
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bonnie & The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Hair Day!

Everyone has had one at one time…..that bad haircut you never set out for-

We make our hair salon appointments weeks in advance, looking forward to them, to the wonderful transformation from our day-to-day frumpy self image to the make-over miracle bound to befall us if we just put our heads into the hands of someone who can simply work wonders with what we haven’t got.

Today was one of those days.

I didn’t even KNOW it was that bad because I had my glasses off while she was waxing my eyebrows……and then cutting my hair.

My bad for saying “take off what needs to come off to have it look good” after telling her that I “Just wanted a trim….”

My hair is half gone…and it is now in layers, and I hate layers…I don’t have enough thickness or enough hair to HAVE layers..they all just LAY THERE flat anyway and do nothing….maybe that is what LAY’ER is short for anyway…LAYS THERE. Flat. Lifeless.

I’m not one of those who likes to spend a lot of time or money on my hair.  I don't do hair "PRODUCTS."

Let’s face it, I don’t HAVE the time to spend 45 minutes coiffing myself in the bathroom mirror every morning.  I stopped coloring and doing highlights years ago because they were bad for my very thinning very fine hair, and I’d rather spend that dough on fabric and vintage machines, than on chemicals.

But, as I sit here, tucking short wispy layers behind my ears, with hair barely long enough to tie back in a pony tail anymore – ((and even if I did tie it back, half of these whispy layered things would not even reach the scrunchie I use to try to corral this mess at the back of my neck where it is away from my face))—I don’t know whether to laugh, or cry.

Yes, I know it will grow back…eventurally!  But I am teaching in Bedford PA this weekend and on to Hershey PA for Quilt Odyssey next week! And then straight on to Alaska! It won’t grow fast enough.

Oh..and the eyebrows?  There are BALD SPOTS in between where they start at the brdige of my nose, and end at the outside corners of my eyes….BALD.  As in….NO HAIR THERE, JACK!  Bald.  As in…HOW could she take them ALL!??  *SIGH*

SO – come to Quilt-Cam tonight and commiserate with me.  No, I’m not going to go back and ask her to fix it or demand my money back.  You can’t fix this, it will fix itself over time ---and I’d rather not go back there.

((Funny things happen when you air your feelings on a blog….everyone has an opinion and it's amazing how full the comment section can get! I  am usually bombarded with "Do it this way, no do it that way, well we always did it the other way"…..and I just want some “Oh, it doesn’t look THAT BAD” even though I know you are laughing behind your monitors!))


Quilt Cam – tonight.  9pm Eastern.

Maybe some sewing will help me forget about this Double-Disaster!

See you then…..but good thing I can’t see you laughing!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Anonymous said...


Don't fret over something you can't change. People are coming to your classes for what you teach not what you look like. No one cares. We just enjoy all you teach us. We have all been there at least once.
See you for quilt cam. Too hot to sew but I do have a project set to work on.
Upstate NY

Becky's Bees said...

I am sorry that you are having a bad hair day Bonnie.....I feel your pain!! I have very fine, thin hair too and don't like to spend alot of time messing with my hair either. (I am a bicyclist and realize that nothing will look good after the helmet comes off anyway...LOL) You are right, the only consolation is...that it will eventually grow out. I will be looking for the "new you" on QuiltCam tonight....thanks for sharing your sewing time with us.....I Love It!!

Tamie said...

My hair is really short but last week I went to have it trimmed. I think it is shorter than my husband's hair now! No need for products- or a hair dryer!!

D Brown said...

It will be fine. And ok - did not laugh untill you mentioned it.

Your hair sounds just like mine except I just started coloring it 2 years ago. I want to be white or highlighted. I'm not into salt and pepper, but $400 to $500 a year is making me rethink this.

See you tonight - I promise not to laugh!

ria vogelzang said...

Ohhhh, that is just horrible!!!!! I know how that must feel,have had some dissappointing hair-issues myself.. (and have my hair rather short cut since....).
But.... I'm looking forward to Quiltcam! Not just to see what they have done to your hair; but to see you sew!! Because I've learned so much from you!! And will continue to learn and enjoy!!!!!!
And your hair...will grow.....!!!!!!! (Trust me...!!) :)
With a lot of love, from the Netherlands; still your big fan,
(looking forward to see your looks.....) Ria.

Loris said...

oh man...life sure happens, doesn't it? Hang in there. Know that we love you no matter how you look...you can too :-) I hope the re-growth is fast and that you find a better helper next time.
Can't wait for quilt cam though. Word got out and now I'm sewing more pot holders. I can use the company sewing!

Kay said...

I'm so sorry. I've been there. I hope that it grows back fast.
I'm looking forward to Quilt-Cam tonight! We all love you!

pcflamingo said...

I'm sorry :( I have very thin, baby-fine hair too and I don't do "products" either. My hair gets shorter and shorter every time I get it cut, just because I don't want to have to mess with it. You must be so disappointed and frustrated and pure-D MAD!

Can you see that you have your legions of minions that are mad on your behalf for you? That hairdresser person is going to have very bad karma.

Jane said...

Once upon a time, I got such a bad and short haircut and felt so ugly I refused attend my husband's company Christmas party with him. Just this year, he admitted to me that he was glad I didn't! Now that's bad. And in addition to thinning, my hair is getting totally fizzy curly. For flat head I have found a mousse called Got2b fat-tastic to be somewhat helpful. A little dab on top before blowing dry.

I bet you still look beautiful.

Laura B said...

When I was in nursing school (oh, so many years ago), one of my classmates had a friend who was an award-winning stylist. She got him to come into nurses' residence one evening to cut hair for several of us and we got a deal because it was after hours and no shop expenses. Not much of a deal. He left my hair long in the back, very short on the sides with a big swatch of hair on the forehead. Sort of a mullet, I guess, and pretty darned ugly. I looked like a boy. But there was not enough left on the sides to get it re-cut. I could hardly wait until it grew long enough to get a decent style.
Unlike you, I like layers and it really bugs me when I ask for layers and the stylist layers the bottom one inch of my hair. That is not layers!!!
I finally found a stylist that I really like at a flea market, believe it or not. She's terrific and I'm sticking with her.

Sharon said...

why do we have not enough hair where we want it and too much where we don't? On the bright side - hair grows faster in the summer so you have a "head" start! doh.

Deanna W said...

I gave up on salons along time ago...can you say buzzers!! That's right electric buzzers and 3/4" comb attachment and my hubby cuts my hair. I figure with what I save I do buy colouring for the grays still. It is short and sassy...wash and go! Love it! Looking forward to quilt cam, hoping to home in time.

Melena said...

Now is when you buy a funky hair band and brush it back and smile. I am sure is not that bad, the problem is that you are not use to it. We will see what people say tonight.
The eyebrows are another story. I am so very sorry for that.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Oh Bonnie - been there done that. I have short hair - but it covers my ears. But not after one stylist decided my ears should show - cut our all around and above them. Talk about looking like a boy . . . Had to learn to put sunscreen on my EARS till they were covered again!

Blueladyjl said...

I like it! And I cant see the eyebrows so not sure whats wrong with them. They seem fine to me too. But I think the haircut looks cute.

Deb said...

photo please

Tami C said...

I have been growing my hair out for about two years now. I still have wispy pieces that fly around my face and I absolutely hate them. I have very fine very thin hair and it's a pain. I was thinking about getting it trimmed so it would grow faster, but I'm having second thoughts about that after hearing about your salon disaster. I look forward to Quilt Cam tonight. I promise I won't laugh!

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

Hey! Lots of chicas down here just draw on eyebrows with a black sharpie. Well, maybe they don't but it sure looks like it. Lol. Not helping, I know. Just trying to make you laugh.
Kathleen from San Juan

Trish said...

Except for the eyebrows, this could be my story. Sorry for you.

Unknown said...

As a hairdresser for the past 33 years, find someone you like and stick with them. Was this the first time she cut your hair? Ask a neighbor or friend who's hair you like and see where they go. An experienced hairdresser would know not to layer your hair if it's too fine or thin. You should have been asked questions about how you like to wear your hair (ponytail, etc). Chances are, if there's no consultation before she starts cutting then things are bound to go wrong. Sorry you had a bad experience Bonnie. I wish I could have cut it for you!

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Oh Bonnie, that is something I can relate to, so I must admit I had a little laugh.

It can't really look that bad (I can't tell as you didn't put up a photo.

No one does workshops with you because of your hair style anyway, they come because of your sewing style.

As we say here in Australia "she'll be right mate!".

Just enjoy sewing with those ladies this weekend.

Pattie D said...

My dad used to say the only difference between a good haircut and a bad one is 3 days. When I was younger I used to laugh about it and think there is no way this hair is growing in three days...Now I realized by day three I no longer care... Sorry I really dislike bad hair days, makes me feel yucky! My motto in life apparently is if the doesn't look good you can't feel good!

Debra said...

poor baby. all that and no picture? guess we have to tune in ;-)

Sharon said...

We've all been there UGH...and it is just hair...but it's still unfortunate that you have so many fun days coming up and you may not look your best. As others have said, folks come to see and learn quilting tips from you...you are appreciated for what you share with us. Keep smiling and others will smile back!

Pauline said...

40+ years ago I went to a salon to have some gentle waves put it my hair. She rolled it up tight on small rollers and let it cook. It frizzed so bad I wanted to die, didn't want to be seen. I haven't let anyone else touch my hair since then. I do the cutting. I do the styling. I do the washing. Now I've learned to cut and style DH's hair. He even likes it!

Neil said...

How about wearing a hat. Didn't you wear a fancy hat during your trip to Ireland?

Eli, Cattails Quilts said...

Happened to me about 2 months before my wedding. I was literally in tears...

Kathy in FL said...

My Dad used to always say that it only takes 2 weeks for a bad haircut to grow out. I *think* it takes that long to get used to it! And I'll bet every one of us has been in your place, and sometimes more than once! See you on Quilt Cam, and I promise not to laugh.

Dinah said...

We've all had this happen and can sympathize with you. But remember that you are not defined by your hair; you (and your quilts and your creative spirit) are beautiful, even if your hair is not at the moment! And it will grow back!

Nancy said...

So sorry, Bonnie. Just remember true beauty comes from within. You have a beautiful sharing heart. So hair and eyebrows don't really matter.

QuiltGirl said...

This happened to be about a month ago - my regular stylist was on maternity leave and had given me the name of another lady at the salon in case it needed a trim before she was back to work. My hair is deceptive - its thick, but also baby fine. Well, this new lady thought she was smarter than what I told her to do and disaster ensued...my bangs looked like a 4 year old had taken safety scissors to them. But I am here to tell you - it will grow out. It already looks so much better than it did....

Rina Mason said...

The last time I had a really horrid haircut I took a picture of it and took it with me on my next appointment. I showed the new stylist and told her, "This is an example of what the last stylist did to me and only I know where the body is buried." She and everyone else in the salon started laughing. You just have to keep a sense of humor when things like this happen.

Kat said...

:) I feel your pain! I keep my hair cut short but when I procrastinate on making an appointment it quickly gets to the point where it is falling all in my face and tickling my nose and it seems like I can't SEE what I'm trying to do when I'm sewing!! (It makes me want to cut it ALL off!) My solution is to wear a backward baseball cap while I am working or when it really gets on my nerves. Yeah it may look a little funny... but it keeps my hair back and I forget I have it on. I don't care what I look like, anyway. I care about the quilting!

TLC said...

I like it! Smile and carry a big rotary cutter. ;-)

Elaine M said...

Sorry that this happened to you, I also have very thin hair that needs to be one length. Worse haircut I had was in college, my Mom paid for a cut and perm. I went back to college will Brillo head. My then boyfriend broke up with me for 9 months because of it. His sister let it slip one night. I said "goodbye" to him that night.

Laura said...

Sorry about your hair! I think a bad cut has happened to everyone. It will grow back. In the meantime, remember it is a quilting class, not a beauty contest, and people would flock to your classes no matter how you look.

jennyg said...

Omg my daughter is a hairdresser and both her and I do waxing, neither of s would let you out like u describe poor you

Unknown said...

I thought I was alone with thin baby fine hair and problem salon cutters. Notice I called them salon cutters, because they surely arn't "hairdressers"!!

I have had my hair ruined several times over my lifetime of 67 years. All in the pursuit of the perfect hair dresser! I finally found him . . . He was perfect! I was in my 30's and had my hair long and layered a la "Farah" It was beautiful! AND he kept it that way until he moved out of our area, then I moved out of the area. That's when I learned to cut my own hair. I figured if I am going to get ruined hair cuts, then "by golly" I am not going to pay for it!!!! I have been cutting my own hair since then. It's really not hard and if you make a mistake, you know what to fix next time. Plus, you are not paying for the mistakes.

Love your quilt cam and will be there tonight!

Quilting mom said...

I also had the scissor-happy hairstylist once. Made the mistake of telling her that I was going to the beach & wanted something easy to take care of but not too short. Came out of the shop with about 1/2 inch in length all over! Now the only person who cuts my hair is my hubby.
I wasn't going to view the quilt cam tonight but I don't want to miss the unveiling! I bet it looks better than you think.

Liz in KY said...

Bonnie, I think you know what to do - laugh and move on...it *will* grow back!

Kelly said...

Oh, Bonnie, that's no fun. We've all had it happen to us. Every time I find someone I like and trust, they move salons and I have to start over again. Sometimes I think a wig over a shaved head would have to be an improvement!

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Oh, Bonnie, that's truly the pits! :-O Girl, I feel your pain and so wish that I could recommend some super fast layered hair growing back tips ~ I'd be using them, too!

Nancy said...

Oh Bonnie- Not to worry. We've all had bad haircuts. I like to pull mine back away from my face too, so I would suggest pulling up the sides with a clip on top. My hair is shorter than my chin and it still can be pulled up. We love you the way you are, no matter what!
See you tonight on quilt cam.

Jfelb said...

I feel your pain...been there. It'll be better by mystery time.

Unknown said...

Oh, Bonnie...I can commiserate. I remember crying in the mirror when my perm made me look just like a blonde poodle! Oh, the horror stories we all have. That, of course, birthed my private theory that a good stylest who can deal with your own brand of hair (mine is quite thick and wants to lay straight and flat except the ends at my neck)is worth their weight in gold! Wish I could be there for quilt cam but I'm at a class tonight. Hope to catch one soon!

QltnRobin said...

Ohhh Bonnie!
I will sit and cry with you. I have very frequent experiences with bad haircuts. I have very thin hair that is kinky curly. When it grows out, its frizzy as heck, and I put a pony tail in, its barely a fingers thickness. But when I wear it short...it means I get a haircut every few months, and Yah I can commiserate very well with bad cuts! The worst is when they want to do "razor cut" on my poor hair. And I cant see either while they cut , glasses interfere with their process.
HUGS and I will see you later on quiltcam, I wont laugh, I promise!
Robin in Bellingham

Tammy said...

What is it that we are so attached to our hair? Seems we can't fathom being disconnected from it. I'm one of those. I don't spend a lot of time on my hair, but try make it look presentable. I feel for you Bonnie. I'll see you tonight. We are all here to support you. We've all been in your shoes. Hang in there; this too shall pass. (P.S. You should let the salon owner know; especially about the eyebrows. She obviously does not know what she is doing and could really hurt someone with the hot wax.)

Ann H. said...

I think EVERY woman has had a really bad cut at one time or another. It stinks! But it probably looks worse to you than to everyone else. Sorry Bonnie, I know how you must feel. Try a really cute wide headband and see if that works to control some of the short layers. Chin up!

giddy99 said...

We've all had it happen before! Once, in my early thirties, I thought I'd get my hair short and sleek - uber-professional, right? I left there with a brown "football helmet" - the kind of hair style that would have made my grandmother feel old (seriously). HIDEOUS. With so much hairspray that I was a walking fire hazard. I somehow managed to brush most of it out, and left that shop nearly in tears. My sisters helped me to calm down later, and it DID grow back out - eventually. But I survived. You'll survive, too. It might suck for awhile, but this is temporary!

ckwood50 said...

I won't be laughing behind my monitor! I am growing out a bad haircut I got just before Christmas. Same thing--too short and layers. If it helps any my daughter is having one bad hair day after another. She had her head shaved for St Baldrick's cancer awareness. Raised over $1000 and donated 18 inches of hair for Locks of Love. So having gone from 18 inches to zero and now she is about 2 inches long and it sticks up every direction. Flat on one side when she wakes up. So things could be worse :-D

SubeeSews said...

those cute tiny hair clips will keep the wispies out of your face and still feel as if you have a ponytail. Poor Bonnie....yes I had a very bad experience with getting a perm once. One of those electric heated roller perms. It did not take so they did it again the next week. All my hair fell out. I wore a bandana for 6 months. Worst time of my life...was getting a divorce then too. Just what I needed. But my hair grows really fast...and I also tried the layer cuts...loved the look but not the work. I have better things to do besides looking at myself in the mirror for an hour each day. XOXOXO Subee

Glady said...

No worries, Bonnie, you are beautiful no matter how your hair looks. It's your lovely, caring personality and joy for quilting that shines through. However, I understand your concern because I stress over my hair all the time too, but your hair will grow back. It will be fine! See you at quilt cam.

luv2quilt2 said...

We've all been there; most of us more than once. I also have thin fine hair, so my options are limited. I also don't color it because I'm afraid of damaging it. Right now I'm bald as I go through chemo, and it's great not to have to worry about it for awhile! Patience - it will soon be back. I love your blog and am slowly working on Easy Street.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

been there! luckily my hair grows fairly fast - went last week - told her to just trim - I usually add "do not cut the bangs" as they always cut them too short no matter who I go to - well I forgot - as she stood in front of me touching up the top I all of a sudden realize she had the bangs in hand/scissor - too late to shout - now I am stuck with too short bangs for the next two or three weeks. Sometimes a hair product is ok, put on a little and finger fluff as you use a hair dryer - if your hair is thin it shouldn't take too long, maybe it can be done in 5 minutes - my hair is fine and layered - takes less than 5 minutes every morning.

gmp said...

Don't worry about it, Bonnie. Do you know what the difference is between a good haircut and a bad haircut? Two weeks! That's it! It will be over before you know it! Looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight.

Deb said...

No laughing here, I feel your pain. If I was there I would shed a tear along with you. Just know that the reasons you are loved and respected have nothing to do with the way your hair looks but everything to do with the way your heart looks!
(Headbands helped when it happened to me)
See you in an hour.

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Since quilt cam changed from 8pm EST to 9 - I haven't been able to join in (9pm is the start of 'together' time with the hubby...what can I say)...but don't you KNOW I will BE THERE even if only for a few minutes...because of course I have to see with my own eyes (not afraid to admit it - haha) ...and I will be cheering you on/up from Floreeedah!!! (And like everyone else before me has said...it will grow back/in....been there...grew that....)....perhaps this is the time for a few highlites of purple and/or pink (I'm wanting teal myself)...Rad Bonnie going Punk! HUGS!!!!!

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said...

Oh don't we all have hair stories. I have curly hair, which I usually keep short. Made the mistake once of telling a hairdresser I need a trim since I was swimming a lot. Wrong thing to say! If you pulled on the curl it was about and inch long. I was scalped! Of course I got used to it and it grew out, but I sure paid more attention the next time.

We love you, long, short or no hair!

crazy quilter said...

Oh my the exact same thing happened to me ! I did not get the brow wax but she sure scalped me. The friont while there are no layers will not even go behind my ears! Oh we'll it has been a month and it has grown out some and apparently I am the only one who hates it. Since I have had several " really like your hair" comments. Lesson learned I am going to let it grow for many months before I go for the next trim. I have to let the back grow out enough so I can get it at least all one length again. Yours will grow too and as it turns out you might be the only one who hares it! Can't wait for quilt cam.

Vic in NH said...

Awww, so sorry you got a bad cut and waxing. But you are a person of great inner beauty that shines through it all wherever you go. We all love ya, no matter what!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha, too funny. I look back to when IT happened to me. I remember how I cried. I remember my husband telling me to go and get another hair cut. That comment made me feel worse.....there was nothing left to cut! Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

You have such a pretty face that the hair is only a frame for it. I'm sure you look pretty. A little hair blower and spray will help keep them up. Hair is like lipstick, it only looks good for the first hour of the day, it's downhill afterwards but a sunny smile and laugh lines around your eyes tell a story. Don't stress over it but definitely change either hairdresser or start wearing your glasses during the cut.

Lee said...

I'm not sure whether to laugh with you or cry with you. I had near-waist length hair, am 'old' ;p so cut it myself just by pulling it back tight while wet using a pony tail band as close to the hair line in back as I could - I don't spend money on my hair either! It was "OK", fast-forward a year and a half, went to a 'chain' clip salon and ended up with layers too...just not exactly the way I had hoped they'd look and when I said the bangs were a bit too long still, instead of the nice feathery ones she first had she clipped them straight across. I can barely keep this hair clipped back with an alligator clip. Ah well, as you said, we know it'll grow back, and while it isn't 'horrible', it isn't exactly what I thought I'd get. Hope to make quilt camp tonight, but on vacation and may not :(

Tonya Ricucci said...

time to be a mennonite or a hippie. could that lace cap or bandana and pull it down so it covers your hair and eyebrows. aiyee. Being half blind really does suck when you're getting haircuts.

Louise said...

Sorry about your bad experience. Some of those beauty shop people have a whole different concept of "beauty". I prefer the au natural look myself, though I do cover up the gray from time to time.

Mary W Quilts said...

Hi Bonnie, I love the hair!! Looks great. Glad Quilt Cam is working tonight. Mary in Boston

p.s. paying bills tonight as I watch instead of sewing :-((

Chris said...

AHH, shucks. It sucks to get a bad haircut, thankfully, it will grow.
Great reference to Alexander BTW ;)

Samantha said...

The lady who cut my hair before the last one gave me a mullet and she SHAVED 1/2 an inch above my ears!! I feel your pain. After it grew out enough I went to a different place and told the lady what the last lady had done to me. She told me not to worry but it was going to be short when she was done to fix it. I told her to go for it that she couldn't possibly do worse than the lady before her.

When she was done I actually felt like I could go out of the house without drawing laughter, so it is all good. My hair is super short, shorter than it's ever been but like you, I know it will grow out so I'm going to just live with it and let it grow. :D

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I feel your pain! I think we've all been through this a time or two. Years ago had "Beverly" at a chain salon cut my hair. While she bragged how she 'taught' at a beauty school, she cut all my permed hair off! I was in tears when I left. The ironic part is my husband had Beverly too and she pretty much 'skun' (i.e. skinned) up the back of his head. He was not happy. I finally found someone local here in our small town who I can trust and she is reasonable. That would be my suggestion; find one person who gets to know what you like. Looking forward to quilt cam! Linda

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Bonnie. I haven't had a bad do many years because I have a real pro doing mine--never have seen anything bad come out of her chair in many years. I went through the very thin hair, so thin you could see my scalp all the way to the crown! Layers were my enemy then too, but they kept putting them back in. Now, my hair has gotten so thick, I begged my stylist to layer it, but she just did the ends, no real layers. Now that it has thickened and actually has some curl to it, it would be so nice to just have to fluff my hair in the morning...With the perfect bob, I have to dry it and use the curling iron, then tease it...yuk! We can agree, though, spend money on fabric and thread!!! A girl after my own heart, you are!

Pamela Kieffer said...

Bonnie, take heart. I am in my 80s and like so many other elders hair is almost a thing of the past. Fortunately I have lots of friends in the same boat and it is always good for a laugh.
Oh, by the way, look at some of the glamorous ladies on the television...I think your hair stylist must have worked on them.

Carla said...

I count on people to use hair products and buy them from me so I can buy fabric. You should have me cut your hair when you are in Kansas so you can contribute to my fabric needs...

Lois M. said...

I can relate to Blue Ridge Mountains in loss of hair due to meds and age. It is fine and thin and I keep it short and layered and have it frosted for some body. A small curling iron can get me done pretty quick and I don't wash it every day, maybe every 3. I am too old to wear it long anymore. I find it so easy to take care of when its short.
Who knows,Bonnie,you may find that you like it.

Dasha said...

Bonnie, your lovely personality has not changed because your hair is shorn. The people that matter will just see your beautiful smile and they won't judge you because of your hair. It WILL grow out. xx db

Pam in KC said...

I missed quilt cam tonight, so I haven't seen the new "do", but I understand how you feel. Two days before my sister's wedding I had my brows waxed - they really needed them -- but I didn't want them that thin! There was nothing I could do, but be grateful it was 2 days and the redness had faded by the wedding. As for the hair - I need a trim, but can't quite make myself go get one. Perhaps the braid is the way to go.

Ava K said...

Elaine, what a hoot! And if this hadn't happened to Bonnie, we never would have heard your story. Sounds like he was a real winner......

Millie said...

I thought I was the only one that had problems with hairdressers... I am always on the hunt for someone to cut my hair and not scalp me.. I have been trying to get someone to highlight it with out turning it yellow.. No such luck..and as for the hair cut the last lady just wacked a big hunk out of the back.. I know it will grow out... My hair looks terrible and right now I am in search of someone to cut it again before I have to go to a school reunion in Aug... Grrrrr!

Marj said...

I know it is hard to look at right now, but it is true that it will grow out. I saw the end of quilt cam last night and really it doesn't look that bad, just a little short. Keep smiling! It will get better in time.

Mary Ellen said...

It could be worse. I have had no hair days (chemo). Any day with hair is a good one for me. As you said, time will correct most things.

Sue G said...

I feel for you!Yes it will all grow back. We've all have been there at one time or another. But don't let it get you down.Find someone else. But I would say to put in a complaint to the salon. Maybe they're not aware of the mis happs going on.

Nancy said...

I hate it when I have to have someone whom I don't know cut my hair. I have been with the same person for almost 24 years.... started with her when Erin was 3, and now she is almost 27.

Looks like I won't be able to make the class in Bedford, and I am not sure I'll make it to Odyssey.

Take care girlfriend!

Shirley said...

I saw part of QuiltCam last night, and I may be in the minority, but I think your hair looks really good now that it is shorter! Maybe the layers aren't your thing, but this length is quite flattering.

sara said...

bonnie, as you can tell by the comments--we've all been there! i have the same type hair and i've found a headband works wonders for keeping hair out of my eyes. so far, i've only found one style that will stay on my baby fine,thin hair---but it works well

Nancy said...

Two words come to mind: HATS and SUNGLASSES! LOL! Seriously, I know what that feels like, and it's not good. I had that happen to me when I was about 13, and I went home and cried. It will grow back, and you will laugh about it one day. Just remember to never use that "stylist" again. LOL!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I DO color my hair, but, it can't be colored in the 'normal' way, it has to be done special. When I moved (states) my hairdresser wrote down what had to be done, and included her phone number. I went to a new place and told the girl the info. She said that it couldn't be done that way (first warning shot, ignored). I then pulled out my cell and dialed my old hairdresser, who chatted with the girl. The girl said she understood, and would follow the directions. When she was done, my hair was PURPLE! Oh my! I cried! Weeks later, I finally found someone who could help me out. Oh well, the story is funny now. Need a hat? Brow pencil? Hair band?

Ranch Wife said...

Yep, we all love you,and not just for your hair so go drown your sorrows in a nice bowl of your favorite ice cream and some fabric therapy! And if it's still bad after that, invest in a couple of caps! :)

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