
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stop The Slippage!

I just returned from a fun lunch with my friend Mary – who has moved from about an hour’s drive from me, to closer! Only about 15 miles!

We are kind of in opposite directions from town, but there are places half way in between that we can meet for lunch ---PERFECT!  It was fun to catch up and we promised to get together more often.

Doesn’t life go like this for you?

“I was going to call you, but thought you’d be busy.”

“I know you’ve been traveling.”

“I know you are busy in your longarm business with customer quilts and it’s close to the holidays”

In my book there is no such thing as “Pestering a friend!” sometimes the suggestion of lunch is just the seed we need to put some time aside, and if there isn’t an email or text or phone call saying “Hey, let’s get together” it is too easy to fill the day and the week and the month with other “must do’s”  and the friend time never shows up at the top of the list.

If you have a friend you haven’t seen in a while – don’t be afraid they are too busy to hear from you!  You might just be the breath of fresh air and the push and the shove that they need to take some time for themselves in their otherwise busy crazy life.  I think we were that to each other today.

SO where does the title of this post come into play?

I had some students show me a very cool thing in Portland – and after lunch today I trotted over to CVS to pick up some Nexcare banadage tape.

It has a very rubbery waffle-y texture ---it’s clear ---and it helps keep rulers from slipping!

Bandage tape!  REALLY!

studio 013

I should have guessed this would be a 3M product!
3M also makes the re-stickable strips I consider the Best Seam-Guide Ever!

studio 014

If you look close here you can see a square of the tape on the backside of my ruler – I can easily still read the numbers through the tape…let’s give it a try!

studio 015

I give this a complete thumbs up!  It didn’t drag on the fabric like sand paper dots do….and it kept the fabric from shifting while I was cutting.  Give it a try – I think you’ll like it!

Still planning on Quilt-Cam at 9pm Eastern.  Catch you then!


Marcia said...

Tip comes at the right time. I have sand paper on my list for Friday errands. I will get Nexcare instead.

Marcia said...

Tip comes at the right time. I have sand paper on my list for Friday errands. I will get Nexcare instead.

Roma said...

I have used this tape for years.. and the best thing is it does not wear out for a long time.. and easy to take off no matter how long it is there.

Judymc said...

What a great tip! I'm going to try it. Also, leave a dab of peanut butter over night on the sticky areas of your ruler where you remove the sandpaper dots. Just wash the next day with dishwashing soap.

AddieNCE said...

Oh, I loooove this tip! Now I just need to find out if this stuff is available in Germany as well...

tinker said...

people are So clever. Just added this to my grocery list. thanks.

Janet O. said...

Oh, I hope this is the solution I have been searching for! Thanks for passing it along. : )

LizA. said...

Told ya' you'd like it! Pretty nifty, huh?

Marilyn W said...

Before you go, go to 3m.com (or google 3m coupons). I usually get a better deal when I do this!

Marilyn in MS

Luann said...

I'm going to do some trotting right over too!!!

Unknown said...

I use this tape everyday at work and have never thought of that!

Mary said...

Any day is a GOOD Day to have Lunch with a Friend. YEP, I think I mentioned this in our Class. Glad to help!

Angie said...

I'll be buying this tomorrow. My ruler keeps moving while I'm cutting postage stamp strips.

Diane said...

A guild member told us about this and it works great! Found some at Walmart - and only $1.75 for a roll.

Vic in NH said...

Hiya Bonnie! Your pink wings on the Sister's Choice truly changes the look of the quilt, it looks great! I did a matched pair with the green wings with all swapped Civil War 9-patches and my sister loves them to pieces! Thanks so very much for all your marvelous patterns!

Beth said...

Thanks for sharing the great tip. I have those sandpaper dots, but you can't see through them.

Bunnie said...

I just got some in a dispenser like Scotch tape. Neat.

Vic in NH said...

Bonnie, a quick question,please. Can I substitute an embroidery Organ Brand needle for an Organ Brand standard needle sharps in my circa 1949 White sewing machine for piecing? I want the larger eye for ease of threading with these old eyes of mine! But will it mess up my piecing? Thanks!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Thanks for sharing this tip. I was tending not to use certain templates very much because I was having so much trouble with slippage. I will definitely give this a try.


Yvonne Maus Wecker said...

Great tip. I've been trying just to anchor one finger off the ruler/templates to keep them from moving but there still seemd to be a little wiggle room.

~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Great tip, will be looking for it next store trip! Thank you!!

Barbara said...

Wonderful idea. I love 3M also!

Kim Gasaway said...

There are a bunch of types of nexcare bandage tapes on Amazon.com. Which one did you use?

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

I can verify this too... I have bought the sticky squares and the course dots and stuff like that and they didn't work well at all. But this kind of tape..boy howdy it works like a charm! I put it on all my templates and rulers.

Unknown said...

If not that brand, probably available with another name. On the hospital floor we just called it surgical tape. Should be some brand available anywhere!

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