
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Testing Google Hangout

This is a test of the emergency quilt cam broadcast system.
This is only a test!
I want to see if I can imbed a google hangout -- it's supposed to record into youtube...so it will be viewable by others later...and this might be the answer to our problem!
If it doesn't work -- back to the drawing board...bear with me...it's almost 11pm at night and I'm tired but determined!


Leeann said...

Is working great Bonnie and will be a real bonus that people can go and see older ones on Youtube! Welldone for all they work sorting it :-)

Mary said...

You showed up crisp and the sound is clear. Hope this works out! Do so love Quilt cam!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...


Unknown said...

It works!

Unknown said...

It works!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

AND it can be played later!! WHoowhooooo!

Katie Ringo said...

Looks great Bonnie!! I was hoping this would be a good solution for you. Getting them recorded for free is awesome too! Hope the next broadcast works well too.

Unknown said...

Looks and sounds fantastic!!!

Crazy Babs said...

looks good to me too! YAY!

Stephanie Newman said...

Looks nice and crisp Bonnie,
and it will be GREAT if it is saved on Youtube, so those of us on different time zones can catch it when it suits us.
A good move, I'd say. Google stuff is often great- and free!

Mary said...

Wow ! that was great, will be so nice to not miss out on Quiltcam because of work etc.

Carol said...

Sound great and picture slightly blurred but that's not a problem really. So much better than tonight's experience.

sewnsew said...

Even though you were a little blurry from your trip last week, I still enjoyed quiltcam. This one seems to be coming in good and I can replay for later, yeah!!!

QltnRobin said...

15 minutes after you recorded, Im seeing it, on your website....Awesome! This might do the trick! Good luck!
Wonder if it will be "live time" when you record and share the link? I really like watching you at the same time you are on camera :)

Ann Davis said...

I love that it can be played later....I may never have to miss Quiltcam again...whoo hoo!!!

Unknown said...

Great picture and clear sound! Love, love, love that it will record quiltcam! I really hope this works better for you than ustream since it even gets rid of the ads!

Kathy in GA said...

two thumbs up Bonnie!


It's great, clear as can be. It just may be your answer. Gale/OK

Unknown said...

It works! I think you have solved the problem.

Helen said...

working great in New Brunswick Canada

Baglady said...

I can see it and it's 11:20 EST 8:20 PST

Janet O. said...

I'm sure you were tucked in bed by the time I viewed this. Worked great!!

Fiddlesticks and Humility said...

works in google but not IE--surprise surprise...NOT

Lynmar said...

Thank you Bonnie this came through perfect. Viewed it from your web page.

D Brown said...

Don't know how it will work live, but it is crystal clear at 11:24 eastern from YouTube. You ROCK Bonnie Hunter !!!!

D Brown said...

Just a FYI, watched on my iPad from the imbedded link on your site. Thanks again, Deb

preludetoaseam said...

It's working and even replaying after you've gone away. Good for you!

Beth said...

IT works :)

Pam in KC said...

Popped in at 11:35 ish Eastern and apparently saw the replay.

Bj said...

It worked for me Bonnie, Good seeing you again :) Take Care, Bj in Arizona from the Prescott Class :)

Marcia said...

Replay at 11:45 was great. See you on Friday.

Marietta V Gartner said...


Unknown said...

Worked great! I replayed it at 10PM Mountain time.

Lois said...

It sounds like the perfect solution!! See you Friday.

Deb Peterson said...

I just watched it at 9:07 pm, in California. Might be the answer.

cityquilter grace said...

this is great! i missed quilt cam as i was at work but i came home and voila! there is bonnie, recorded previously.....a fantastic idea...better than sliced bread i'd say....

Rachel said...

Looks like you got it. :)

sheila said...

Ah Bonnie, what a happy surprise to come home to find your tape, I do hope that this works out for you. I was sorry to have missed your quiltcam tonight as my sil and I went out to an Irish performance, so I was doubly happy to see you now. Looking forward to Friday night.

Material Girl said...

Yay it worked very well, I look forward t0 being able to see you on QuiltCam again and watching episodes that I could watch live. Thanks Bonnie you are amazing!!

Lindah said...

Nice, clear picture ---but the audio was out of sync w/pic. Wonder if others had the problem??? Hope this works out for you. It is fun watching your show.

Mary said...

I had to leave for quilt guild and missed seeing most of the Quilt Cam. Showed off my Easy "BUSY" Street and got to Brag that I'll be seeing you next week! So FUN I can hardly wait!

Granny Lyn said...

This will be amazing!!! Love all you do for us....you.'re the best!

Unknown said...

I lov

Jane the new hangout. Was great on my kindle. I love the fact you can go back to the video also.


Vanya said...


normajean53 said...

Still working fine at 12:30 AM

Smiley Quilter said...

Checking in at 9:33 pm PST and that is great. I seldom get to watch Quiltcam so love that we can watch later. It was very clear.
Thanks for all you do.

Eileen S said...

Sooo Cool!! Now if we miss you, we can catch up later. Thank you so much for all you do for us. We do appreciate it so much.

Tami C said...

I missed Quilt-Cam tonight as I have been under the weather the last couple of days and was asleep when you came on tonight. Imagine my surprise when I was treated with a very nice and clear recording of you testing out Google+ where I normally found nothing! I'm sorry Quilt-Cam itself didn't go well tonight, but VERY happy you have found a workable solution. We'll have an added bonus of being able to see Quilt-Cam after work (or after we wake up) instead of completely missing it. You really ROCK!!! Thanks for all you do for us Bonnie! We really appreciate it! Sleep well. :-)

Lorna McMahon said...

Hooray! Have a good night's rest!

coolmama said...

On your blog the picture is blurry for me and the sound is not with your lips. On You Tube the picture is a bit better. A couple of times you moved closer to the camera and it was closer to being in focus. The same thing happened on webcam when you moved the camera. Things up close were very clear. The sound on You Tube matches your lips as long as you aren't moving, which seems to cause memory overload. Viewing directly from UStream wasn't too bad for me. Some of the same problems as above, but not bad. Might I suggest trying to use some sort of light to brighten the area being recorded to see if that helps the picture quality? Maybe the computer would not need to process so much information to try to brighten the picture and keep it in focus at the same time. Only a guess. The camera I use for Skype is an external camera with LED lighting. The subject is relatively close and is always in focus with proper sound timing. Just a simple suggestion to try.

Kate said...

It's perfect Bonnie - well done!!!

Dar said...

Bonnie, It is 1 a.m. on Wed. morning and I am checking my emails and some of the blogs I follow. Your's is one of my favorites and there you were, saying you were running a test. It worked great from your blog. I love this idea because I sometimes have a conflict with the quilt cam time and I am so disappointed when I cannot watch it. Thanks for all your effort to connect with us.

Andee said...

WOW! YIPPPEE!!! It was so nice to come to your page and find out I missed a broadcast, but I didn't miss it, I was able to watch it. I am liking this Google Plus and I sure hope it works out so all the folks all over the world can watch (and not in the middle of their night, lol) whenever they log on. Thanks again Bonnie for a great night of QuiltCam!

Kristy said...

Yes, I agree too. It is 11:17 pm. California time and I watched your test! Yippee! I hope it will be a good fit for you because it is nice to be able to tune in and see what you did even if I can't be there in person. Thanks for making all the effort to do this! It is really above and beyond and we appreciate all the time and money you have spent to get this working for all of us. Thanks again- We do love your work and your freely given love through quilting is a blessing to us all. K-

Ingrid said...

I was asleep last-night when QuiltCam was on. This morning I saw your test. Looks good!

Sandra Henderson said...

You are so tenacious and it seems to have paid off!~ GO, BONNIE, GO!!!!~

QueenB said...

It works even here in australia too. I will tune in live sat midday our time riday evening yours.

Jan said...

Hi Bonnie. I have just watched this at 06:50 in the uk and it is clear picture and the sound is clear. This would be great for me living in the UK because I very rarely get to watch quiltcam. I hope you got a good nights sleep in the end

Jan said...

Hi Bonnie. I have just watched this at 06:50 in the uk and it is clear picture and the sound is clear. This would be great for me living in the UK because I very rarely get to watch quiltcam. I hope you got a good nights sleep in the end

Unknown said...

It was perfect! I'm watching on an Android tablet...I can take you with me everywhere :-)

JeanInMaine said...

Thanks for finding a way to do it, this is so great. I'm very glad that it's go8ing to be available later. I always missed it when you were doing it before.

janequiltsslowly said...

Yea! It worked! And I replayed it here on the west coast, past midnight!

Fran said...

YAAAYYYYY!!!!! Now I can watch in my time, from the Deep South of Australia in Beautiful Tasmania. Thanks for all of your effort, hugz,

Valerie said...

Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

Works perfectly here in North Dakota at 2:30am central time!

Gisele said...

hi bonnie, just watched your test broadcast embedded from your post this morning, 9am GMT (UK) and it worked fine, good image & clear sound!Have a great week :)

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Good morning Bonnie. I watched the video at 0500. It's working, but there does seem to be a small disconnect between voice/mouth sync at time. Want to say, much improved from last night. Nice to have it available to watch later!!!!! I give it a thumbs up.

Lizzie P said...

Really good - glad you've overcome the problems

joanold said...

This test worked so well here in the UK. If you go with this system it means I can watch Quilt Cam over breakfast, and also throughout the day when I am actually quilting. That would be so good. It's a win-win situation for me!

Mary W Quilts said...

Good Morning. Google Hangout looks great and sounds great. Your voice and your lips match with no delay. Clear crisp picture. Two thumbs up!!

Ginny said...

This is great!!!!! I love the fact that I can watch it whenever!!!

Karen M said...

Bonnie, I am looking at this on Wednesday morning. Yeah! This is a great solution. I'm looking forward to being with you on the Ireland trip.

Eccles said...

9.15pm Wednesday 13 March - all good, but then I (somehow) have never had problems :)

gtcoursey said...

I'm so excited that this worked. Now I will get to see the Quilt Cam more often. Great Job Bonnie!!!!!

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

Wow! This is great. I missed quilt cam last night because I had a quilt group meeting to attend. Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and checked your blog. There you were, telling me that you were testing something new. And I could see and hear you just fine. I love it! Thank you for all the work you do to reach out to us. You are an amazing person!

deelish10 said...

hey cool, I just started watching when I could and that was not always possible, now with recording stuff I can !!!!!! remember that utube now has ads...before every session...seems you cant get away from ads anymore and they are really annoying! good luck and I think recording your shows is the way to go!

~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

YES YES YES I can see you very clear in northern NY and you sound great! Way to go!
Cindy P.

Laura said...

It looks perfect!! And I love the idea of being able to watch anytime. Can't wait. I wasn't able to watch the ustream on my ipad, but I bet I'll be able to watch this youtube!! So excited!

Sherry said...

It's 6:30 am central time on March 13 and it is still working great. I am thrilled I will be able to watch the ones I miss.

Catarina C said...

It´s working for me in Sweden too, great!

Ellie said...

This looks great! It was so disappointing not to be able to get quilt cam last night. If this works we can watch even when you're traveling! Hooray!

Unknown said...

It's Wednesday morning and I can hear and see you clearly! Hope you find one that works! Best of luck!

Debbie said...

It is 6 am here in South Dakota and I just watched the test. It worked great. I love the idea that it is on youtube and I can play back the feed. That way if you are not there and I need something to sew by I can just watch a repeat. I do that with Pat Sloans radio broadcasts.

Julierose said...

Hi Bonnie, it's 8 am the 13th and I was able to watch your video on your blog! How wonderful to be able to embed them. It looked fine...Julierose

Angeliasue said...

Yeah! It's working at 8a.m. I just can't remember the evening ones so I'm so glad to finally be able to see these. Great job, Bonnie!

Lori Huffman said...

Looks grea this morning in Virginia Bonnie. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for all your teaching and sharing!


Mary Ellen said...

Wow, this looks great! The sound is SO much better. Your mouth moves at the same time as the audio and is much smoother than Ustream, plus the video is good, too.

Unknown said...

I watched it and the sound and picture were great. Yay, you did it

Unknown said...

abulous here in UK I can now watch all your "quilt cam " episodes

Linda Enneking said...

This seems to work much better than last night's quilt cam. When I made it full screen, you looked a little fuzzy, but the ironing board and other items in the background were very clear.

Debbie Lou said...

How exciting! A recorded Quilt Cam! You work so hard to benefit all of us. Thanks for all you do. Looks great! Have a quilty day! Enjoy!!!

Sandy Garrett said...

Test coming in loud and clear in Manassas, VA. Also just watched the video from the Friday before your trip, also loud and clear. It was up last night after your session and when I went back this morning it was still there and I watched the whole hour and a half. Nice recording still had ads but nice anyway because it's one that I missed.

SewLisa :o) said...

I am usually working during Quiltcam, and even if I have a minute to watch, I get interrupted. Fabulous idea!!!!

SewLisa :o) said...

I am usually working during Quiltcam, and even if I have a minute to watch, I get interrupted. Fabulous idea!!!!

Candace said...

It sure looks a good to me; and what a fabulous fabulous bonus it would be if there is possibility of watching quilt cam, even if we had another commitment during the live time. Wouldn't that be a huge help to those in far away time zones too?

Betty said...

Works for me! I went to YouTube and was able to watch it there also. Thank you so much for always going above and beyond for your devoted followers!

Anonymous said...

AND.... It's STILL working at 12Noon. Wed. March 13.........

Nancy-Rose said...

I think this is the answer Bonnie!!!

HelenMarie said...

It works great this morning Bonnie. Now I'll have to try it on my kindle or I will be fight hubby for the computer friday night! LOLLL!

Farm Quilter said...

Watching this little clip on Wednesday morning...the background is very clear but you are a bit fuzzy. I think this is your camera not the carrier, but since I've done neither, how would I know??! Love quilt cam but the time difference between the east coast and west coast puts you here when I am usually cooking dinner or eating with my DH! I'll take you with me when I cook, but I feel it is so rude to have you at the dinner table and not feed you!!! Thank you so much for all you do for all of us - you are the best!!!

Unknown said...

It is now almost 1:30 on Wednesday afternoon. I often can watch in the evenings, so it was great to be able to see it the next day. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

eddieb said...

I'm watching it in Australia 10.30am 14 March my time and it will be lovely to see you and hear you preferably live! But afterwards is better than missing out due to work and time differences! Thank you so much! Eddie

Terri in BC said...

Fuzzy here in BC, Canada as well. I love the idea of it being available after broadcast, as I just started back to work full time and don't want to miss anything!

Judymc said...

The picture and audio are just great on your Google test. I think you are right--they blackballed you! I have always had success with quiltcam until last night.

myrtovl said...

It was almost perfect here in Athens, Greece!
Thank you Bonnie!

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