
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Quilt-Cam 10/31/2013

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

It’s a lovely last evening of October here in North Carolina, even warm enough to have the basement window in the studio open for a bit of fresh air with a chorus of crickets chirping away in the background.

Living in North Carolina, we get used to things being “LOUD” outside all through the spring, summer and into fall – and it seems weird in the winter when the outdoors falls silent for the winter.  We get so used to the cacophony of sounds that when it is silent, we really realize just how noisy it is to folks who are not used to it.

I don’t know if you’ll be able to hear the sound of cricket song during quilt cam, but listen close and you just might.

These pictures are from Ingrid who has been busily sewing crumb strips on her vintage Durkopp sewing machine.

I love seeing vintage machines with strange-to-me names from other countries.  Have you seen a Durkopp machine before?

Ingrid writes:

Hi, Bonnie,
today I treadled and treadled and ... I hope my back will not hurt me tomorrow. I sewed the strips on my 50 year old motorized Naumann-machine onto old telephone book paper (your tip), but I want to sew them together with my Dürkopp treadle machine from 1932. Do you see the ikea-lamp (also tip from you)?
I love scrap sewing!!
Ingrid from Germany


I spy the Ikea lamp!

I also notice the manual for the Durkopp treadle machine on the window sill.  Great that she still has that!  The lace curtains also remind me so much of trips I have taken to Europe –I’m looking forward to Germany again in December.  Not very far away now!  I also would deduce that this is a European photo because of the power strip—different voltage! So different, yet so the same, all around the world, aren’t we?


Here are her crumb strips, sewn into pairs on her 1932 treadle. Lovely!

As for me I’m working on these tonight:

quiltcam 037

More Boxy Star block quarters are under way!

I haven’t touched them since we last had Quilt-Cam last week – and they’ve been calling my name – okay, MOCKING me – since returning on Monday evening, but I haven’t been able to much else than clean around them and tell them “Be patient! It’s your turn tonight!”

Ready to sew? Click the arrow on the screen below to start the feed.  I hope you brought a project – let’s kick some more productivity out of this lovely autumn evening!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


Loris said...

HI Bonnie, I'm joining in with you while I start working on some quilty Christmas gifts here. The weather turned a bit warm here tonight too. Loved the pictures of the "ghost" retrievers you posted earlier. Such cooperative ones! I'm having fun sewing with you here in Cambria. Hugs, Loris

Andee said...

Kathy and Andee in AZ are just sitting down to sew with you. We are working on some Moth in the Window blocks tonight and ofc some of the leader/ender project for this year! I just FINALLY got my spools all sewn together...will have to send you a picture of that!

Freda said...

Hi Bonnie, I am sewing with you tonight on my Easy Street and leaders and enders. Have a great Halloween.

Miss Carol said...

Sitting in very windy Ohio hand turning binding on a client's quilt while enjoying a glass of red wine!

Deborah said...

Bonnie, do you use batiks together with your other cottons when piecing? I didn't know whether to gather batiks and cottons for my Celtic Mystery. Help!!

Miss Carol said...

Oh, one more thing, I picked out my Mystery fabrics from my stash today!

§ tiff § said...
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§ tiff § said...

I'm sewing with you tonight on my 1952 301, making my 3rd scrap quilt for Christmas presents...I'm hooked!!!...thank you for reminding everyone about the mammogram....love quilt cam and all you do for your fans =)

Jo C. said...

I love those night sounds! When i first hear the frogs in the spring, i know summer is on the way! We're in a bird migration path...talk about loud! They only hang around for a couple of hours, but there must be thousands of birds in those trees. Don't look up!

busylizzy said...

Great block you're making Bonnie. Watching while waiting for Trick-or-Treaters in Southern CA. :o)

thart41 said...

good evening Bonnie:) just finished putting on a binding for my granddaughter. I so enjoy your quilt cam time thank you for sharing your time!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I just finished reading your book, Adventures with Leaders and Enders, looking forward to sorting my scraps! Thanks for the quiltcam, I enjoy watching you sew:)

Emi said...

Hello from Astoria Oregon. I'm waiting for trick or treaters to stop by. Enjoying your Quiltcam for the first time.

Mary said...

I'm eating my dinner after our Trunk or Treating at the Church. We don't get many Door Knockers here at home. Thanks for showing the tip for keeping the rectangles on the correct side.

Marcia said...

Hi Bonnie,

I am working on organizing my blocks of my first leader enders. Doing some sliver trimming tonight - tomorrow’s post on trimming will probably be very helpful. I am very slow at trimming and more so tonight as I watch and listen to you.

I have been putting a star quilt together made in a simpler block than what you are doing tonight. It will be my daughter-in-law’s Christmas gift.

Happy Halloween.
Marcia near Toledo

Cousin Jill said...

Hi Bonnie!!! So good to catch quilt cam!! Getting to cold to watch from the LA Nie .... Lol. Melody and I are looking forward to the mystery quilt!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! Sitting here in Honolulu, Hawaii visiting my sister watching you on quiltcam. Coming through loud and clear. Aloha

Fran Russell said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm de-constructing some great plaid men's shirts I bought at a local thrift store while I'm watching. Yesterday was half-price day so I got some great shirts very inexpensively. I've been poring over the Scraps and Shirttails books trying to decide which quilts I want to make. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas!

Sherri said...

Just finished cleaning out oldest dd's bedroom. (She lives on her own now). Now to start cleaning up my soon-to-be sewing studio (sounds better than saying "my garage"). Have to get it sorted out so that the carpet can get put down. Then it will officially be MY SEWING SPACE .... so excited :-D

Sherri said...
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Patty E said...

Hi Bonnie - sewing along with you tonight on my Singer 301 in my hotel room. Makes the long periods away from home a little more bearable. Thanks for being my sewing buddy when I can't be home.

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...


Still searching for a vintage iron. Does your iron have a solid plate or steam holes? BTW, still thinking about that cruise a year from now!!!

Julianne said...

I caught quilt cam live for the first time! How fun! I am going to sew up some crumbs tonight with you!

Unknown said...

What is the machine you are using?

purplefiend said...

HI Bonnie,
I am sewing String Star triangle sections with my 1914 Singer 115 treadle.
Here's a short video taken a few days ago sewing these blocks.


Unknown said...

Yea!!! I finally got to catch your live video!!!

Chris said...

Working on a large storm at sea quilt for my brother for Christmas...and thinking of you and your brother, hope all goes well for him tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

In the photo above of Boxy Stars are those some of the yellows and oranges from our new mystery quilt? Is it a teaser? Hint?

Candace said...

Hi Bonnie,
Just wanted to write to send some well wishes to you and your brother tonight. Thanks for all you do to inspire us and bring us together.

Scarlett said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm cutting fabric for a mystery quilt at our guild's retreat this Saturday, while watching Quilt Cam. It's cool and rainy here in northern Missouri, the wood stove sure feels good! Love to sew "with" you and many others around the globe. Thanks, Scarlett

Ingrid said...

Hi, Bonnie, what a surprise in this morning: my Dürkopp on your blog! I send the link to my mother. This machine was given to her when she married my father in 1954 by her mother in law. The last nearly 40 years the machine stood in the basement of the house of my parents, unused, forgotten ... until I rescued her and reanimated her.
Ingrid from Moers/Germany

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