
Monday, August 19, 2013

While We Are Cruising Alaska ---

While we are cruising Alaska ---I want to remind you of a very special trip

I’ve been invited by Jim West and Sew Many Places to be a tour escort for an amazing trip to Germany, Austria & Bavaria this December 6-14, 2013!

As a long time fan of “The Sound of Music”……I can hardly wait to go stand on those steps where Julie Andrews as Maria and the Von Trapp family children first sang “Do Re Mi”! 

To see the city of Ruhpolding, nestled in the south of the Chiemgau region in the Alps.   To FINALLY in my life time, visit Neuschwanstein Castle!

And the Christmas Markets are legendary!

You can learn more by visiting my tour page on the Sew Many Places website HERE.  We have just a few openings left --won't you come join us?


Munich Christmas Market!


Time to start planning ahead for that Winter Wonderland!


Space is limited, and now is the time to think ahead for this special trip!  It’s the perfect excursion to bring your spouse, friend or family member.  This is not a tour where we will be having a quilting class….this is a Holiday Adventure in the company of other quilters, friends and family...and perhaps, meeting up with a German quilt group for a meet and greet! ((We are working on that aspect!))

I'm humming "Edelweiss" in my head, and thinking of how I used to sing it with my dad while he played on his guitar and I was the harmony........

Come make some memories with me!

To make your reservations you can call Sew Many Plaecs  toll free at 877-887-1188 or make your reservations online.

For additional questions regarding airfare, transfers, insurance, pre-night packages, or our convenient payment plan, please call our toll-free number or use our contact form.

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Marietta V Gartner said...

Bonnie; We did THE SOUND OF MUSIC, about 4 years ago...LOVED ALL OF IT!..It was a real eye opener as it shows how things arent what they show in a movie! But, still fun! Enjoy! Marietta (Brisbane)

Emma said...

Wish I could have still been in Germany when this was going on, but, alas, I'm back in the US! Enjoy, and I must say - Christmas Markets (Weihnachtsmarkt) are awesome! Enjoy! Drink some Gluhwein for me! Or Kinderpunsch. :)

Das Quiltmonster said...

Hello, the announcement says: "Germany, Austria and Bavaria" and someone will think of three countries, but Bavaria is only a part of Germany!!!!! And it is lying in Germany!!! Is like Kansas is part of the USA!!!!
But in spite of that it will be a great tour and the Christmas Markets over here are really wonderful!!!
Regina from Germany

Nanette said...

OH WOW, I WOULD LOVE TO GO ON THIS ONE. I too am a huge fan of Sound of Music, it holds such great memories with me. I would be singing right along with you on those steps.

My mother and her friend took me to see this in the theatre when I was around 5, my Mom told me that when the movie was over I cried, and would not stop. The people in the theatre and Mom and Kay were all trying to figure out what was wrong. Was the seat pinching me? What was it, by this time the theatre ushers had come to see what the commotion was about. Mom finally said "Nanette what is wrong?" to which I replied "I wanna stay and see the pretty lady sing again."

I got to stay for the opening song again. I own the VHS, DVD, and collectors version of the movie as well as the soundtrack. And have even gotten my granddaughter at age 5 to watch it, now she sings DO-re-mi, much to her other grandmothers chagrin.
I hope you have a wonderful time.

Gerda said...

I visited Bavaria and Austria in the end of june, I didn't realize at that time that the sound of music had some shots of Salzburg. I saw the movie some weeks ago (again ofcourse) and recognized the places. And I stayed near Ruhpolding, my sons learned snowboarding there 2 years ago. It's really beautiful! Look at my blog, you can see some photo's of the surroundings. Enjoy Alaska!! Groetjes, Gerda

LintLady said...

Hello Bonnie,
how nice, you are comming to Germany again!
I just was going to tell you also about "Germany, Austria & Bavaria"(when I read Regina already did) *g* Even if the bavarian people still would like to be "there own indipendence country", they are a part of Germany.( I think this is so funny!).
Have a good time in Alska :o) (or like: the States, Canada and Alaska....?)
I am still giggling, Doris from Germany (including the "Freistaat Bayern")

Dirt Road Quilter said...

I was born on Frankfurt and my Mom is from Austria. My Dad was from Ulm, and I spent many summers and Christmases there. You will LOVE it! It truly is a magical place!

Kristin said...

oh you lucky people!!!
The Neuschwanstein Castle is amazingly beautiful. There is another castle there too, built more recently than the other. I stayed at the Hotel Liesl and had a corner room so that I could see both castles from our bedroom. The food at the Hotel and in the little town was excellent, and you must visit the toy shop.

Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern) definitely thinks it is its own country! I made the mistake of saying that I loved "German food" when I was there and the waiter made a sour face and said, "You are in Bayern!" ha ha.

Austria is also breathtakingly beautiful. I am wishing myself there again. I want to go to the Christmas markets soooo badly.

linynp said...

Oh how I soooo wish I was with you doing Alaska!!! That is a place I so wish to visit. And ten to make it a quilting cruise! Oh heaven! You are traveling right now with my BFF roz! Tell her I said hi and BEHAVE! (She can't she's an imp! Which I love!). Enjoy and ill be watching from the blog with envy :)

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