
Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Tale of Three Choice Sisters!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays –it just brings a feeling of childhood remembered, of tricks, treats and the smell of an abundance of sweets all mixed up in the bottom of my plastic pumpkin trick-or-treat bucket!

Halloween will be quiet here – kids are grown, and there are only 4 houses on my cul-de-sac – not close together, and I think there is only one family with young kids.  It’s dark down our winding driveway and we just don’t get door knockers down here.

But we are doing Quilt-Cam to celebrate instead!  So I hope you’ll join me tonight at 9pm Eastern ---I’ve got some more Boxy Star blocks to cut out today and my plan is to keep working on those, along with my Split 9 Patch blocks as Leaders & Enders.

All that is left in the book writing department is the back page stuff ---the Resources page, and the About the Author.  I’ll hopefully get those sent off today, and be able to spend the rest of my time sewing.

And I’m pinching myself that I have a complete week home yet before I leave for Texas and the Rio Grande Valley Quilters in Weslaco on the 7th of November!

This amount of time home is pushing me to do some deep cleaning too ---but not TOO much, a girl’s gotta sew!

I received a really fun email from Kathy last evening and I just have to share their story and photos with you.  If you had to choose one quilt pattern to make as sisters – what would you choose?  Sister’s Choice, of course!  If you are new here, the free pattern for Sister’s Choice is found under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog.

She writes:

Dear Bonnie,
My two sisters and I are quilters. We learned from our mother. For her 90th birthday we girls joined forces to make Mom a birthday quilt. That quilt gave me the idea that we should make a sister quilt. While looking on the internet for ideas I found your pattern for "Scrappy Sister's Choice Block".
 I proposed the idea to my sisters, gave them the pattern and each sister chose a color for her points. After we each created our 72 quilt blocks we traded 1/3 of the blocks to each sister. Each assembled the quilt top with our own vision and flair.
 My oldest sister owns a long arm machine so my other sister and I traveled to Texas from Pennsylvania for sisters' sewing camp to learn to use the long arm and finish our quilts. They are all bond with the same fabric and they all have the same pattern quilted on the border.
It is amazing to see how alike and different they are. Just like us.
Attached is the results.

Thanks for the pattern, Scrappy Sister's Choice. It was the perfect pattern for our project.
Kathy Wolff and my sisters, Jo Bookwalter and Anne Owens

SO, SO Cute!!  What a trio of great scrappy quilts from some very scrap happy sisters!  Thanks for sharing the photos and the story with me Kathy!
Time to get a move on, tidy the studio, cut more blocks, do some writing, and see you tonight on Quilt-Cam at 9pm Eastern!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


Audrey said...

What a fun project to do with sisters!! I don't have any sisters but I do have a cousin who is a fellow quilter and we have done a couple of quilts where we each make enough blocks for the quilt and then swap half of them. It was such fun and so cool to see what fabrics we have that were different and what we had that was the same. I highly recommend it for sisters, cousins and friends!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I so much appreciate the touching, true life stories you publish here for us. Thank you from Oklahoma!

Loretta said...

Love the story and the quilts!

Bev said...

Love it!

Material Girl said...

Love the sisters quilts, what a neat idea... I'm the only one in my family that quilts unfortunately.
I'm going to a 3 day retreat that starts on Friday afternoon, so I'll be getting ready for that, tonight, but I hope to be able to join your for quilt cam too. Have a great day!!

Jayne Honnold said...

I just love the quilts by the 3 sisters. I am also one of 3 sisters, but I am the only quilter. Maybe I should be making each sister a Sister's Choice quilt - maybe for next Christmas?? Thanks for the free pattern!

QuiddityRox said...

What a wonderful tribute to Mother! I love all three quilts. Thanks, Bonnie, for sharing this heart warming story. Hello from Pennsylvania.

Unknown said...

What a treasure sisters are! Not having one myself, I have always wanted at least one ;). As you said, it is amazing and wonderful to see how each sister took the blocks and made a quilt. Different, yet very much the same.

Planning on QuiltCam tonight. Seriously considering Jared Takes a Wife. Looking over my fabrics today for ideas.

Thanks once more for all you share.
HUGS and smiles

Debra in Ohio said...

What beautiful quilts from Kathy, Jo and Anne! Seeing how each sister chose her own colors really showed that you can make the same quilt more than once and get a different look. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Sure hope the sisters put a label on each quilt to explain it was one of three.....

Mary said...

How FUN! Glad you are doing Quilt CAM. I can watch while I wait for our Door knockers. No little trick or treaters to take out at my house. These quilts are great!

dorothy said...

The quilts are lovely!! What a fun time for all of you, there are times I really wish I had sisters who quilted, or even just a sister...

Judymc said...

What a wonderful story of a mom and three daughters! Those quilts are beautiful, too! You are all so lucky to have such wonderful relationships.

Anonymous said...

My mother and I make Sunbonnet sues that way. We prepare the fabrics then give half to the other. We then, put them together and bring back together to finish the quilt. It's like playing paper dolls!

Kathleen said...

Awwwww.....I really like this! Such a nice idea!

Lindah said...

What a wonderful sisters story! I've always longed for sisters.
I'm looking forward to catching quilt cam on youtube.

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilts, love this pattern. Wish my sisters were quilters, maybe I will get them to pick fabric for me to make this quilt instead, just a thought!

JeanInMaine said...

Bonnie, thanks so much for all the inspiration you bring to us. Love your Quilt-cam sessions and your blog, I follow both faithfully. I'm so happy that you posted these, I love the way the different color arrangements make them almost look like sampler quilts. I'm hoping to do a Sister's Choice quilt and this gives even more color ideas.

Helen in the UK said...

What a wonderful story! Love seeing the different ways the quilts turned out. Brilliant :)

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