
Friday, August 30, 2013

More Info for Labor Day Yard Sale!

Questions are coming in from those of you who have not participated before in past Yard Sale Saturdays-

It’s been a while since we've done one, life has been too busy, go go go to do it again.

But I found some goodies to clear out – and although it is a bit impromptu, feel free to throw your stuff into the ring too!

How this works is ----you write a post about something quilty that you want to sell….and you link back to me on the linky…and it will be like a neighborhood yard sale!

There will be some ground rules…These items need to be QUILT RELATED. Patterns, Books, Fabric, Notions, Partial UFOs…whatever you want. This is for gently used –white elephant type items, not new-sell-at-retail-stuff or new crafts you have made to sell.. Understood? Think YARD SALE. When your item has sold, mark it sold on your blog page so people know.

You must link your post back to my LABOR DAY YARD SALE POST, not just my  whole blog --- The url to use will be provided to you on that morning's post.

You write the post on your blog, you come back here and link it up. It is up to you to decide how you are going to interact with your buyers. I’m going to use Etsy. 

Does this sound like something you’d like to do to clean some stuff out?  There is no limit to the number of things you want to list on your blog….you do your own listings and take care of the details, we just all link together in the linky as a “one stop shopping” spot for people to peruse our wares – yes??
If this is something you are interested in, Get your items ready, prepare your post, and be ready to come back here on Monday morning to link up to mine!

Here’s to re-homing some goodies!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Three Birds Inspired said...
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Anonymous said...

suzan i would be interested in purchasing your fat quarters.

Anonymous said...

i would be interested in purchasing suzans fat quarters.

Unknown said...

LOL Bonnie, I am so confused about what to do...and it is ME not your instructions, I will sit this one out. Sounds like a lot of good fun ... bet folks buy up some bargains too.

What is one man's "trash" is another's treasure!


Barbara said...


jean said...

Bonnie, Where do I look for your sales; your blog or Etsy? What time does it start? PayPal or credit card?

Anonymous said...

Oh, this sounds like such fun. The items I would sell are mostly my extra squares, but I love to put them in charity quilt backing a. I will watch and see how this goes, and start a stash for your next sale. Thank for another great idea!

JeanInMaine said...

Love the idea of the sale but have to repeat the question of where to find it.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Can I list some Featherweights I'd like to sell? they all work.

Lori Huffman said...

Sounds like great fun. I can't wait to see what people have to sell. Will we find it on your facebook Bonnie?

Paula Z in AZ said...

For those of you asking the Link will be posted on Monday ....

Per Bonnie "You must link your post back to my LABOR DAY YARD SALE POST, not just my whole blog --- The url to use will be provided to you on that morning's post."

"If this is something you are interested in, Get your items ready, prepare your post, and be ready to come back here on MONDAY MORNING to link up to mine!"

I'm going to have to wait this one out, and gather up items for next time. :D

Anonymous said...

I thought Bonnie said Saturday?!

Misha said...

She has done them in the past on Saturdays but this time it will be on Monday, Labor Day :)

Anonymous said...

My family and I enjoy Nature's more info sale 's products! My personal favorite is the Pumpkin plus flax granola!
Thank you for sharing with all of us! Many Blessings!

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