
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Heading Out!

Of course, I thought I was ready to go --- but then I woke up this morning realizing that I didn’t have enough neutrals or reds for my current hexie project…just how fast can a girl cut strips?

QUICKLY!  I love my Accuquilt Studio.  When you are a scrappy quilter like I am --- I go through tons and tons of a huge variety of neutrals and background pieces…I like them super scrappy –and the studio makes it so I can tackle entire fat quarters in a single crank in the size I need.

I cut my hexagons from 2-1/2” strips…very little waste (No, I am not buying a hexagon die for that reason) and I found this morning that my 2-1/2” neutrals are sorely lacking in the kinds of fabrics I want for this hexie project….

At this point I head to the Fat Quarters and see what I can thin down ---

How do you know that your Fat Quarters need thinning??

shamu 004

Uhhuh!  The year 2000 on the selvage!

Now fabric really doesn’t have an expiration date for me..and there are some I love just as much now as I did 13 years ago…but I liked the color and texture of this one…and the others I pulled with it….

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I laid them out on the die, covered it with the plastic sheet and cranked them through!

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I’ve got a great selection now to cut my hexagons from…

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and a handful of strings to add to the neutral string bucket!

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My baggie of strips is ready to travel!

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And yes, there is room in here…barely!

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And a bit of room back here too!

The only thing missing is my own suitcase..which I need to run pack and hit the road!  Next Stop ---Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania!

I also have a special post this afternoon you will want to come back for!  I’m a featured blogger on the  My Stars Blog My Stars is a new book division of Kansas City Star Books ---with focus on fresh, modern quilting!  Me? A Modern Quilter? I didn’t think so --- but I will post the link to my article around noon and you can read it and see for yourself.

Yes, that means I’ll be blogging from the car on the road during my lunch…..love the travelin’ life!

On the road again ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Jane said...

See you In Bedford!

Allison in Plano said...

Safe travel adventures and seeking out vintage finds my friend. As I cut neutral strips today, I'll cut a zip lock bag for you! I'll be on the road starting Friday morning for a three day sewing retreat. I've taken up your challenge . . . Taking the string bags and crumb drawer ONLY for my projects. Hugs, Allison

mascanlon said...

It looks like you have plenty to do Bonnie on your trip. Have fun and be safe!

simplestitchesbysp said...

Safe travels! Looks like you saved a bit of room for "special finds" too. Enjoy!

Kate Mooers said...

I want to see that pink and brown one on the seat!

Cindy said...

Cant wait to see you in Bedford this weekend! Have a safe trip!!

Cindy said...

Cant wait to see you in Bedford this weekend! Have a safe trip!!

Jackie said...

Just wondering how you cut the hexagons from the 2 1/2" strips. If you covered this somewhere else just point me in the direction.

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

You forgot to leave room for any "new" machines to add to your collection! Bet you could make room if needed!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

That is Bonnie's "Dear Jane" set with "storm at sea". You can find a picture of Bonnie working on it on one of her June 30th posts (colors are a bit off there-probably due to incadesent lighting at the hotel)

Nonnie said...

Could you imagine if fabric had an expiration date? We would all be sewing like crazy to use it up before it expired!!! And then we would have to go buy more! What a funny thought! BTW - looking forward to your Basket weave Strings class in Hershey next week!

HelenMarie said...

Have a safe and fun trip Bonnie! I really wanted to make the trip to Hershey, but it's just not in the cards for me right now. Maybe next year.

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