
Friday, October 11, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! And They're Off!

Shamu is loaded to the gills with the second batch of Ring Around the Hexies!

We are swinging by the post office to drop them off on our way to Quilt Villa, our cabin---a weekend away to enjoy the turning of the leaves and the seasons in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of western North Carolina.

Is one of these books headed your way? I hope so!

Even the power washer is packed---there is some home maintenance to be done and hopefully weather will cooperate.

Sadie is coming too--there was no need to even tell her we were going--as soon as you open the door---she's all in!

I will be spending much of our cabin time turning mystery blocks into a mystery quilt top! We are getting so close now, I am so excited!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Unknown said...

I hope you got my address to send me the magazine I won. Sadie looks like she's afraid you might tell her she can't go. Have a great weekend and enjoy the cool mountain air. It might even be chilly enough for a fire in the fireplace.

Gretchen quilts said...

Enjoy! Love the Fall smells, sights and sounds! Can't wait for mystery quilt time! Did you get the color chips yet?

Becky's Bees said...

I just love your little Sadie....she is such a sweet little friend to you. Makes me miss my little corgis who went to the rainbow bridge a few years ago. Have a wonderful weekend at the cabin....I can't wait to see the mystery clues...;).

Mary Dowell said...

Have a good weekend at the cabin and I am patiently waiting for the fabric requirements for the new mystery quilt.

Miss Carol said...

Our dog, Gus, is the same way. As soon as any vehicle door is open, he thinks he is going somewhere. I will never forget the time he ran through the yard and jumped through the truck's open window. The next time he tried it, the window was rolled up. Silly dog! Gotta love those labs! Have a great weekend :)

Marionz said...

one of these could be mine so excited trying to establish answering here 5th attempt

deelish10 said...

oh it is Sadie's job to sit and wait! my cat used to love to ride in the car too and meow at other cars and knew where home was too.

Unknown said...

The Iphone, Samsung.system provides security against theft and manages industrail process in a company.This sort of services is provided by many service provided by many service provider such as DVR UNLIMITED.

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