
Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Rushin’ Tailor, Quilt Alaska!

Skagway boasts one of the most fun quilt shops of our entire tour.

I know that is an unfair statement because I didn’t even get a chance to visit the shops in Juneau – we spent our entire port time whale watching so I never did make it to the shops in Juneau.  They are still on my bucket list!

You can’t miss the Rushin’ Tailor.  It’s about a block off of the main drag, and the sign is so plainly visible you’d have to be blind to miss it.

Just look for the gathering of men outside of the front door --  because all of the wives are inside!

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Beautiful displays of Alaskan themed quilts and wall-hangings line the front windows…..the flower boxes were still vibrant with color.

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Oh, and don’t forget to Wipe Yer Hooves!!

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There are so many samples to catch your fancy you won’t know where to start!

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Look UP!

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Look Around!

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Look Over!

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Look Under!

I loved these baskets of bolts on the floor!  what a way to keep bolt bottoms clean, and keeping them from tipping over too….where did they come from?  SOUTH CAROLINA!  This gave me a chuckle :c)

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These are such different designs than what is available to me in North Carolina – I just loved it!

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Alaskan Sampler --- so great!

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Lots of wildlife fabrics and patterns to go with them.

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Don’t forget to pet the Fat Quarters!!

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Color, Glorious Color!

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If Skagway is a destination on your cruise adventure – don’t miss out on a visit to The Rushin’ Tailor.  Just don’t!  Friendly staff, friendly shoppers ---such a great experience!

I also have a special "Shout Out" to Jennifer, aka ANDRETTI from her Uhuru sisters Linda and Renea--"Girl, you SHOULD have BEEN HERE!!" :cD

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Unknown said...

Do you know if the shops in Alaska are online and we can order from them? I love the Alaskan sampler!!! WOW I wish I could go on one of these cruises. I think I will make this a goal for myself in the next 5 years. Of course, it will take me that long to save up for the fee! But OH so worth it!!!!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us Bonnie!!!I love all the pictures!!!!

Ann H. said...

That shop is fabulous! I don't think I'd ever leave if I went there. Beautiful quilts!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

back when I went on the Alaskan cruise the only place I saw a quilt shop at was in Sitka - I wonder if all these shops you have mentioned are newer than 10 or 12 years old - I think it has been that long since I went on the cruise - maybe I wasn't looking for them - don't remember :)

NancyA said...

I just checked, and The Rushin' Tailor does have an online shop: http://www.rushintailor.com/index.php

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, thank you for sharing the photos! Do you have the contact information for buying the fabric rope baskets from South Carolina? I would love to buy a couple.

Thank you!
Vanessa in Okahoma

mascanlon said...

What a fun shop! And an added treat to the end of your cruise. You didn't show us what came home with you? Surely you didn't walk out emptyhanded!

Linda H said...

Only just found your quiltcam on youtube so having some me-time watching. I am also reading your blog in between too. The Alaska shop looks tremendous. Will keep watching and reading. Good to find you.

Linda from England

CathyK said...

My mom took my sister and I on a cruise to Alaska two years ago. We hit the craft stores for my sister and the quilt shops for me! The quilt shop in Ketchikan was marvelous, but the Rushin' Tailor was my favorite. I still have two quilt kits I purchased there to sew up!! Thanks for sharing and bringing back treasured memories!

Calicojoan said...

It's my personal opinion only, but Ketchikan and Skagway have the best quilt shops ever. I was not that jazzed with those in Juneau! You made great choices!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Welcome, Linda, you are in for a fun time and lots of inspiration! I think Bonnie must dream in quilts and then gets up and lets it all out! Fabulous and down to earth is Bonnie!

Katney said...

I agree with MooseStash--I love the shops in Skagway and Ketchikan. Never did find the ones in Juneau, though I think I remember a Ben Franklins there that had fabric the first time we cruised.

Reena said...

Love that giant bear paw border! Glad you are back and settling in...

Tamie said...

I'd love to know too.

Pam Hissong said...

Bonnie, I loved this shop, too. I've been following your adventures, as we just returned from an Alaskan cruise 2 weeks before. I brought home some lovely forget-me-not and blueberries fabric and I can't wait to get started on making something. Thanks for posting all the pictures that reminds me of our wonderful trip, too.

Wanda said...

Bonnie we did the Inside passage cruise from Whittier to Vancouver and back in July and I loved visiting Southeast Alaska. I have lived in Alaska for 27 years and it was my first visit to SE. I hit the quilt stores in Skagway, Juneau, and Ketchikan and came home with something from each. They all have their own style. The store in Juneau is the smallest, but I did get a few unique gifts for my quilting friends. My favorite store was The Rushin' Taylor.

Miranda P said...

My husband and I were just in Alaska the 16-28 for our honeymoon/one year anniversary. Loved the shop in Fairbanks and Juneau as well. Have some wonderful quilts and embroidery projects to remember the trip! Alaska is an amazing state!!

Anonymous said...

Yep! I have been to that shop and, you are spot on, its fabularific! I rode my trike up there from North Carolina and checked it out. Worth the trip!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Hey Bonnie, I'm leaving tomorrow for a cruise to Alaska! Sailing out of Seattle Friday. We have stops in Juneau and Skagway! I'm looking forward to it. I googled and found Rushin' Tailor and was looking further down the google results and found this post of yours! So I read it (again!) I may be in trouble! All of those batiks! And I love the quilt that had blocks and applique combined! Who knew?! I don't think of myself as an applique person but that's really pretty!

It's fun to revisit your older posts to get tips on something I'm doing soon! Thanks for all that you share!


Oh, just saw my signature block. Guess I need to change that since I'm no longer in urban Oregon! LOL!

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