
Saturday, August 03, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Love Shack Day!

Crazy Patchy, crumby, stringy, tons and buckets of fun!

Love shack class is really breaking some boundaries and opening minds and showing the joy of improv piecing up here in Soldotna, Alaska!

We've played with Maverick Stars, are stitching Wonky Hearts!

Lunch will be on the agenda soon--and we will move on to pieced letters and tops assembly!

Much love from all of us--


Tonya Ricucci said...


Mickey Depre said...

Love this quilt!

Mickey Depre said...

Love this quilt!

Unknown said...

Looks like everyone is having a great time!

diane rizor said...

love this quilt! whatbook is it in??? everyone looks like they are having fun with it too.

Marj said...

When I see your crumb quilt , it always reminds me of Jean Fricky, her Daughter and Hilton Head. Looks like a good time is happening in Alaska.

Safdar Ali said...

Love this quilt. Looks like everyone is having a great time! en ucuz iphone

janequiltsslowly said...

If I had my choice, this is the class I'd love to take from you. I love crumb piecing!

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