
Friday, October 04, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Patches & Pinwheels Playtime!

Headed out to lunch to indulge in a gluten free pizza!

Class is another full one today---only two units so we have been making 16-patch blocks all morning, more half square triangle fun with the Easy Angle is in store for this afternoon!

Much love from all of us in Peoria to all of you!


Billy'sgirl said...

Looks like everyone is having so much fun! Wish I could join you all...

Paula said...

Patches and Pinwheels .... this is the scrappy quilt I am working on :) One of my very favs from your patterns you so generously share. A real scrap buster!! Love it. Have fun ladies!

Idalete Paixão said...

Os seus trabalhos são lindos. Sou apaixonada por patchwork, quem me dera participar nas suas aulas!!!!!!!!! obrigado por compartir. Idalete.paixao@gmail.com

Sewing In CT said...

So much great sewing!
Tell us about how you are doing on your GF diet?
I'm curious to see what changes you notice.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the class you are doing in Peoria, but just thought you might want to know that my Blue Ridge Beauty won a blue ribbon in the GA National Fair. You taught us the class at Perry Crossroads Guild in Perry, GA. Thanks a bunch.

Unknown said...

This pattern is sweet!

Unknown said...

This pattern is sweet!

Unknown said...

It was good pizza too! Thanks for the fabulous techniques for cutting and sewing triangles!!

Unknown said...

It was good pizza too! Thanks for the fabulous techniques for cutting and sewing triangles!!

Lovay said...

Looks like fun!

Vickie said...

Looks like alot of fun is going on! Sew On!!!

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