
Thursday, August 01, 2013

Lazy Sunday Reveal & Give-Away!

Four Issues!  It’s been really fun watching the Lazy Sunday mystery evolve and roll out over Four Issues! 

I have really enjoyed participating, I’ve had several emails showing me the progress and color ways that folks have chosen to work with, each one of them GORGEOUS!

And for many, having clues released in 2 month intervals has given them time to take their time while working on other projects in between.

My hope is that everyone will have their tops together by September 1st – I’d love to do a linky party for those who participated in the Lazy Sunday Mystery through Quiltmaker Magazine.  And if you haven’t started yet – maybe a reveal of the project will make you want to jump in!

Are you ready??

LazySunday 002sm

Lazy Sunday as I photographed it amongst the autumn trees before sending it off to Quiltmaker last fall!

quiltmaker 007

Lazy Sunday in Print!

LazySunday 003

Close up of quilting detail and upper left corner.

((Oh I love this quilt!))

LazySunday 007

Close up of center!

What is really fun is that the staff at Quiltmaker has joined in to make their own versions in their own color ways!

quiltmaker 008

I am drooling over the delicacy of the Christmas version in the upper right!

We also have the added bonus in this issue of my regular Addicted to Scraps Column!

quiltmaker 006

The featured block this month is called Four by Nine --

A great way to put all those leader/ender nine-patches to good use!  I was inspired by an antique quilt for this one and a simple layout with sashings is all it needs.  Like this:


Of course I love a blue/cheddar combination..and using a different cheddar as each block background along with the scrappy blues and neutrals will make a great quilt from simple blocks!

I’m currently working on my NEXT YEAR’S columns right now…you won’t want to miss a single issue in 2014 either! They are going to be great scrap busters--

So here is what I am going to do.  Leave me a comment below and we will draw for a winner of NOT ONLY the September/October 2013 issue, but ALL FOUR ISSUES containing ALL THE PARTS to Lazy Sunday!  I will draw our lucky winner on Sunday Evening while I am in Alaska! 

Good Luck, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


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Debby, crowefan0517 said...

Hi Bonnie, I have followed your blog for almost a year now but still have not made a scrappy quilt. I would love for this pattern to be my first!,

MJ said...

Would love to win, mystery quilts are fun, even though this is like cheating now! No matter, a finished quilt is bonus. Love all your stuff, but it is you and your infectious attitude that makes us all smile. Thanks!

rcp said...

Wow!!! Beautiful!!!

qltmom9 said...

OH, I would love to win...SO pretty~


Susan said...

I haven't dived in yet on this project in spite of having the magazines. It's easier for me to make my color choices after seeing the completed top. Lovely quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I too like the Christmas colorway of this quilt. I'd love to win.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Diana said...

Love the cheddar and blue quilt. Must learn how to use leader/enders. Love reading your blog. Enjoy your visit to Alaska. Thanks for the giveaway

Briarose said...

oooh, would love to win the instructions for the "Lazy Sunday" pattern. After almost 18 months of my sewing room packed and in storage, I am so ready to get sewing again, this would fit the bill. Love, love , love scarppy quilts and your patterns are so easy to follow.

Darlene B said...

Count me in for the great giveaway! All your work is so fabulous, Bonnie. Thanks for always being so generous with sharing your patterns and creativity.

cpup40 said...

I would love to win the copies of Quiltmaker magazines, I love all of your quilt patterns. Thank you for the chance to win.

Linda in PA said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I'd love to win these issues so that I could make this quilt. Have a great time in Alaska!

LauraJ said...

What a fun quilt! stunning! and that Christmas colorway is so much fun! Have fun in Alaska - it is definitely on my bucket list of places to visit!

mkhquilts said...

I love the finished quilt! I chose to use pastels of the same colors, so soon I will be hanging the blocks up on my design wall and see how they do together. Thanks for another great quilt design Bonnie!!!

Helen M said...

Hi Bonnie

I would love to win these as I do find it difficult to get copies here locally in NZ.

Helen M

Gena in Dallas said...

What a lovely quilt! I need to make one for myself. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Beverley said...

Beautiful , such cheerful colours x

Lee said...

You're always such an inspiration in presenting beautiful scrappy quilts.

quiltnvan said...

This is a fun one! Love the soft pinks and purples!

Lisa said...

I misplaced the first issue so to win would be wonderful! It is a beautiful quilt! You're the best Bonnie!

Kathleen said...

OMG! PLEASE PICK ME!! I don't subscribe to this magazine (yet) but have been making a list of the issues your Lazy Sunday quilt is in ever since I saw Connie at Freemotion by the River blog about the one she's working on. I was intending to order them as back issues. Oh I would so love to win these!!!

Jody said...

Ooooh! All 4 will a quilt make! Love this one

bluenines said...

a great reveal, what a fun mystery project, thank you for sharing, I really enjoy your blog, and thank you for the chance to win copies of the Quiltmaker mag. Happy sewing

Catskill Quilter said...

I love the quilt! Hope that you are enjoying Alaska!

birdie said...

Actually I bought a subscription to Quiltmaker just so I could get the mystery quilt. I love it even though I'm still working on blocks that apparently make up the border now that I see the finished quilt.

Carol said...

I didn't follow the mystery quilt - now I wish I had. Oh right, I still can.

Stoney said...

What an absolutely amazing quilt!
I added it to my must do later list,
but now I wonder why I didn't just suck it
up and do it!!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

dian said...

Oh how I would love to be in Alaska with you. I love that place at least most of it. Your latest reveal is amazingly clever. Love it. Thanks for the offer and I do hope I am the winner! Dian

Edna said...

Hi Bonnie, I have the first copy of Quiltmaker magazine with this mystery, would love to win the rest. Thanks for all you do.

sao said...

Another winner Bonnie...thank you so much. :)

sao in Midlothian, VA

Janet said...

What a lovely mystery quilt! Thanks for the chance.

Quilting_Chris said...

I had such a hard time finding these issues, that I subscribed. It was too late for the mystery so I would love to win your give away. The first pic's from Alaska are wonderful. What a great place to visit. Hopefully you will get some relaxation time in. Sure wish you would get back out to California for some classes. Can't wait for the next mystery.

barbara woods said...

would love to win those, thanks

Janine said...

I love the Lazy Sunday quilt! The colors just pop and The Christmas version is a winner also.

Marilyn Robertson said...

What's not to love about blue and cheddar?? Scrap quilts are the best!

rockgranny said...

Love, love, love this quilt! The colors are just me. Thanks for the chance to win the drawing!!

Marilyn Robertson said...

Who doesn't love blue and cheddar! Scrap quilts are the best! Thanks for the fun giveaway Bonnie!

Jane said...

Wow! That border is really something! Wish I'd been able to quilt along. Thanks for the chance to win this!

Therese said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

Therese said...

Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mary said...

Love, Love Lazy Sunday! It's just gorgeous!

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful quilt! Hope I'm picked for the Quiltmaker mags. Thanks

Unknown said...

Now that it's over, I wish I had done it! lol. Hope I win.

Ilse said...

Thank you for giving us a chance to win a copy of the quilt

Ilse said...

Thank you for giving us a chance to win a copy of the magazine. Would love to win.

TADVR said...

Love it and the different color ways!!! Thanks for sharing

Beth said...

HI Bonnie - Thank you for this opportunity. That Christmas version is really speaking to me :)

Dena said...

I have not participated in a mystery quilt yet and missed the first couple of parts for this one. But I would love to have all four parts so I can make this beautiful quilt.

sewspeciallady said...

Wonderful Bonnie Quilt!! next to do on my list

mcpeakj said...

Oh my! What a beautiful pattern!! I would be so excited to win the copies of Quiltmaker so I could make this beauty for myself!-Myra

mcpeakj said...

oh my what a beauty! I would love love love to win the copies of Quiltmaker so that I could make one of these beauties for myself!

Karen said...

Once again love the quilt and the colors. You are right.....seeing it makes me want to make the quilt. Thanks again for such a great quilt.

Diane said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I'd love to have those magazines.

Brenda said...

Thanks for the chance to win the copies of the magazines to make this quilt. Beautiful! I would love to make this quilt for my daughter.

Maureeneh said...

I love the finished quilt and would love to win the magazines.

Linda said...

Thanks for such a great give-away. I would love to win a copy of the Quiltmaker magazines. After seeing the reveal, I will definitely be making this quilt. Have a wonderful time in Alaska.
Linda "Cookie" Lawrence

Quilter Roz said...

This is my 2nd mystery quilt with you and I love them! Can't wait to get a copy of the magazine! And Bonnie, can't wait to meet you in Alaska in 2 weeks!!!!

Ivani said...

Owo Bonnie, it is a Gorgeous quilt, my fingers are crossed. :) Thanks so much for the chance to win. Hugs from Brazil. - Ivani

Unknown said...

I just returned home from having my oil changed in my car.. Had to wait 1.5 hours at the oil change place (Walmart) but I did have to opportunity to look through this quilt magazine while I was waiting. The magazine shows several colorways you can go with.... Would love to win the magazine and get started on my Scrap Quilting.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! I wasn't able to participate in the Lazy Sunday Mystery, but would love to win the Quiltmaker issues to get the pattern in order to get one started. I really need your advice. My nephew and his girlfriend wants me to make them a purple quilt, approx. 80"x80' in exchange for my choice of three antique sewing machines ( I get to choose two). I need to take pictures to show you, so you can help me pick which two I want. I know one is a 1902 Singer made in Germany (Treadle) and one is a 1930? Singer Treadle, and I can't remember what the other one is. I will contact you with more info when I am not so excited and alot more organized!! LOL Enjoy your trip in Alaska!!!!

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Wow, Bonnie, you've done it again! This quilt is so happy and pretty! I'd be beyond thrilled to be the lucky winner of the magazines. The cherry on top would be if you'd autograph them. ☺ Thanks a bunch!

Enjoy Alaska!

teachpany said...

This is a great quilt. I have the first 2 issues, but haven't started cutting the fabrics yet. I love your columns, too. So much information!! Have fun in Alaska!

Sherry said...

Love your quilts. Would love to win the magazines. Thanks for the chance. Sherry

Sonya said...

I love the quilt, and I'd love to win the pattern!

Lois Ruley said...

What a fun and colorful challenge this would be~~ Thanks for your mystery quilts~

Deborah said...

Bonnie I always love your mysteries or quilt alongs. I have been following them for a long time. Seeing a photo of the original on the blog really is nice to see. I love the colors. Thanks for doing this one and all the other ones you have offered us. Looking forward to when you come to Fredericksburg TX. I am oh so waiting to take your workshop.
Thanks again.

Kim said...

Wow---the quilt is beautiful! I really love seeing the other color ideas also. Thanks for the chance to win.

Hollerbear said...

I agree--that Christmas version is absolutely beautiful!

Linda V said...

LOVE the pattern and would love to win the magazines. Thanks for the giveaway.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Wow! Thanks for this opportunity. I'd love to win!

sewspeciallady said...

Wonderful Bonnie Quilt-next on my list thank you for the beautiful pattern

HelenMarie said...

I love this quilt! especially the christmas version! I havent been making it because I've been busy with ES and OB and several other projects, but am saving it for a future date

ps If I should be chosen to win, pass my win onto someone else... I already have a subscription to the magazine and have all copies. Thank you


Anonymous said...

Great pattern, would love getting all the issues.

Janet Sowers said...

I have saved the magazines and they are ready for when I have time to make this quilt. Unfortunately, I was not able to follow along during the last 4 months. Love the quilt and love seeing it in different colorways. Each color makes a different quilt! Would love to win!

scottylover said...

Would love to win these! I have a hard time with mysteries because I am afraid my colors won't play nicely together, but having the reveal will help!

Sandy A

Sue SA said...

Phew just got my leaders n enders spool block top together now you are inspiring me for my next leaders n enders! Thanks for the chance to win. Loving the pics of Alaska, as my folks are over there on holidays now! Happy quilting Sue SA (South Australia)

Unknown said...

I am so excited!. I love this quilt. I am still waiting for my magazine to finish this up. It is absolutely beautiful. I may have missed it, but did you say what panto you used to quilt this one.

linynp said...

Bonnie I can't thank you enough! It's been great doing lazy Sunday! Just got the magazine today so I can complete it yeah! Silly question- how do you do the sashing? It's not in there and I'm fairly new to quilting lol!
Love this quilt!

Anonymous said...

I love that quilt and would love to win those copies. Thanks for the opportunity and also thank you for all of your wonderful patterns.

Sandy said...

This quilt is awesome! Love the colors! I just recently got introduced to your site and your quilts. I can not wait to start one, especially in your new book.

Dar said...

Oh I love your Sunday Mystery pattern. I would have started it because as you know, I love scrap quilts too, but alas, I'm still finishing up Easy Street (1 more border to go). Thanks for the chance to win all 4 parts. Maybe by then I'll have Easy Street finished!!

Marie said...

Another beauty! Thank you for the chance to win. I am somehow missing one magazine!
Hope you are having a great time in Alaska. My in-laws have done an Alaskan cruise 3 times!

Shelly Long Arms said...

Pick me! Pick me! Because I love this quilt and I don't have enough quilts in waiting....lol

Shelly Long Arms said...

Pick me, pick me! I love this quilt and I don't have enough quilts in waiting...lol (said no quilter ever!)

Unknown said...

Love your color choices! The design is great! I am almost set up to begin sewing again after our move the 1st of June. My 1 yr. old Bernina was badly damaged during the move, but they called to say it is repaired. I had just had it serviced before the move, and I am afraid to think what this is going to cost:) But it will be wonderful to have it back home again! Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Juni said...

You have taught me to love scrappy quilts ~ thank you so much! I've made 2 Orca Bay and 1 Easy Street & loved every minute of sewing them. Lazy Sunday looks so wonderful I want to make it too.

Julianne said...


Company's Coming said...

I oh so wish I had started this quilt. Awesome colors. The reveal is out of sight. Want to start on on Oct mystery quilt right now.

Unknown said...

You are such inspiration. I'm loving following your blogs and quilt cam and all the wonderful things using scraps. The Lazy Sunday is beautiful.

ebhaloha said...

Hi Bonnie
Greetings from Maple Ridge BC. The colors of your mystery quilt are wonderful although I did not follow along with this one! Thanks for the chance to win magazines.
Hugs, Bev H.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Bonnie!!! Lovely quilt. I'd love to have a chance to make it---just need the directions. Thanks for having the giveaway. Enjoy your trip. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam

pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

Farm Quilter said...

Oh my goodness, another fabulous quilt!!! Your creativity is boundless!!!

Debbie said...

Love, love, love the scrappy quilts!
Debbie T.

LC said...

I always enjoy seeing the same quilt in different colors.

doodah said...

Dear Bonnie,
Pick me please!!!! This is Donna waving to you from Oregon! See me waving to you!!please please please PICK MEEEEEEEEEEEE

Vic in NH said...

I would love to win this pattern! Thank you for the opportunity.

jan in AR said...

Love this quilt and would love to win so I could make it!!! Also wish that I would be able to participate in one of your classes, it would be a dream come true!!!

Debbie said...

Hope you and the Hubster enjoy your Alaskan adventure. Love the Lazy Sunday Mystery Quilt as I do all the others! Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!

KatieQ said...

Thanks for offering the great giveaway. It looks like a fabulous quilt.

Charlotte said...

What a beautiful quilt! I would love to win a copy of the 4 issues of Quiltmaker. Please pick me.

Pam said...

Gorgeous quilt! I would love to win the copies of Quiltmaker so I may make this quilt!! Thank you for the opportunity for the giveaway!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Somehow I missed the first few months, so never got the last issue either. I would love to win all 4 issues and make this quilt!!

Judymc said...

Cheddar makes my heart sing! Hope I win the magazines!

Paige said...

Wow, I was just looking at a friend's copy of the mag, I would love to have all four. Thanks,

barb said...

you do such beautiful work! if you ever have any ufos or quilt tops you dont want to finish, i will and donate them to your favorite charity. babscorbitt@gmail.com

Karen in Kentucky said...

I love love love this quilt! I've got to make one, for sure!!! Your colors are just beautimous!!!

Nancy said...

Thanks for offering, Bonnie. The quilt and all its variations are beautiful.

Anne said...

Hello Bonnie, Beautiful reveal now just have to find the current book. Just wonderful!! Maybe I can win it!

Sorcha girl said...

Count me as hopeful...I'd love to work this pattern with all the scraps I have from Fig Tree fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win the magazines and I look forward to more Snips and Quips.

janequiltsslowly said...

I love Lazy Sunday. I already have 3 of the 4 issues because I wanted other stuff that came with the Lazy Sunday pattern! Thanks for offering this great giveaway.

Terri in BC said...

Beautiful! I'm still finishing my king-size Easy Street, so I've put off doing this one. I only have the digital versions of the magazine, so winning all four copies would be a thrill!

Lovie said...

Loved seeing the "4 by 9" block. I have done this set on point, with small 4-patch as cornerstones. New to using cheddar as a primary background fabric. You always inspire quilters to go beyond their normal boundaries. Looking forward to your mystery quilt later this year, hope to do it in Christmas fabrics.

Karyn said...

I love how the different colorways show so differently! Thanks for the offer....hope you are enjoying the cruise!

Sharon L. said...

The quilt really turned out beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win all the copies if the Quiltmaker magazines. Enjoy your Alaskan trip, I am so jealous.

Unknown said...

Love the pattern. Can't wait to give it a go!

Debbie said...

I love that cheddar quilt, too, Bonnie. Thanks for the giveway!

Nancy said...

Great job Bonnie. It is a neat quilt. Would love to win the magazines. Nancy P.

christineschoon said...

Wow! Bonny, this is a great give-away! I love your scrappy patterns and I'm starting on a first quilt designed by you. Thanks for a chance to win! Have a great time in Alaska!

christineschoon said...

Wow! Bonny, this is a great give-away! I love your scrappy patterns and I'm starting on a first quilt designed by you. Thanks for a chance to win! Have a great time in Alaska!

Kelly said...

I really love your color way! I haven't yet subscribed to quilt maker, but I see that I should! Hope you enjoy your time in Alaska

Terri said...

I love the reveal, Lazy Sunday is beautiful! I purchased a digital subscription to Quiltmaker magazine because of you Miss Bonnie! I'm working on busting my stash, thanks for all you do and thank you for the opportunity to win the print copies. Have fun in Alaska!

Joanie s said...

Love your quilt. I think it would be nice to win the giveaway. Thanks Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie your creativity is so inspiring! I love seeing the color variations. Thanks to you and Quiltmaker for having this drawing/

hevemi said...

I would love to get those mags. Your leaders-enders have saved my day so many times as too often new fabric is just too expensive for me to obtain but scraps I do have more than I can ever use. I would love to buy your books, too, but with the postage I haven't been able to buy any yet. Maybe for Xmas, must talk to my family!

Helen in the UK said...

I would love to be in with a chance of winning the mags if you are prepared to mail to the UK! Thanks for continuing to inspire us :)

Nancy said...

This pattern is beautiful! I recently moved, and what was left of my Quiltmaker subscription never made it to my new address, so winning these issues would really make up for the issues I lost out on. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jitka said...

Wow, I love your last mystery!!!! Colours, you choose, are my best. It would be nice to win a copy of any Quiltmaker.

sao said...

It is always fun for me to see the different colorways - quilting is an adventure because the same pattern can produce so many masterpieces..... Love this pattern....thanks!

sao in Midlothian, VA

sewingstuff said...

Love the quilt!

S L Hulsizer said...

I stumbled across your website just under a month ago and have been following ever since. I LOVE scraps and scrappy quilts and was thrilled to find your scrap user info. In fact, my quilting friends used to tease me because I'd pull scraps out of their trash cans when we quilt together ( now they just hand them over instead of throwing them away ;)) I've been diligently working my stash from your instructions anxiously awaiting the day I can use them on one of your quilt patterns. Wouldn't it be GREAT if I showed up at our quarterly quilting retreat in September and used their ' trash' to make this wonderful quilt?!

Bonnie said...

Oh my gosh! That quilt is stunning! I love all the colorways that are showing in the magazine and I would LOVE to make that quilt. I can't always find Quiltmaker locally and I keep forgetting to subscribe so the chance to win all of the issues to make this is too good to be true. You spoil us!

Unknown said...

I have never done a mystery quilt and have just received my second digital copy of Quiltmaker magazine. I would love to have the opportunity to see the complete project by getting the back editions. Thanks for all the giveaways you do.

isognidifiò said...

Mi piacerebbe molto vincere queste riviste, così imparo nuove tecniche, un'abbraccio Fiorella

Katherine McNeese said...

love the yellow and blue quilt.
thanks for the giveaway

Karen said...

Your quilt is beautiful. Enjoyed seeing the variations as well.

Lisa said...


Diane said...

As a beginning quilter I would be sure to put these to good use. I missed you at Quilt Merchant in Winfield to my great dismay but bought one of the autographed books and will likely go get another. I follow your blog every day. Thank you for your encouragement, enthusiasm and expertise.

Unknown said...

Love seeing the different colorways!

Amy said...

Great pattern. Would love to make it in Halloween colors.

Anonymous said...

Love your stuff and posts, Bonnie! The pattern looks like it would be fun to make. I really like the Christmas one in the magazine. By the way, I live in Lansing, NC, which is up the road in Ashe County from where your cabin in. We are sort of neighbors. :-)

hthnoord said...

I, too, am drawn to the Christmas version. So soft looking. Love your work Bonnie!

AnnetteJ said...

Oh my gosh, Bonnie! This is the most beautiful colourway yet, but then I'm a bit of a sucker for unusual colourways. Fabulous quilt.

Kay Holm said...

Love your Mystery quilts. Please keep doing them!

S L Hulsizer said...

I stumbled across your website last month in a Google search for scrap quilts and have been diligently working my stash in preparation for making quilt from one of your patterns. I am a scrap lover ( have done 2 queen sized postage stamp wedding quilts to date). I just can't stand to see good fabric go to waste! In fact, my quilting friends used to make fun of me when I would raid their trash cans for scraps. Wouldn't it be GREAT if I went to one of our quarterly quilt retreats with this gift and used their 'trash' to make this wonderful quilt?! I think we would convert some of them to be scrap lovers too. ;)

Wilma said...

I NEED these copies of Quiltmaker so that I can another new quilting project! This pattern looks awesome! Is this my lucky day?

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie,Would love to win the mag's for my Mom, her and a friend of ours have a little quilt group, we call ourselves the HaHa club. Lots of laughs when we sew & quilt together. My Mom would enjoy this soooo much. Thanks for offering us a chance at it, and for all you do. Enjoy your trip with your DH in Alaska!!! Lisa

Quiltinggirl said...

OMG! That is a gorgeous pattern! The colors chosen help determine how lacy or chunky it looks. You did yourself period with this one, Girl. Great job!

Quiltinggirl said...

OMG! That is a gorgeous pattern! The colors chosen help determine how lacy or chunky it looks. You did yourself period with this one, Girl. Great job!

dsaylor said...

I love the pattern! I have tons of bright scraps to get started. All I need is to win the Quiltmaker magazine!

Sarah said...

Beautiful Bonnie!!! I need to find copies of these issues and start one soon!

Sue said...

I'd love to win the Lazy Sunday mystery issues. Hope you have a great time in Alaska and pick me on Sunday evening !

Sherry said...

I didn't make it but since I have seen it made up, I would love to do it. Hope I win!

Sharon said...

I subscribe to the magazine and have stayed caught up with each step. I love how the finished quilt looks and can't wait to get mine together. Would love to win so I could pass them to a friend who doesn't subscribe. Thanks for all you do.

GeeGee said...

Your quilt is lovely. I so need this pattern now that I have seen the reveal. Thanks for a chance to win.

MetricQuilter said...

Bonnie, thank you for the chance to win the magazines. I haven't quilted for a while, but have been reading your blog and it has inspired me to start working on my string collection again. I put my "design wall" up, and now have two string squares on it! Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement.

Cathy said...

Gorgeous quilt.

Anonymous said...

Good day Bonnie,
I love the cheddar and blue. So need to make a similar quilt. My daughter graduated from Boise State University, and is an David follower of their football team. Their coach, Chris Pedersen, is an awesome and moral man, that is not only their coach, but their mentor. I M a SPED teacher, Nd he is so good to give sped teachers school memorabilia for their students. Often, even signed footballs! I pray your trip in Alaska is fruitful and relaxing, for you and "the hubster

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I love that you make your quilts as full size bed quilts. Sure, us creative readers can shrink them down for throws and runners, but there's so many adjectives which come to mind from a heavy, bright big quilt--warm, cozy, and comforting.

Brenda J. said...

Isn't it fun to see a reveal?! Lazy Sunday is beautiful. I just finished Orca Bay and have learned so much along the way. Next up is Talkin Turkey as a joint effort with my mom. Thank you for all you do for us quilters and for the opportunity to win!

Stephanie said...

As always another stunner Bonnie! Giving away all four editions....now I know why I was hesitant to pick it up at the corner store. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

Kristy said...

That quilt is gorgeous! Although, I think if I keep buying fabric my husband is going to have to get a second job! You have inspired in me a love of quilting and a fire that cannot be quenched! I am seriously obsessed and would love to win something that will continue to cater to my obsession. :)

Missy Shay said...

Thank you, what a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE this one. My favorite so far and can't hardly wait for my copy with the final instructions to arrive in my post box! I am so anxious to get it put together. The only difference in colors is I used bright yellow in place of the orange. It should really POP. In the mean time I will droll all over my keyboard looking at your wonderful examples. I don't know how you keep coming up with new, more beautiful quilts for us to make, but keep em' coming. I'll keep making them. Now to get last year's quilted.

Thanks a bunch!

QuiddityRox said...

What fun. I'd love a chance to win these copies and would love to make this quilt.

Lilac Joan said...

Just bought a print cheddar fabric so a win would be good!

Rea said...

Oh, what lovely quilt!!! I want to win!!! I am missing some issues because they were sold out before I could get to them. Me, me, me!!!! I need a project! Rea

Unknown said...

You are amazing all the travel and so much inspiration! May the Lord continue to bless you as much as you bless all of us. Lots of love and enjoy your trip.

Unknown said...

You are amazing all the travel and so much inspiration! May the Lord continue to bless you as much as you bless all of us. Lots of love and enjoy your trip.

Unknown said...

You are amazing all the travel and so much inspiration! May the Lord continue to bless you as much as you bless all of us. Lots of love and enjoy your trip.

Unknown said...

You are amazing all the travel and so much inspiration! May the Lord continue to bless you as much as you bless all of us. Lots of love and enjoy your trip.

Jennifer said...

I, too, am drooling over the Christmas version...but your patterns look good in just about any colorway. Thanks for the opportunity.

Lyn said...

Would love to win a copy. Would be high on my list of quilts to make

traditional_quilter said...

Your lazy Sunday mystery quilt is gorgeous! I hope I win. I want to make one. Thanks!

Gloria said...

I would love to have all the parts to this gorgeous quilt I love scrappy quilting!

Lovelli Quilts said...

Love the pattern!!! I have the cheddar and the blue 9 patches looking for a home, can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt just wish some of mine would look this good when finished

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