, and just this morning I was thinking about starting Colorado Log Cabin, because I've set aside fabrics for that one too! Please count me in!

Barbara said...

I love Grandpa's Log Cabin, the woven effect is stunning!


What a wonderful giveaway. Judy Martin is an inspiration to all of us. The fact that you showed some of the quilts is an inspiration to want to win this giveaway. Thank you Bonnie for sharing this with all of us. I love your quilts and the joy you share with us.

Dinah said...

I, too, love Judy Martin's quilts! I haven't purchased this newest book yet and would love to win it! Thank you for the giveaway!

Jill said...

One of my favorite books by Judy Martin is "Scrap Quilts" I have made several quilts from this book and so has my mother. I love scrappy and this book speaks to me.

Donna B said...

I love log cabin quilts, but sadly have not been very successful with them. Maybe Judy Martin's book is my "missing tool"? I would really love to have this book! Her quilts are just spectacular!!! Donna B (Winthrop WA) rockview@methownet.com

James P said...

I just bought Scrap Quilts a couple days ago and am loving it. I always search my local bookstore for Judy's titles. The second quilt I ever made was her Cripple Creek log cabin design. Would love to make more..... (and your quilts are gorgeous too - thank you for all your time and effort with your quilting and this site - it is an amazing resource for us all).

Joyce Carter said...

What a treasure it would be to own this book! I have a few of Judys' books and they are fantastic. Her instructions are simple and easy to understand. And I just love all the beautiful quilts. Thank you for the chance.

Heather said...

I've always wanted to make Judy's Buckeye Log Cabin for DH who is a die hard Ohio State fan!

Unknown said...

I would love to have this book .. I checked on her other titles at Amazon as soon as I read this post and have placed piece n play quilts in my shopping cart.

Barbara Ann Beamer Jones said...

Like you, Judy's books were some of the first on my shelf ~ I love her designs and have made many of them. I hope to make many, many more!

babsnwv at gmail dot com

Linda said...

Love Judy's books! Much thanks for the opportunity to win this book to add to my collection.

Jan said...

This would be a marvelous addition to my sparse quilt library.

acoelke said...

Love, love, love Judy Martin's quilts. I was fortunate to see her show at Paducah--my introduction to her quilts. Wow!!!! I did come home with some of her books.

Becky said...

I don't have any of her books, but I've seen her name on the internet. Enjoy your trip to Germany and don't freeze your toes at the markets! I'm writing from Poland, so books in English are precious. The few that I have are looked at over and over. I bring them from the states when I go back to visit, but only have about 5-10 total. :) Quilting is almost unheard of over here, though I think slowly increasing in popularity.

Marla said...

I just love Log Cabin quilts and I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance!

Jeanne & Mike said...

I love log cabins and log cabin quilts! We built our cabin by hand. And of course you can never have too many log cabin quilts to fill it!

Unknown said...

My next quilt is going to be a log cabin- this book would rock my world!

pcflamingo said...

LOVE the log cabin design - it's so versatile. Thank you for the chance to win this book!

Julee said...

Yes, her books are wonderful. Thanks for the gret giveaway and would love to win her book.

Anita Balgenorth said...

Love Judy Martin's books - own several, heard her speak at a quilt show. This new book looks fantabulous!!!

NDQuilter said...

I have her books and love them. I have not gotten this one yet so would be a awesome one to win. Love both of you..Merry Christmas!

LauraJ said...

Beautiful quilts! what a lovely book! safe travels to Germany!

Ogopogirl said...

I adore Judy Martin's books! My copy of her "Scraps" book is also well thumbed, and the book on "Pieced Borders" that she co-wrote with Marsha McCloskey is a 'must-have'! I think my favourite quilts of hers come from two of her other books though: I love the colour gradation in Echoing Stars from the book "Stellar Quilts", and if you haven't seen the quilt called 'Byzantine Flower Garden' in "The Creative Pattern Book", Bonnie, you must check it out - hexies!!!! It's very beautiful. I also love how she always includes various colourways and layout options for the quilts in her books. It really inspires one's own creative process.

Anonymous said...

Awesome give away! I can't pick a fave because all things Judy Martin get my juices flowing.

Leslie P
ldp777 @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I love her books. I made the hearts with the ribbon border and quilted it by hand. the next pattern I have my eye on is from her book "Cookies 'n Quilts, the Shenandoah Log Cabin. Of course I would love to win her new book! Sarah at scorporon at (aol- dot-com)

Fran said...

One of my favorite patterns of Judy Martin is Shakespere in the Park from "The Creative Pattern Book." Thanks for hosting another great giveaway. Hope your trip is grand!

kynomi said...

How gorgeous! I don't know if I could choose, each is more beautiful each time you look at them. Mariposa caught my eye right off the bat, but I loved them all. The very first quilt I made was a log cabin, but next to these--a PRIMITIVE one. :(

Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing!! WOW!!! I really like the one called Playful Spirit.

Unknown said...

"Scrap Quilts" was my first quilt book as well. It started my lifelong love of scrap quilts.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I love Judy Martin quilts, although I don't have enough color coordinated fabrics in my stash to make the quilts look quite like the picture. mrsseuss5@aol.com

Bea said...

I love Judy Martin I would love to have this book in my collection

Colleen said...

I love Judy Martin. Her patterns can be incredibly complex, but her instructions are so clear that they are not hard to do at all! I would love to win this book to add to my collection.

Unknown said...

My very first quilt in 1987 was a Log Cabin. To add this book to my collection of quilt books would be phenomenal.
Kathy L.

Unknown said...

I would love to win Judy Martin's book. She is an amazing quilter and if you want to be good at something you should learn from the best. I just love her quilts and would love to have her book.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love Judy Martins book on log cabins. It would be a wonderful Christmas present. Thanks for the giveaway and best Holiday wishes for you and yours.

Teresa Vicars

Barbara said...

I am a Judy Martin book collector... Must have them all!--- As well as yours Bonnie. I would love to have this one to complete my collection. barbpowers77@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I love log cabin blocks and am honored to be entered in a drawing for this book. Thanks to both for giving the chance.

Tinliz said...

I have Judy's book "Scraps, Blocks & Quilts". I find her examples of making the same block with different value and color placement fascinating. It has given me a better sense of value placement in my quilts. If I am lucky enough to win her new log cabin book, it will have a cherished place in my library.

JoAnn said...

I have Judy's first book of scrap quilts as well as her first log cabin book. I also have all of her other books as I love her work. I was fortunate enough to take classes from her at a retreat in Nebraska in the early 1990s. I love Monet's wedding ring and Loveland log cabin. Thanks, Judy and Bonnie.

Loris said...

These are gorgeous quilts! I especially love Paducah Log Cabin. Thank you for hosting and thank you to the Martin family for such a sweet giveaway!
Hope you are having a sweet travel!

Karen J said...

I've never made a log cabin quilt before but after seeing the Door County one, that would be the one I'd choose for myself. Thank you for the chance to win the book!

Sharon said...

As much as I love your patterns, Bonnie, I cannot tell a lie... Shakespeare in the Park is my all time favorite pattern! And the movement of the quilt in this new book are a-mazing!

Pat V. said...

I, too, love Judy Martin's patterns and would love a copy of this book! Thanks for the chance to win!

pharmgirl75 said...

I love the "Door County" quilt pictured above. The illusion of circles is amazing!

Aud Sommerbakk said...

I love Judy`s books!

DianneB said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm with you - Judy is a quilting Rock Star. I have several of her books, and followed the making of this one from her emails. I love the quilts she has chosen for this book. I would say "Scraps" is my favorite book to date,but that may change as Log Cabin blocks are a favorite of mine.

Louise Gordon Taylor said...

I think I have finally found my quilt pattern for my bedroom. Paducha log cabin is perfect and the color is also. I have a few of Judy's books and really excited to add another.

Terry said...

Hi Bonnie,

I have multiple books from both you and Judy, my library would not be complete without them. Shakespeare in the Park was the latest one I created in Black, Gold & Red. The pattern was just stunning. I would love to win the latest book!

susan said...

I would indeed like to win this book. My son just moved to Minnesota so I really need to make the Minnesota Log Cabin Quilt!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Christine said...

Would love to have my name/number drawn for Judy Martin's book she has been a favorite for me also. One of her log cabins is on my list for my next big project. One of my favorite is the one on the lower left corner. Sorry I can not remember the name of it but every time I see it I say that is the one I want to make :) Thank you for the opportunity to win the fabulous book.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I have always enjoyed Judy Martins work and would to win her new book!! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bonnie, Hope you have a terrific trip to Germany! I LOVE LOVE LOVE log cabin quilts. They are the reason I took up quilting. One of my first quilts was a small log cabin to put on my coffee table. I have made many since, but nothing like the ones in Judy's book. Amazing!!! If I don't win it, I will be buying it!!! Thanks, Cindy (cprose@mymts.net)

Karen said...

Extraordinary quilts and quilter! I once took a class from her in Houston. I would love to win an autographed copy of her latest!

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

The quilts in the book are beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

BarefootThunder said...

Log cabin is my all time favourite block. I love Door County ♥ Thanks Judy !!

PalmerGal said...

Judy Martin is one of my favorite quilt authors, and log cabin is a favorite pattern. Would love to have this book.

Diane said...

I love all of Judy Martin's work...especially the log cabin quilts. Dnoles54@gmail.com

EllenB said...

Love log cabin quilts, scrappy or planned, and Judy is the master!

Kelly said...

These are so gorgeous! I hope I win but if I don't this goes on my Christmas wish list & will be purchased in January if necessary.

Thank you for the giveaway!

SharonD said...

All I can say is....OH, WOW! Who knew log cabin quilts don't have to be boring?

Kathy MacKie said...

I don't have any of her books so this would be a great start to owning them, thanks for the chance to win!

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

This looks like a must have book. Adding a comment to win a giveaway here is like buying a lottery ticket. The amount of comments you rack up just in one hour for a give away is astounding. But I can't win if I don't play!
Fingers crossed here in NY.

Pam said...

Looks like a wonderful book! What I love the most though, is your enthusiasm, Bonnie! YOU are so precious and encouraging to everyone you cross paths with. God has gifted you with a very special talent (scratch that--God has gifted you with MANY special talents!) Carry on the good work!

Charlotte said...

What an opportunity! Would love to have one of Judy's books and autographed makes it even better. Don't think I could narrow it down to just one quilt because they are all so special.

Helen said...

I'd love to win. Her books are excellent.


Unknown said...

I would love love love to a chance o win her book!


Judy said...

Yup. Judy Martin is definitely a Rock Star. Thanks to you both for the opportunity to win her book!

Lisa said...

I love Judy Martin quilts! I've followed her for years. I helped my daughter make one of her quilts in red, white and blue when she was still in high school! What a great opportunity to win a beautiful book full of even more beautiful quilts.

MJ said...

Would all you wonderfully creative teachers stop already! How am I ever supposed to make all the fabulous quilts before I die?
Thanks for the chance to win this great book.

Sewgirl said...

Your Germany trip sounds so wonderful. Hope you are having lots of fun...Judy's book look like a real winner. Thanks for sharing!

teachpany said...

I'm so inspired by this post. I've seen some of Judy's designs, but don't have any of her books. I will have to look for this one. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Norah in NC

Log cabins are my favorites! Thank you Judy Martin!

Mego said...

Oh my. What a great giveaway. I always LOVED Star Shadow and have MADE Wedding Bands...a couple of times. She IS a 'rock star'. Thanks for the chance!

sewspeciallady said...

Thank you for a chance to win. Love to make a log cabin someday and these look amazing.

swooze said...

Wow! I love log cabins. These are amazing. I haven't made a Judy Martin quilt yet but have several on my bucket list.

Jackie said...

I love Log Cabin quilts...so I would love to own a copy of this book! Please enter me in the contest. Thank you!

Dorothy Matheson said...

I actually am like you a total fan of hers. I have 4 of her books and love them but have not made one of the quilts as of yet. So I would love to win the book and make one of the quilts from it.

chipstir said...

I am also a long time admirer of Judy's work. I'd love to win a copy of her new book, been wanting to do a log cabin.

Unknown said...

Love your comments and news worthly notes on your trip and Judy Martin. She is a favorite of mine and I never get tired of looking at her books and beautiful quilts! An inspiration to all of us to get quilting; that first step can start a wonderful journey.

Ray said...

Judy Martin is also one of only quilty heros. I'd like to work. Thanks for the opportunity!

dorothy said...

WOW love Judy Martin quilts, and the new patterns look wonderful! Especially love the Paducah Log Cabin. Would love to win this book, it not, will have to see if I can get it later, hmm good thing I have a birthday coming up!

Anonymous said...

I love Judy Martin's patterns! Her 1st log cabin book is one of my favorites and is well used. Thanx so much for the opportunity to participate in this great giveaway.
Lisa. Lpmcfar89@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I don't know that I could pick one favorite Judy Martin pattern. Love so many of them!

Anonymous said...

I have been a Judy Martin fan ever since I purchased her first book out over 20 years ago! Her work is creative and the same way I think, too!

BaggyQueen said...

Log Cabin quilts are my very favorite. There are so many beautiful patterns in this book, that it would be hard to decide which one to make first. O How I would love to win this book.

Carrie said...

Oh I love Log Cabins. I love the ones Judy Martin makes!!!!

valerie boudier said...

Love those log cabin quilts - would love to win the book: valerie.boudier@ntlworld.com

Tami C said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win a copy of Judy's book. I have never made a log cabin quilt yet, but the very first quilt I owned was a log cabin made by my mother-in-law. She is the person who inspired me to take up quilting. Judy's Fall Foliage Spectacular quilt really talked to my heart. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Pick me! I had my hand up this WHOLE time. :)

Pam said...

Judy's scrap book was one of my first books as well and I have 7 of her books so far. I would love to add this one to my collection.

Carol said...

I love all log cabins. Would love adding this book to my stash buster books!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! Door County Log Cabin is the perfect blending of rectangles into circles! I still treasure my 1980 copy of Log Cabin Quilts, and use it still for inspiration.
Juls in FL, mathrun1 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...



s/v Flying Cloud said...

I love your books, and would love to have this one. You are a very creative, extraordinary lady.

Smee's blather said...

I have always loved Judy Martin's quilting and especially her "cabin" quilts. Cabin's are one of my favorite patterns, my first love is scrap quilts.........nothing better. I have done a few of her patterns and even more of yours Bonnie.
Ellen smeee56@yahoo.com

barbara woods said...

would love to win. thanks

grammygwendolyn said...

Her quilts are beautiful, I would love a chance to win her book.

Sandi said...

Her new book is definitely on my wish list. Love her work.

debbie said...

I would love to win this book! I have never made a log cabin quilt but it is on my list to do. I went to her web site.... wow! On her home page there is q log cabin quilt showing with a star in the center of 4 log cabin blocks. that one grabbed my attention. I also like her Snake river quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Kim L. danesanddobes@aol.com
The reason I began quilting was a Judy Martin quilt I saw in Holmes County, Ohio. It was from her Cookies and Quilts pattern book. I have yet to make it but I do own a few of her books and have made other patterns by her. I have just discovered your blog and I have gathered some of your patterns and I am trying to decide which one to do first.

Brenda said...

I love the Pieced Borders book Judy wrote with Marsha McCloskey. It is a wonderful resource. Can't wait to see the Log Cabin book.

Pauline said...

Bonnie, Judy is also a rock star to me! I have several pictures of her quilts in a favorite quilts folder. All I'd love to make. Wonderful that she's ask you to sponsor a give away for her yummy looking new book. Put my name in the hat at least 100 times. I'd love to win this book!

Pauline said...

Bonnie, Judy is also a rock star to me! I have several pictures of her quilts in a favorite quilts folder. All I'd love to make. Wonderful that she's ask you to sponsor a give away for her yummy looking new book. Put my name in the hat at least 100 times. I'd love to win this book!

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