
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quiltmaker’s String Piecing Video and GIVE-AWAY!

This is hot off the presses from Diane Harris at Quiltmaker Magazine!

She wanted me to get the word out quick to you ---they have some really fun stuff going on!

She writes:
Hey Bonnie, just a heads up fyi, I'm giving away three books on string piecing on Quilty Pleasures, including String Fling.
The post talks about Roll Roll, Cotton Boll and how it introduced me to string piecing. I wrote it because the most recent free video on Quiltmaker's Block Network is also about string piecing.
Here's a link to the blog post!
And Here's a link to the video page: 
Thanks, hope this finds you well and happily sewing or writing or resting!


Head on over to QUILTY PLEASURES to comment to win the Give-Away!
((That’s, right, do NOT comment here on my blog..this is a Quiltmaker Thing, y’all!))

But DO stick around and check out the cool video!  There are some really great ideas here in String Piecing Playground!

I love my Quiltmaker Mag peeps!  I just sent off a box with a special quilt in it ---for the NEXT upcoming gallery section of 100 blocks, Vol 8!  Fingers crossed that it arrives in Golden, Colorado in one piece, and in good shape.

Good luck on the Give-Away everyone.  So far today I have accomplished MUCH.  Bathrooms are clean.  Bedrooms are clean.  Laundry is done.  Suitcases completely emptied and their contents put away.  Book orders out and up to date.  I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon deep in pattern writing mode, but hope to do some String Piecing of my own tonight on the new-to-me Singer 227M!  Love those Strings!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Katie said...

I love strings as well and recently started a string rainbow project and it's going to be great. It's all possible because of you inspiring me to sort my scraps by size so that I could put them to work for me. there's a photo here (http://karmawillowdesigns.blogspot.com/2013/08/we-are-all-children-of-chance.html) of the progress that I have made.

mare said...

It would be wonderful to win and make some string quilts for charity.

mare said...

It would be wonderful to win and make some string quilts for charity.

mare said...

It would be wonderful to win and make some string quilts for charity.

Judy said...

I have been making both string and crumb quilts for dolls and have been having so much fun. Our lqs sponsors a Christmas party for under privleged children and the girls get doll quilts. Great way to use up my scraps for a good cause.

cntryways said...

Love to make string quilts with scraps. Great for donation quilts.

Unknown said...

This is something I have never tried, but want too!

Unknown said...

Wow what an awesome opportunity! Thank you so much for offering this chance to us. There are so many ways and uses for these quilts. I would love to win to help improve my skills.

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