
Thursday, October 03, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Smith Mountain in Peoria!

It's a Smith Mountain Morning day in Peoria, Illinois!

What a great class to get familiar with the Easy Angle Ruler, Companion Angle Ruler and Tri Recs for star points!

The gals are going great guns---we have stars coming together already and will move on to the log cabin blocks this afternoon after lunch.

The storms have moved out, it's warm and sunny and spirits are high, machines are humming!!


Myra said...

Looks like everyone is having a ball but you always make learning fun. Would love to know where to find one of those extension tables for my featherweight. Keep on sewing.

Unknown said...

I love the wooden table that fits around the FW! Would like more pictures and the scoop on that!

Unknown said...

Si that terrific FW extension tabletop top homemade? What a super idea.

Smith Mountain in on my to-make list - which gets longer each day.

Have fun

gmp said...

I always love to read your posts, and see the different vintage sewing machines, and other unique accessories that the people bring to class. Those wooden tables look very interesting. So, what is the story behind those wooden tables, Bonnie?

Judy H. said...

You, lady, are a serious factor in my new obsession with vintage machines! :) Love seeing the pictures from your classes.

Audrey said...

Yes, please find out about these wooden extension tables! Although I love the plexiglas one I have 'cause I hide scissors, thread, pincushions, etc under it!

Carolyn Edwards said...

I was wondering the same thing. I wonder who made or where did they get the wooden tables. They look so nice. Thank you for sharing. We get to see things we wouldn't know were out there.

Scrapspj said...

So glad I'm not the only one who must know about those tables!

Marly said...

This looks like fun and I love the star block. But how do you cut the elongated triangle star points? Do you add half square rectangles and cut away, or is there a special ruler similar to the EZ angle?

mere6sews said...

Good times!

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