
Thursday, October 03, 2013

A Visit to Prairie Points Quilt Shop!

We had plenty of time to spend in between being picked up at the airport, having lunch – and waiting for the 2pm check-in time at the hotel so I could catch a nap and be functional by the time the evening guild meeting with the Gems of the Prairie Quilters commenced.

Where do two quilters go when they have time to kill?

The Quilt shop, of course!

Prairie Points Quilt Shop was quite close to where we were in Peoria, and before I knew it we had pulled into the parking lot, and were obeying our need to pet the fabric ---and in we went!

It’s a very nice shop, with several genres of fabric, something for everyone – even for myself.

You will want to slow down and really see what is there ----

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Lots of sample quilts within reach to touch and feel!

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Walls of color arranged in rainbow formation.

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Patterns galore, walls of reproduction fabrics by the bolt and by the fat quarter.

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Do 30’s fabrics make your heart melt?

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More displays ---hexagons and charm packs and jelly rolls available for pre-cut lovers.

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To keep up with the local going’s-on, be sure to check out the white board for any specials!

This one cracked me up:

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Strippers Gone Wild!!  Hahahahaha!

If you are doing the Central Illinois Shop Hop, put Prairie Points on your list of MUST STOP SHOPS!

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More yummies.

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Pretty bundles tied with bows!

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Even *I* Stash enhanced!

I’ll probably not use these as strictly “Halloween” fabrics – to me they are fun colors.  Lime and periwinkle and peachy orange ----I bought them just because I liked them.  Good enough reason, don’t you think?

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Me & The Prairie Point Girls!

((Okay, I feel REALLY tall in this picture!))

Thanks for being such a fun shop to visit!  I felt so very welcome, and I could tell by the atmosphere that you have a really inviting shop that customers love!

I’m back to my room after a long day of workshop and dinner.  It’s time for Jammies and setting up a borrowed featherweight so I can spend the evening sewing ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Kim said...

Oh nice shop :0) what a fun way to spend some down time.
Happy Sewing in your quiet hotel room

Tami C said...

Have fun sewing (in your Jammies)! Thanks for sharing your time at The Prairie Point!

Billy'sgirl said...

Nice quilt shop. Just because you like them is the best reason ever!

queenopearls said...

Waving hellooooo out to you Bonnie and the Prairie Point Quilt Shop peeps! Thanks for the great photos and shopping by proxy.
~Christina in Cleveland (who is going to go watch some recorded Quilt Cam)

Sharon K. Jack said...

just got home from Bonnie's class in Peoria. so much fun thanks so much Bonnie for a wonderful day always learn something...

Smiley Quilter said...

You made me do a 2nd take with the title "Visit to Prairie Points quilt shop since I knew you were in Illinois. I just finished talking to Lynn who owns Prairie Points Quilt Shop in Ponoka Alberta. The one you were at looks like a wonderful store but for a moment I thought "Bonnie is in Canada"? even though I knew you weren't. Here's hoping we can convince you to come up here some time. Thanks for the eye candy....enjoy your sewing time.

Smiley Quilter said...
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Nann said...

I hope your hosts take you to the HUGE antiques mall in downtown Peoria!

And while you're out an about, Peddler's Way in Washington, IL, is a super quilt shop with charming decor.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

It was great seeing you again, Sharon!

Linda H said...

What a fabulous looking store. I would love to get inside that one.
Linda in England

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