
Thursday, August 01, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Relaxing Day!

Today is for relaxing and adjusting our body clocks to the four hour time difference between Alaska and North Carolina.

We wandered into Soldotna for a look – see! What a charming place.

The Hubster needed a fishing license for his fishing trip tomorrow, and we needed some groceries for lunches and snacks, etc.

We stopped to eat at the local diner – The Caribou family restaurant. Yummy food! So of course we had to pose with the carved caribou in the yard!

It's the perfect day for an afternoon nap, followed by some easy hand quilting in the little cabin where we are staying.

Dinner is planned in a neighboring cabin with ladies from the Kenai Peninsula Quilters---I can't wait!!


Sue's Stitchin' said...

How relaxing - a cabin like your own new cabin to make you feel right at home!

stitchinpenny said...

I loved my trip to Alaska 10 years ago and it is a place I would go back to if there weren't so many places I haven't seen yet.

Unknown said...

Glad the hubster went with you on this trip

Jackie said...

I love Soldotna!! We stayed with friends on the River there two years ago! Batik shopping at the Kenai Fabric Center was amazing! Enjoy your trip, I'm all kinds if green!!!

Jackie said...
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simplestitchesbysp said...

Enjoy! Take lots of pictures!! Some of us live to go traveling with your photos! Or is that some of us travel through your photos. Whichever it is I'm sure you will take lots and lots of pics. Thanks in advance!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love staying in cabins - so much more relaxing that a motel room. I see your hair grew back long enough to pull back :) have fun - I love Alaska!

Ray and Jeanne said...

Enjoy! We loved our time in Soldotna last fall. ~Jeanne

Anonymous said...

So jealous! I grew up in Soldotna, haven't been back for years. I live in sunny Arizona now! Enjoy your trip!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, My 89-year old sister-in-law lives in Anchorage. She quilts every single day and is an amazing woman. She is an inspiration to me. I would love to win the issues of the magazines with the Lazy Sunday quilt pattern in them. It would be awesome! You are also an amazing woman for all you do. I cannot believe how much you do. You are an inspiration as well! Linda R - liketwostep@yahoo.com

ria vogelzang said...

Great pictures! So great you could do this trip together! Enjoy, love, Ria.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Looks like you are having a great time

Marilyn said...

Looks like you have settled in quite nicely.....hubby too ready to go fishing. Nice that you two
got to time to take the trip together. Never been to Alaska , but I here it is beautiful. Enjoy
your trip.

sao said...

I am so excited for you - I REALLY WANT TO VISIT ALASKA...take lots of pictures! :)

sao in Midlothian, VA

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