
Thursday, August 08, 2013

A Tale of Two Cousins…

I have received a couple of emails saying that “SURELY, those nephews you have been waiting for have been born already!”

Yes they have!

They were born about a week apart, while we were dealing with the 4th of July holidaiy, and cabin closing time!

They are both about a month old now, and such sweet babies!


Raiger was born to my sister Mary and her Hubby Kelly.

My babies were both bald little billiard balls – Mary’s kids….look at that hair!


This is Will at one month old!

He was born to my Sister-in-law Anna and my brother David.  Don’t you just love it when babies sleep with their arms straight above their heads?

All is well in the baby department and we are so grateful.  I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get that way to love on them both ---but I love that they are wrapped in quilts from Aunt Bonnie!

This morning – it’s raining.  Of course!  I have lots of loading and unloading to do ---both of my stuff, and of Mickey’s stuff when I pick her up at the airport just before noon.

There will be last minute errand running before we head downtown to Collaboration Celebration – I’m saving the shower for after we unload it all – what’s the point of showering to go out into the august rain and humidity and get all sticky? Will have to shower again anyway before this evening’s event rolls out!

Stay tuned for pictures ---we are going to be having a blast!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh how precious, Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful baby nephews.

gmp said...

Two beautiful baby boys to add to your family tree!
Congratulations, Aunt Bonnie!

Deanna W said...

Adorable and Raiger looks like he already needs a haircut! Have a fun weekend...how could you not quilters gathering is always fun!!!

Unknown said...

The boys are just so cute!!! Can't wait to see each new nephew wrapped in his Aunt Bonnie Quilt!
Smiles to Aunt Bonnie!

Janet O. said...

I see Raiger is already sporting his "Utes" shirt! Will needs an "Aggie" shirt! : )
Aren't they precious?

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

They are adorable -- I am so grateful for facebook and text messages with photos and things to keep me in the loop! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful babies congratulations to your whole family. The picture of Will brought back memories of when I brought my own DS home from hospital, in a similar jumpsuit, 28 years ago this month! Time goes by in a flash! Have a great time at your Salem Celebration.

Beth said...

Such adorable babies. Congrats to the whole family on the new arrivals.
Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Have fun this weekend and the little nephews...priceless and adorable.!

Mary said...

I'm glad that your nephews both arrived safe and healthy. Have a great time stiching this weekend with evrryone on your own turf. you are so nice to share your machines. I wish I was there, but I know you will keep us posted.

happyjax said...

Congratulations on such beautiful babies and a new place to display quilts (wrapped around those little sweeties). My babies are 38 and 35 and between them, they gave me 7 grandbabies (both had a set of twins) in 4 years. Babies are such a blessing and the photos of yours make me want to call them and tell them how much I love them. Again, congratulations.... And thank you for a reminder to appreciate the blessings I am given.

Allison in Plano said...

Congrats on the newest baby boys in your family Aunt Bonnie!! I agree, shower once!! Have fun the next few days and will look forward to your posts. Hugs, Allison

Bee quilter said...

Such beautiful little boys, congrads to both sets of parents. Enjoy your upcoming weekend, sure it will be a blast, wish I could be there. I look forward to your blogs with such wonderful pictures and comments. Thank you.

Bee quilter said...

Such beautiful little boys, congrads to both sets of parents. Enjoy your upcoming weekend, sure it will be a blast, wish I could be there. I look forward to your blogs with such wonderful pictures and comments. Thank you.

maggie said...

Newborn babies just make my heart happy. They are beautiful! Thanks for shring them with us.

Ivani said...

Congratulations Aunt Bonnie, the babies are soooo cute.
Have a great time this weekend.

Unknown said...

How adorable!!!! They are both cute! Enjoy them when you can.

wolf3349 said...

Congratulations on the new arrivals to your growing family. They are just so precious.

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