
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, 2013!

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Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA, and those who may be expats abroad! May your homes be filled with yummy smells, your tummies be filled with tasty goodies, and your hearts and homes be filled with family, friends, and love!

This was our view of the sunset from the west end of the deck last evening…it doesn't look like it but that wind was howling fiercely all day and into the night!

It wasn't until I was up here last Saturday getting everything ready that I even noticed I could SEE the mountains to the west, now that the trees have all lost their leaves for the winter.  Before – it was just a mass of green with nothing to see ---and no matter how much I have dreaded winter, and the loss of the beautiful green for a season, If it weren't for the winter, I would never have been able to see the mountains surrounding me on the west as well.

There is a life lesson in that somewhere, but my tummy is still too full from yesterday to consider what it might be!  Okay, maybe something like “Sometimes you have to remove the objects obscuring your view – in order to see what is REALLY there?”  I’m sure that applies somewhere somehow to most of us with something going on in our lives.

Thanksgiving is a time of year where things start “wrapping up” for me, and that carries on right on through Christmas.  And I like to put things into perspective. And get things back in order in my life.  New Years starts the next year off fresh and ready to embrace, to make the most of it that we can, to reach for goals not yet met ---

While I was in the kitchen cooking ---I could hear the sounds of the men in my family coming up from downstairs where they were making their own memories and enjoying each other and having a good time.  I love the sound of their laughter, their teasing and joking and heated conversations, the way they interact with each other.

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The Hubster and Jason playing darts!

And yes, that IS a sock monkey hat on Jason’s Head. LOL!

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Family photo tradition in front of the fireplace:
Jason, myself, my dad, and Jeff

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Brothers being brothers!

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My family

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This morning I awoke to a clear blue sky--the sun shining its face on the mountain tops in the distance.

The boys have both gone home – they have jobs and things to attend to.  Just us 3 “grown ups” are left to spend the day how we want it. 

There are tons of left overs, and I've got the turkey carcass in the crock pot for soup for tomorrow.  There is talk of going out to Boone to the movies, and for a drive on the blue ridge parkway to show dad the vistas.

There is one more side of Celtic Solstice to bind!

Oh, which reminds me.  I had a whoops.  I thought I was clicking “test page” while writing the steps for tomorrow, and it actually posted – for like 5 seconds!  I quickly reverted it to draft because I was not done writing it yet.  I’m still not done writing it yet!  So if you saw a notice for part one in your reader ---it’s just a whoops and was not meant to be a tease!

All will be posted by 7am Eastern tomorrow morning.  So be ready!  I know I am!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


Patchlys-Marina said...

Happy thanksgiving to you and your Family. I Love your pattern and enjoy to read about your live. Thank you for sharing them with us!
Greetings from Norway!

Marla said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for you!

Unknown said...

Lovely family shots! Hope you had a great time with them. We don't have Thanksgiving in Australia but please know we are very Thankful that you share so much with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Julie

Linda H said...

Such happy faces, great photos. Glad everything seemed to go well for you after the problematic start to your week. Enjoy the rest of your day and happy Thanksgiving.
Regards, Linda in England

pcflamingo said...

What great family photos - thank you for sharing your day and your family :D. I had sworn that I was NOT going to venture out on Black Friday but my printer has given up the ghost so I'm forced into going into the office to print off the 1st set of clues for Celtic Solstice tomorrow. The things we Bonnie-fied Fanatics do!

Mtntop Quilter said...

Glad you are taking a well deserved break with your family. Love the family pics. I think it is the first time I have seen a pic of you and you are the shorty. Wow you have a beautiful, TALL family.

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
Only one more sleep before the fun begins!!

Linda V said...

LOVE seeing your family photos! So glad your dinner worked out! Happy thanksgiving!

Granny Stitch said...

Sounds like you couldn't "see the forest for the trees" so to speak. When the leaves fall, the whole view changes for sure and next year you will be waiting for the moment when you can see those mountains again. Think of what they will look like as the new leaves come out in the spring. My minds eye is seeing lacy green........mmm. Is there a new quilt in there somewhere?

crafty said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie. I love the picture of the road in front of your cabin, it just beckons me to go take a walk. Looks so inviting.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - You look just like your dad!! Enjoy the rest of your visit together and the beauty of the mountains! Aren't the leftovers the best part of the holiday? Looking forward to tomorrows release.....home that ol' BLOGSPOT can handle everyone at once... :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Shirley said...

Weather Channel mentioned a tornado in NC...sounds like you all are having some memorable weather. Loved the pix of your family...you are a blessed lady with family, talent, and energy. Thank You!!

Mavis said...

Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you for sharing it with us. I will try hard not to stay awake waiting for 4 a.m. (7 a.m. your time) first clue release. Do you realize just how many people are following this mystery this year? Every time I read a comment on your blog or on the CS facebook page I keep hearing 'my first mystery with Bonnie'. I do believe this is becoming a global phenomenon! Oh the fun!!

Mary Ann said...

And I had the day wrong and thought it started today. I was up early and thought I could get the first part done. Oh well, there is tomorrow, between decorating the house!
Happy Thanksgiving.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

I am awaiting step 1 eagerly, have everything ready to roll in the morning :)

Kim said...

Oh my goodness you look just like your dad! Looks like a great time was had by all
and I know you were so happy to have your family together, good of the boys to come and spend the day with you all.
Enjoy your day and glow in the memory of the great day you made for everyone yesterday to give thanks together.

Happy Sewing.......less than a day away from our new mystery :0)

Fran said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for all you inspire. My Easy Street has gone to the quilter, my Rectangle Wrangle, Leaders and Enders project is in progress, papers made for Wild and Goosey, and fabric pulled for the new mystery...do you think you've been an influnce in my. Little corner of the world? What fun!

3 kats and a kwiltr said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Bonnie and thanks for all you share with the quilting world.
I am actually going to try and participate in this year's Mystery...It will be my reward for getting through each workweek as we head for Christmas and beyond. My job involves handling the returned textbooks that two of my local businesses purchase from students at the end of the semester, so needless to say, I'm about to get buried. I'll follow your instructions and at least try to make some of each step.
So, from Northern Illinois, thanks and bring on Step 1!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie! Those of us on the FB group have been having lots of fun chatting in anticipation!

pdudgeon said...

what a lovely, happy family you have to celebrate with! Thanking you on this memorable day for all that you do for us quilting fanatics. hope you have lots of fun and stay warm on this cold day.

Gena in Dallas said...

Thank you for the Celtic Solstice button! I've added it to my sewing blog, but now I need to figure out how to do the linky thing. Happy Thanksgiving!

Connie said...

And we have fun in your corner of the world! Looking forward to our next Bonnie projects day. Four Crazy Pineapple blocks done, 220 to go. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Glad you had a great thanks giving. You have a lovely family special memories made this year with the new cabin.

stitchinpenny said...

Happy Thanksgiving and you are a gift t
For me to be thankful for in this time of thanks.

Luann said...

5am my time can't come soon enough!

Wonderful pictures!

Mariam said...

Has anything ever bothered you in life? Do you
have any problem you need to solve? A pending
court case you want to resolve in your favor?
Health, relationship and finance. Welcome to
the world of miracles and wonders, there are
supernatural treasure and power to liberate
mankind from all afflictions. Why cant you live a
life of your dream? Why must you work so hard
and yet earn so little? Why cant you be happy
with the one you love and desire or why cant the
one you love reciprocate and appreciate that
love? Why would the doctor tell you there is no
solution or cure to your problems? Why would
your lawyer say you stand no chance, that your
case is hopeless? Have you been cheated by
anyone or those owing you money refuse to pay
back? Do you need a rapid job promotion in
your place of work? You want to venture into
politics? Now I understand certain things are
hard to believe and comprehend, but all I ask
from you is only 3 days and if you will follow my
instructions and use the items you will receive, I
promise your life will never be the same
again.If you find no relevance in the help I offer
I solemnly appeals do not be vindictive and go
in peace. And if your intentions are to take
advantage of the powerful nature of our items
for the purpose of evil, I will not have any
business with you please be advised. May
angels guide you. All inquiries should be
directed to the Priest Abija email below Email:
spirituallighthealing101@live.com or
you can sent a text message to this number:(518) 303-6207!

Allison in Plano said...

Thank you for sharing your family! So glad you were able to be together. Hugs, Allison

Ivani said...

Happy Thanksgiven time. Lovely family. Enjoy the Blue Ridge Montain sightseeing with father and hubby. Here in Brazil Thanksgiven is not a holiday, but I am very thankful for so many little things. Thank you Bonnie for all the inspiration. God bless you.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

You are too kool for school, Bonnie. So grateful I found you.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Bonnie.....it just looks like you have had a great Thanksgiving with your family! Your very TALL family! LOL Way to strike the pageant pose in the photo with your dad and boys! Awesome!

Mary said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It's been a very good day in the Pacific Northwest. Glad the Blue Ridge Mountains were nice for you, too. Family is what this Holiday is all about!!!

Nonnie said...

Oh my it is 0500 EST and I was hoping the hint would be up and running this early... guess I will get it after work tonight.... BTW the pictures of your family is very nice so happy when there is laughter in the home.

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