
Monday, October 28, 2013

We all need a Jordan Now & Then!

We just arrived home from the cabin – van unloaded, email and snail mail being sorted and tackled after being away since Wednesday.

I had an AHA moment when I was in South Carolina.  I thought my trip to the Rio Grande quilters in Texas was THIS coming Thursday – it’s NOT!  It’s a WEEK from Thursday!  Oh happy day!

I just sat down at my big desktop computer and found Candy’s email.

It brought the biggest smile to my face!  I asked if I could share it with you and she said yes.

She writes:
I just had to share. Meet Jordan. He is 18 and has been a family friend for 12 years. Jordan has autism and a few other challenges as well.  He spends school breaks with me. This usually means a trip or two to a fabric store.
Jordan never complains! I asked him today to help sort my scraps by color. He worked for well over 30 minutes putting the fabric bits for Pineapple Crazy into plastic containers  for me.


Jordan, the king of color – hard at work sorting Candy’s scraps for her Pineapple Crazy quilt!


Pretty crumbs sorted by color family!

I think he could be hired out he did such a great job! Now as I work on this mountain of a challenge quilt, I will remember my special friend!

Have a blessed day!
Thanks for sharing this little bit of scrap-happiness with us, Candy!  Tell Jordan if he has any spare time on his hands and finds himself anywhere near North Carolina, I’ve got a job for him too!

I have been tossing emails back and forth with my editor, Jenifer since this morning – it’s time to get this book put together for a spring release!  Photography is being set for mid-November –and sections will start going back  and forth for re-edits and tweaking ((A very technical term, but most necessary!  Book writing takes a village!))

I think the rest of the desk work is going to wait until morning.  The hot tub is calling, followed by an hour or so of kindle reading ---

 G’night, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Judymc said...

What a great friend Jordan is! Our Ryan (4 yrs. old) was just diagnosed with Autism. He is a real blessing to our family!
Glad you realized you had another week before traveling again, Bonnie--I know you will enjoy a little "down" time.

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

Yes! Next Friday we are expecting you in the Rio Grande Valley!! This Thursday some of us will be in Houston for the International Quilt Festival.

Sherri said...

hot tub................I wish...........SIGHHHHHH

Judy said...

Oh Sherri me too. It is chilly tonight in Indiana.

Judy said...

Oh Sherri me too. It is chilly tonight in Indiana.

Sherrill said...

OH, how sweet that Jordan is! Glad he has a good friend named Candy!!

Unknown said...

Candy had a special friend indeed, and quite a talented one to boot!!! You are a lucky lady, Candy. Your guild friends are probably so envious of your young friend's help. I know I am.
Miss Bonnie, enjoy that hot tub and later down time with your kindle....it's a treat well deserved!

Unknown said...

Candy and Jordan make a great team - 2 special folks working well together. Thank you so very much for posting Candy and Jordan. Things like this make you rethink any troubles you have and know whatever they might be - they can be solved with love and kindness. Our world sure can use more people like them.

Jayne Honnold said...

So nice of you to share Candy and Jordan's story with us. Quilting is good for LOTS of things!

Karen in Kentucky said...

Love this story! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Lori said...

You rock Jordan!

Unknown said...

I was touched by the love and understanding that are evident in Candy's friendship with Jordan. Thank you for sharing.

craftEcowgirl said...

I am reading The Quilters Apprentice, love it!

Andee said...

:) for Jordan and Candy!

Anonymous said...

Kudos Jordan! Great job!

janequiltsslowly said...

If Candy needs more tiny triangles I saved the trimmings from making Easy Street and I'll mail them to her! Great story. Thanks for sharing.

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