
Thursday, August 01, 2013

Lazy Sunday Reveal & Give-Away!

Four Issues!  It’s been really fun watching the Lazy Sunday mystery evolve and roll out over Four Issues! 

I have really enjoyed participating, I’ve had several emails showing me the progress and color ways that folks have chosen to work with, each one of them GORGEOUS!

And for many, having clues released in 2 month intervals has given them time to take their time while working on other projects in between.

My hope is that everyone will have their tops together by September 1st – I’d love to do a linky party for those who participated in the Lazy Sunday Mystery through Quiltmaker Magazine.  And if you haven’t started yet – maybe a reveal of the project will make you want to jump in!

Are you ready??

LazySunday 002sm

Lazy Sunday as I photographed it amongst the autumn trees before sending it off to Quiltmaker last fall!

quiltmaker 007

Lazy Sunday in Print!

LazySunday 003

Close up of quilting detail and upper left corner.

((Oh I love this quilt!))

LazySunday 007

Close up of center!

What is really fun is that the staff at Quiltmaker has joined in to make their own versions in their own color ways!

quiltmaker 008

I am drooling over the delicacy of the Christmas version in the upper right!

We also have the added bonus in this issue of my regular Addicted to Scraps Column!

quiltmaker 006

The featured block this month is called Four by Nine --

A great way to put all those leader/ender nine-patches to good use!  I was inspired by an antique quilt for this one and a simple layout with sashings is all it needs.  Like this:


Of course I love a blue/cheddar combination..and using a different cheddar as each block background along with the scrappy blues and neutrals will make a great quilt from simple blocks!

I’m currently working on my NEXT YEAR’S columns right now…you won’t want to miss a single issue in 2014 either! They are going to be great scrap busters--

So here is what I am going to do.  Leave me a comment below and we will draw for a winner of NOT ONLY the September/October 2013 issue, but ALL FOUR ISSUES containing ALL THE PARTS to Lazy Sunday!  I will draw our lucky winner on Sunday Evening while I am in Alaska! 

Good Luck, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


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Jackie said...

Love the pattern! Wonder what it would look like with blacks and red. Hope I win so I can find out

Dinah said...

What an absolutely beautiful quilt! I would love to win; thank you for the chance!

dpagel52 said...

What a beautiful quilt! I sure could use up alot of scrap fabric with this pattern! Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie in GA said...

I didn't make the Lazy Sunday mystery, but seeing the whole quilt makes me wish I had. I would love to win the magazines with the patterns for it.

Angela Smith said...

I love it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this one but after seeing the finished project. I believe I do. All I need is to win the magazines with the patterns. Thanks for all you share with us.

Charity said...

I really like the Christmas version of Lazy Sunday! I didn't make it, yet! So I guess there is no time like the present. Enjoy your trip to Alaska! You have a wonderful traveling life.

debi said...

oh Bonnie - I wished I lived in America - I would just love to be able to be in one (even just one) of your classes - this quilt is divine - I just love scrappy colours!!! sigh......

Ellie said...

Lovely quilt! Thanks for the chance to win

Ann said...

I would love to have all 4 issues to be able to have the complete pattern. It is a beautiful quilt.

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS once again Bonnie! Wish I had done it also! Thanks for the give away!

Rosa Robichaud said...

LOVE your picture of the Mystery Quilt!!!! Much, much better than in the magazine!!!!

Thanks for the give-a-way! Aiming for the 1st of September.... hopefully, I'll be able to send you a pic of my finished quilt!!!!

Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, New Brunswick

Sherry said...

I would like to be in the giveaway. I have done a couple of your free patterns and it would be fun to do this one also.

Unknown said...

It is truly amazing how each color wave looks so different.

Lynda said...

I'm loving making Lazy Sunday, but the next edition of 'Quiltmaker' won't be available in the UK until the beginning of September, so I don't think your foreign followers will be able to complete their tops by 1st September!

Carolyn said...

So cool. I would love to make this in purples or reds.

Sharon said...

What fun you guys must be having!

Louise said...

Beautiful quilt! This makes me wanting to finish it today! But the quilting on Easy Street needs to be completed first. Thanks for the give-a-way. I enjoy your blog, columns and books. You are always very motivating.

Unknown said...

I'd love to win this bundle of magazines! Your patterns are great!

stitchinpenny said...

Love the quilt!

Sam said...

Looks like a great offer; thanks for making it possible. Love your patterns. Sam.

Sam said...

Looks like a great offer; thanks for making it possible. Love your patterns. Sam.

Unknown said...

I would love to be in the drawing for this amazing quilt! Thanks!!!!

Unknown said...

I want to yell "Pick me, pick me" I love the quilt. Have a wonderful Alaska trip and send us some pictures!

Frog Quilter said...

Count me in. Love lots of piecing, veroom, veroom. That's the machine piecing.

Marla said...

I am one of those scaredy cat people that wait until the reveal to make the quilt! It is a lovely pattern and you are very kind to make this offer. Please consider me entered!

Deb A said...

What a great quilt pattern! Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazines with the directions. Now, I must go add borders to the Easy Street mystery so I can get it quilted!

Crystal Medley said...

Awesome quilt design Bonnie, I would love to win these issues, as always, you have a winner♥

Myrna said...

It's a beautiful quilt! I love your patterns and would enjoy the magazines.

Myrna in KY

Kathy said...

Gorgeous! What a generous opportunity - Thank You!

Michelle said...

beautiful!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Michelle said...

beautiful!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I didn't make lazy sunday because I thought it was too close to easy street, but I was wrong, it looks so different and beautiful. Hope I get a chance to win to find out! Enjoy Alaska!

Unknown said...

All 4 versions of Lazy Sunday are simply gorgeous! I haven't been able to participate in your Quiltmaker magazine, but if it's anything like the Easy Street mystery I would love to join the crowd! Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine!

Marla said...

I would love to win these! I missed out on the first issue!

Nancy said...

WOW!!!! It just 'explodes' from the center... how cool is that! Thanks for the chance to win.

Brit said...

How lovely! I would love to give this a try!

Brit said...

How lovely! I would love to give this a try!

Nancy said...

Oh, will this one be in an upcoming book?

bcquilts said...

That's a lovely quilt! I wasn't able to make it as I've been under deadlines since January & quilting as fast as I could go! I would love to win the magazines so I can make that in the future. I love following your travels! I don't know how you get so much done!!

Mrs MomMegan Craftsalot said...

Beautiful, I have a stash of blues and reds I have been saving for this kind of pattern!

Mary Dugan said...

Wonderful quilt pattern! Amazing how different each looks in different color way. Have a great trip!
Alaska is great!

~Patch said...

Yeowzers..... to win a quilt made by Bonnie Hunter!!!!! To have that inspiration hanging in my sewing room...Priceless. Have the mag.s so that would be a shame to send them to me so I would say pass them on to another winner! Lalalalove what you teach us quilters about scrap quilts. ♥ = ☺ = Bonnie Hunter

simplestitchesbysp said...

Love love love the look of Lazy Sunday! Love the magazines too. Been a crazy good summer here for me. Time spent with grand kids and family, quilting time has been limited to hand work on the hexies. Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity! Enjoy Alaska!!

TLC said...

I patiently waited for the big reveal this time. All the quilts are fantastic. I really LOVE the borders. The addicted to scraps quilt in blue & cheddar is a favorite color combo of mine. Can't wait to see what 2014 brings! BTW, I have been attacking my scraps for the last 2 weeks. The yardage has been grouped into 4 different bundles. They're standing by for a Quiltville projects.

JoyD said...

This would make all of my purples sing!

Lin said...

Would love to make this my winter project. Hope I win

Betty said...

The quilts are gorgeous and I particularly like the Christmas quilt's colors! Thanks for the giveaway. Another one for my bucketlist!

Betty said...

The quilts are gorgeous and I particularly like the Christmas quilt's colors! Thanks for the giveaway. Another one for my bucketlist!

Linda said...

I love your scrappy quilts, Bonnie the colours on this one are so pretty. I would love to have them. Not sure how I missed it really!!

farmhousequilter8 said...

Love those Mystery Quilts!
Paula in KY

Robin McGuire said...

What a beautiful quilt! I'd love to win the magazines to add this to my list of must-do projects.

Robin in Iowa

Robin McGuire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glenda in Florida said...

Another wonderful quilt! Will the pattern appear in a future book, or is this the only way to get the pattern? I'd love to win the magazines.

Unknown said...

I am a huge fan and I have told all my quilting friends about your wonderful blog and the great patterns you offer. We would love to come to one of your classes someday. Thanks for all you do.

~Kris~ said...

I love the cheddar and blue combo, too. I can see using blue in lots of shades from light to dark.

Judy said...

Fabulous quilts. You are so generous to share with us.

Unknown said...

I am a huge fan and I've told all my quilting friends about your wonderful blog. We all hope to be able to attend one of your classes someday. Thank you for all that you do.

candi said...

Wow! Beautiful quilt! I see that I need to subscribe to QM!

edith said...

This is my first mystery and I wasn't able to start because life gets in the way. I'll start in the fall and hope to have it finished by Christmas.

Carolyn said...

Another give away! I'd love to win, your mysteries are the best.

Katie said...

what a fun giveaway -- This is a great project and I would love to win this one

ckwood50 said...

I really like the Christmas color way too. I'd love to win the magazines.

Avon said...

Love your mysteries and am definitely going to have to do the four by nine. LOVE that cheddar!

Unknown said...

Thank you, so enjoy your inspiration, Love the way your brain works. Thanks for the giveaway enjoy Alaska.

Patty Lennon said...

I can see this quilt done with reckless abandon using scraps! This pattern is screaming to me!!

Kathy C said...

Love the colours in the mystery. Winning the magazines would be brilliant!

Betsy said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for the chance. I would so love to win.

VA said...

Oh, your quilt is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.

Susan said...

I love this one. If I don't win then I'm definitely buying all 4 issues. Thanks!

Gill said...

Great design!
Can I join in from the UK????

Eileen said...

Another beauty, Bonnie. I'd love to win a set of the magazines. In the meantime, enjoy Alaska!

Unknown said...

I would definitely like to win. I have done several of your free patterns and now I'd like to do this one!

isa13 said...

I've loved all your misteries. Is it possible to win as I live in France?

Jane said...

I just might have to subscribe to Quiltmaker magazine again. Love the pink/orange combination.

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie! The sashing and cornerstones in Lazy Sunday is lovely...the whole quilt is, and I just love your addition of the sashing and cornerstones. The four by nine quilt just pops and I really like the different cheddars in that. Love blue and cheddar quilts too.

April said...

I love the Christmas version of your pattern too! Have a great trip to Alaska! Wish I was with you.

Unknown said...

Wow! I'd love to win. I hope you have a great time in Alaska.

Unknown said...

Wow! I'd love to win. I hope you have a great time in Alaska.

Laura said...

My Lazy Sunday is 3/4 of the way done, but if I win these magazines, I'll pass them on to a quilty friend.

Kathy in GA said...

Gorgeous of course Bonnie! I so appreciate all that you do for us - what gets published and what doesn't! Lazy Sunday is wonderful, and the four by nine is perfect! And I have a bunch of different cheddars somewhere...(currently trying to redo the sewing room - argh!) Thanks for the chance to win!

Connie said...

Gorgeous quilt. Would be so much fun to win and use my scraps to make it. Thank you.

Mollylivebearer said...

I would love a chance to win the magazines! I'm currently working on Orca Bay in pink, aqua, black and white.

Judy D in WA said...

I love everything about this quilt!
Would love to win the magazines. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, in advance, Bonnie! Hope you're having a grand time in Alaska! Love the Lazy Sunday pattern, hope I win! Cheri C

Unknown said...

My daughter is turning 40 in 2 years and Ive been looking for a scrappy pattern to make with oranges and pink. I think this one would work.

Jane said...

Bonnie -
You really are fabulous. Lady of Lake Erie is done, so I'm ready for another. Quiltmaker is the best - but then...you're in Quiltmaker. I"d love to give this one a try.

Sandie said...

Another great mystery quilt! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Sandie said...

Another great mystery quilt! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Mary said...

Love the Lazy Sunday quilt and how different it looks in different color combinations!

Unknown said...

Would so love to win. You have given us a lot of inspiration. Thank you. Jan

Joye with an e said...

What a pretty quilt! I would enjoy the magazines to see how the mystery evolved. Thanks for the drawing and thanks for sharing so many quilty things on your blog.

Kerry said...

WOW, two great quilt ideas at once. Love Lazy Sunday, will need to buy the issues if I don't win! Who doesn't love blues and cheddar? What a great combination. You've done it again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie. You are such an inspiration. I'm new to quilting and you are an amazing teacher. I also collect antique machines, mostly treadle. I can just imagine ladies of yesteryear working on their masterpieces. I love the Lazy Sunday quilt. It's so vibrant. I can't wait to start it.

Allison in Plano said...

Such fun to see the reveal . . . again!! You blew my mind on January 1, 2013 when you revealed Easy Street in the morning and then Lazy Sunday as the New Year's Day mystery when you came to our area to teach! I felt like the luckiest Bonnie follower E.V.E.R.!!! Hugs, Allison in North Texas

Carol C. said...

Love the quilt!! -- make that quilts!! I live scrappy, and am so thankful for the inspiration that I get from you!! Would love to win the set, so I can make my own!

JustPam said...

Each of your mystery quilts surpasses my expectations! I love this and I love the colors you used. I can't show it to my daughter or she will want one and I have enough trouble keeping my other mystery quilts that I made with your patterns! I think I will just rotate the quilts and she may have one for a month and then exchange it for another. I would miss seeing them if they were gone longer than that!!!

Pinky said...

You've done a superb job...again! Love playing along with you on quilt cam. Your scrap quilts are wonderful!

sara said...

Lovely quilt!!
Thanks for this give-a-way...

SueR said...

Thank you, thank you for putting the reveal up on your website. The suspense has been killing me, and I am still waiting for my QM to arrive. I LOVE this quilt! I am just starting part 3, and now I am even more excited about finishing! Thanks so much for another great pattern!

Threads Around The Block said...

Would love to win. You are awesome, so much energy really inspires me to sew something every day.

jennyg said...

Oh i woud love to win the magazines as we dont get them in australia

Susan in FL said...

Great designs as always Bonnie! Thanks for all your work!

Janet said...

Spectacular! I would love to win the issues. I don't subscribe to magazines anymore. I'm a snowbird and don't always get all my issues forwarded to me during the winter months. Instead I hunt down issues at quilt shows. Of course then I can't always get all the ones I want. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

regan said...

Lazy Sunday is gorgeous! And yeah, that Xmas version is so pretty! I think I need to put my drawer of 9-patches to work in 4 by 9! I love it! Thanks a bunch!

Cathy said...

Oooh! I have some wonderful fabrics that would look lovely in!

Cathy at catremus@gmail.com

Quilting Nan said...

A beautiful quilt indeed! And it has girly girl written all over it. I missed one issue during the mystery so I would love to win! Thank you for all the great ideas, and free stuff.
Sheila in Maryland

Unknown said...

LOVE, LOVE the colors in this quilt! Would be a great project to do for my granddaughters new bedroom!! Please include me in the chance to win the instructions/magazines!!
Many thanks!
Paula @ crzy4qlts@cox.net

Sheila said...

I love all the different colorways. It would be hard to choose, but if I win, I'll manage to chooses one.

bunbear said...

beautiful quilt! putting it on my list to make!

Elaine M said...

Hope you are having a great time in Alaska. WOW, another great pattern that looks lovely in all color ways. Thanks for the chance to win, and all issues to make the quilt. Lucky person who wins.

Lisa C in GA. said...

I just love your quilts and your blog, Bonnie...I'm determined to get into one of your classes the next time you're down our way (Atlanta)!!

Lisa C in GA. said...

I just love your quilts and your blog, Bonnie...I'm determined to get into one of your classes the next time you're down our way (Atlanta)!!

Unknown said...

You've done it again! Another beautiful pattern I can't wait to try.
Thanks for all you do, Bonnie.

Mariel said...

Love this quilt! Always love a new pattern that helps reduce my ginormous stash! Love your blog and especially quilt cam. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great pattern!

Rebecca said...

Vicki posted hers on her blog and I loved it. Have been searching for magazine so questioned her and she said she has the digital version so wonder if they get them faster? But I like the touch and feel stuff and this quilt is definitely a touchy feely good pattern. Thanks!

Joyce w said...

So beautiful Bonnie, I just Love your creativity and all the love you put into your patterns,

Valerie said...

Oh, my gosh! All FOUR parts of the mystery? I'm in!! Please, please, please pick me to win! Bonnie, I don't know how you do it, but your patterns are always intriguing and versatile. I love the Christmas version, too. Pick me, pretty please with Culver's flavor of the day on top!

mb-RI said...

I am enjoying your travels through your blog - hope you are having great weather in Alaska! Also love your Mystery Reveal.

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to check out this magazine - good chance to do it.

Sharon said...

Love your color choices for Lazy Sunday--how bright and cheery! I'd love to get the instructions.

Carol Sc said...

I admire your ability to think, plan and create for a whole year ahead of you --- I feel like I am usually years behind! It's difficult to choose which of these two quilts is my favorite and especially nice to see variations in fabric choices.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to get to the mystery again after vacation. Thanks for giving me Sept. 1 to shoot for Bonnie! Love it!

tropicslady said...

What a colorful quilt, the Lazy Sunday you made. I just love it! Would be happy to win the magazines so that I can dig into my scraps and make this one!

ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

Unknown said...

Exciting! Thanks Bonnie for the opportunity! I found an old shoe box of leader ender nine patches, I pinned them up and will be using my new to me feather weight this weekend to finish them up and they would be perfect for a "Four By Nine" :D

Nonnie said...

I just love the cheerful colors! I missed this one. Is it going to be in your new book?

Barbara Black said...

Love them all!

Unknown said...

Oh bonnie, you have me so hooked! I LOVE scrappy quilts and this win would help me use up more of my stash. You are addictive!

Kristy said...

Love the Lazy Sunday, especially the blue and green version, but I think I might do the Four by Nine pattern first. ;) Hope you enjoy your Alaskan adventures!
Kristina {dot} L {dot} Smith1 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Brazen said...

OMGosh I would love to win the 4 issues to make my own Lazy Sunday!! I did Easy Street as my first ever mystery quilt and really loved the whole process! I followed your colors exactly and in the end my son determined he wanted that quilt! LOL I'd love to make this one too! Thanks so much for the chance to win... hope you're having a blast in Alaska! Lisa in NC - westerberglisa@yahoo.com

Betty said...

It is amazing how different color choices change the look of a quilt!
Nine patch blocks are so versatile. Four By Nine would look great in Civil War fabrics.

teresa said...

Wow! The quilt turned out beautiful! So fun to see the other colorways too!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I have not been able to get any copies of Quiltmaker, so I would love to win this give-away.


mere6sews said...

Never done a mystery quilt before.. think it's time to start.

Aileen said...

Lazy Sunday! Awesome Quilt. Colors reminds me of going into Friendlies Ice Cream Parlor and passing all the delicious multicolor peppermint sticks in the jars. I wanted to taste every color! Would love to win the magazines. Happy Quilting. Enjoy Alaska!
Aileen in FL

Bonnie said...

Such a beautiful quilt. The other colors make it antirely different looking quilt. I would love to win the magazines. Thanks for the chance. Enjoy your time in Alaska.

RoseofSharonStudio said...

I would love to win these! Thank you for the give~away! But I do have to confess, I am still working on Easy Street! LOL

Unknown said...

I'm a new "everything" BH. Just bought 3 books and working on first quilt, Blue Ridge Beauty. Redoing my sewing room in your folding and sorting methods. I have so many scraps, I was drowning. So glad I found you! Would love to win this give away. Gloria

orchardquilter said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for a great mystery. This has become a play quilt at Nana's house for my new granddaughter; and since I kept up with your latest "reveals" as I went along, the quilt will be finished before she learns to crawl.

Kathy MacKie said...

AS I don't have any of those issues I would love to win all four, thanks Bonnie for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Now I know which quilt I will make using MY BATIKS --- Bonnie's Lazy Sunday!

Such a beautiful dreamy quilt .... WOWOWOWOW.... what more can anyone say! Parfait Sunday? OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yum.


Cindy W. said...

What a nice give away. Beautiful quilt.

Anonymous said...

I recently subscribed to Quiltmaker and just got my first issue - the one with Lazy Sunday's "reveal." ARRRGH! I'll wait to see if I am so fortunate as to win your drawing - and if not, I will purchase the copies needed to make "Lazy Sunday." I love the original and yes, the Christmas one was the number two palette for me as well. You continue to amaze and inspire! Thanks for the drawing fun!

Shawna said...

I just found your blog via the Eugene quilt guild, and all I can say is - I Like Your Style!!

Cathy44647 said...

Another Bonnie Hunter success!! I really enjoy putting these together and see what happens. Thank you Bonnie for all your time and effort!

Great Day in the Morning said...

I have not received my magazine yet....but at least I know now how to put the large blocks together with sashing and the rest is for borders.

Snow Dog Quiltworks and Woodworks said...

Huge fan of those Mystery Quilts! Thanks for another great quilt and giveaway!! Happy Quilting!

Mary said...

Love the patterns! Thanks for the giveaway!

sheriartist57 said...

i love the color repeats in this quilt all of ur work is so inspiring bonnie hunter

Diane said...

Lazy Sunday is gorgeous! I wanted to join the fun, but wasn't able to purchase the magazines, and wasn't sure if I wanted to work out the block patterns according to photos posted in the Yahoo group. Seeing the end result does make me want to join the fun! And you said this quilt was done with left-overs from Easy Street? I was expecting more greens and blues. Ha ha. Hope you're having a fabulous time in Alaska!

Unknown said...

Beautiful as always, Bonnie! You are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I didn't start subscribing to the magazine until halfway through Lazy Sunday, so would love to have all four of the issues so I could actually make Lazy Sunday. Thanks for another beautiful quilt!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
I have been stashing blues, white and yellow for sometime now looking for that perfect in the Lazy Sunday Mystery these magazines would sure help. ;)
I love the blue/cheddar Four by Nine, I have 6 yards of cheddars screaming to be used. Oh did I mention Scraps hidden in every closet. ha ha Thanks for the chance to win.

Sandy Beach Sewing said...

I would love to win all 4 magazines. I didn't start Lazy Sunday as I knew that we were going to move (from TN to TX). We have been living with my daughter and her family for the last 4 months. I have not been able to sew with my machine that whole time (no room in the house for me to set my stuff up). :( Finally we are going to be looking for our own place in a couple of weeks and I would love to make this for my new home. Batiks are my favorite and my batiks would be soooo happy in that quilt. I could cuddle and pet them every night.

Thanks Bonnie for all the inspiration that you inspire in all of us.

unsewer60 said...

Thank you for another wonderful mystery quilt, I think yours were the best. I also think that having a few weeks in between installments would allow more of us to participate. Quiltmaker should contract you for a new mystery quilt yearly to be published just as Lazy Sunday & your followers would greatly increase the magazine subscriptions - I would be the first. When asked what I would like for my birthday (Aug. 3rd) and I quickly replied a signed copy of String Fling by BH. If I were to win the magazines that would make this the best one yet. Thank you for all you share with us. Looking forward to the next quilt-cam. Enjoy Alaska & send us lots of pictures. :-)

Beth said...


Another great quilt and another chance to win a great prize! Thanks for all you do, don't know how you have the energy to get it all done. Some days I am tired out just reading your blog! hahah

Beth at

Verna G said...

I would love to win these magazines!Your quilt is beautiful

Andresa said...

OMGosh! I just love LOVE the borders on that mystery quilt. Lazy Sunday is such an appropriate name... lazy SUMMER Sunday is what it puts me in mind of. And I'm totally with you, Bonnie, on that Christmas version made by the QM staffer.

Kathy said...

I love your sense for design. Thanks for your mystery quilts - I have participated in Orca Bay and Easy Street and am now a fan!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Am loving the finish pics-Have another top to construct first but did cut my setting pieces last night! (Changed up to 2" strips, because I had those and do realize I will have to adjust the total of pieces in the pieced borders-haven't totally refigured that yet-quilt will be a bit bigger-but can handle that!) Love your patterns and quilt cam and blog and all you do for us. A great big THANK YOU shout out to a wonderfully generous person. Bonnie Hunter, you rock my world!

Anonymous said...

It's a fantastic pattern. I hadn't seen it before because the magazine is very hard to buy overhere
Dutch regards,

Anonymous said...

You inspired me to use leaders and enders, but I haven't yet gotten into the habit of preparing the scraps for leader and ender nine patches. I just need to get my sewing room organized to do this, hopefully real soon.

Shauna said...

I love the colors in that quilt. Thanks for the chance!!!!!

Unknown said...

As usual, I am a bit behind on this mystery, but can't wait to finish now that I've seen the reveal! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

simply beautiful, the color combination is fab!!!!! I hope you pick me!!!!!

Robin said...

LOVE these quilts. Thank you for the chance to win!

deebriese said...

What fun! I just got my copy of leader and enders! I would love to win this wonderful giveaway!

Ebony said...

Thanks for posting a shot of the different colourways! It really shows how a quilt can take on a totally different personality in other colours. I especially love the border on this quilt, and would love a chance to win the magazines. Thanks Bonnie!

sunrise4501 said...

Oh! I missed all four issues! I hope I am picked. Oh! Please Please Please!

Donna T said...

Now that I see the colors, and there are many, this would make a great scrap buster. I love the purple colors. I have a friend that loves these colors and she is getting married soon. This would make a great gift for her.

Nancy said...

Love, love this quilt!!!! Hope you have made it to Alaska. Thanks for the chance to win the drawing!!

Janice said...

You never cease to amaze me. You are such an inspiration and I always have one of your projects sitting here by my machine as my leader/ender project. It is still work but it 'feels free' to me! Enjoy your time in Alaska.

Unknown said...

I've never tried a Mystery quilt so I think one of your's would be the best place to start. How generous of you to have giveaways.
Thanks, Mel

anyadahab said...

I love your quilt. It is beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity.

ledamewood said...

I still haven't done a mystery - I like sort of knowing what something is going to turn out like. But I need to jump in, because I have loved every ending quilt you've come up with. You never disappoint.

Unknown said...

Lovely, as usual! I've not started this one yet but I've got all the issues and seeing the reveal just makes it more appealing! Thanks again for sharing your creativity! pbstrand@msn.com

Linda said...

I love seeing what you are doing on the blog and in the magazine. I think it is time for me to make a scrap quilt!

Unknown said...

Beautiful as all of your work is! It would be really marvelous to win all four of the magazines because now that I see this quilt I am going to make it! The good thing is that I have been "stashing" all my bits and pieces and making triangles since thr first of the year! I will be putting them to good use for sure! Thanks for sharing your love of design and quilt making!
You R O C K ! ! !

Unknown said...

Beautiful as all of your work is! It would be really marvelous to win all four of the magazines because now that I see this quilt I am going to make it! The good thing is that I have been "stashing" all my bits and pieces and making triangles since thr first of the year! I will be putting them to good use for sure! Thanks for sharing your love of design and quilt making!
You R O C K ! ! !

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a beautiful quilt, love all the neat colors in it and the design!

Jill said...

The quilt looks great and I love the scrap buster's pattern as well. I hope your flights went well and have a great time in Alaska. Thanks for the chance to win.

Quilt Bug said...

Bonnie - I love this quilt! I hope you have a fabulous time in Alaska! I hope I'm lucky enough to win the giveaway. Thanks for all the encouragement and new ideas you give to quilters.

Momcatt said...

I love your quilt. Thank you so very much for the chance to win.


Mary said...

I love the REVEAL! I have all the issues but didn't start this one. I'm almost to the Flimsy stage with my Midnight Flight. I've spent a LOT of Midnights up with it at 2 different Retreats. My 2 new grand daughters quilts are finished so I can justify starting something NEW, Right???

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Well, you've done it again. Another wonderful quilt. I am partial to blue and green and I love the look of the blue and green version in the lower right corner. I also really like the simple look of the four by nine quilt.

Maureen in Portland said...

How fun to see the reveal! Mystery quilts intrigue me. I've done several, and MOST of them were beautiful. Enjoy Alaska!

spope said...

After doing the texas tumbleweeds I thought I would need a rest from "Bonnie quilts" but I do love the fabric colors in this quilt. Would love to have the Magazine. It has some really good patterns and articles for us everyday quilters.
Thanks again for sharing.

Leah Spencer said...

It's been so long since I've enjoyed a new quilting magazine. :)

Jennifer Dyck said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I would love to sew it up, and show off my "Bonnie" quilt. Can't wait until you come to our guild in 2017!!

Sharen said...

LOVE your quilt colors and layout, Bonnie. It defines the pattern so much better than do the other color palettes. Once again, thank you so much for all the wonderful designs you share with us!
Quilty hugs!

Loris said...

I get Quiltmaker in the digital issue so would love to have the mystery printed out. And I have got to say that this last issue is FULL of some great projects. Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sewbig said...

Great quilt! I've not done a mystery quilt ... yet, but have been collecting and organizing my scraps for a scrappy quilt, whether a mystery or not. Thanks for the chance to win.

Gayle said...

I'd love to win these magazines containing all the parts for your lovely quilt! You're gonna LOVE Alaska!

Anita said...

A fantastic quilt; just love it! It will be on my to-do list if I win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway!

Ruth said...

I love the pattern!! I've done almost all of your mysteries. I love scrappy quilts too!! Thanks for all you do!!!

Marti M said...

Looks like a fun pattern! Would love to win.

Unknown said...

I would love to have all the parts to the mystery in Quiltmaker. I love the scrappy quilts. You have taught me so much thru the couple years I have known you. I appreciate the advice and love to see what you come up with next...keep the surprises coming!!!

jean said...

Bonnie, you've made me a believer in mystery quilts. this is beautiful in all the colorways shown!

Terri said...

Hi Bonnie - So excited to see the reveal. I've been following along and despite just completing a move from Illinois to Florida - I have my blocks organized and ready to go....ALMOST. I've actually been waiting to start the rectangles that you used in the border. (ADORE the border OBTW!!! ADORE) I varied my colors just a little, so I've been waiting to decide where those rectangles would be used before I selected a color. A little bit of a cheat considering it's a "Mystery" but I think we'd all agree a completed quilt is so much better than a regretted color choice. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself and advancing my quilting by LEAPS and BOUNDS! Big Hugs, Terri

ellene said...

Would love to win those copies of Quiltmaker mag so I can make your quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Gweneth said...

I would love to be a winner. Pick Me

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