
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring! YAY!!

Today we finally had a blue and sunny sky ---

I took this photo on the way home from the post office this morning ---

This yard has the most glorious bradford pears that are always my first showing of spring ----and I am glad I was able to capture them today because I know when I come home from Nashville in Friday – their blooming should just about be over and leaves will be pushing forth.

It’s been such a cold and delayed spring here that most of the bradford pears don’t seem to WANT to bloom…..as if they are being forced into it against their will.  “It’s not warm enough, please don’t make us do this….NNooooo!!”

But they are beautiful.

And I love the promise of beautiful weather soon to come!

studio 022

I’ve had a devil of a time with the quilting machine today.  There is NOTHING more difficult to pick out than perfect quilting stitches with just-right tension.  MISERABLE! 

And it’s amazing how long it takes to pull out something that took 3 minutes to put in!  I think I’m off and running now – but I was so discouraged at the time I had to take a time out and make this to express how I was feeling:


Can I have an amen??

And some chocolate?

And an extra long soak in the hot tub tonight!


Sue K said...

If the stitches are perfect and the tension is right, curious minds want to know...why are you ripping them out???

farmhousequilter8 said...

I missed why you are taking them out.....wrong thread or did you just not like it? I feel for you....
Paula in KY

Teri said...

I too had one of those days. Everything I touched didn't go right. Hopefully both our black clouds are gone.

Tami C said...

Yeah, I'm interested in the reason for them coming out as well. The quilt blocks look quite interesting! Love the funky little kitty!

Jean said...

Was that a chocolate amen? LoL... if it's chocolate... it's good!
Sorry for your pain... I get it... just ripped out two button holes on butter suede! Putting in new buttons on a refashion!
Was this your little boy quilt? You said that you needed to get motivated to make one.
We need to trim our apple tree's before the weather changes... we have had pretty Spring weather all week. Bound to change soon.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Oh I've eaten your Choc, and mine too! sorry about thte ripping out! I really hate that too!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Ill give you some of my chocolate covered chocolate chip cookie dough bite! Yum!

Teresa in Music City said...

Here in Nashville we are looking forward to your visit with much anticipation Bonnie! We can definitely have chocolate ready for you - just let me know your favorite! Our Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom here too, so perhaps you won't have to miss yours in NC too much :*)

Janet O. said...

And there has got to be chocolate around somewhere--isn't the Easter Bunny bringing any?

Anonymous said...

Uh oh...machine a mind of its own? I did my share of ripping today too but minimal...good day quilting overall. We took a drive this evening and saw lots of Springtime blooms! And I'm with ya it's about time!

Deanna W said...

Ripping out is especially difficult cause you can't sit in a comfy chair to do it either. Got to sew today also working on 2 mysteries, one is finishing up easy street(we are doing it as a group at guild) that is why the delay and also started a bag that a cousin wants to buy! Happy Easter and even though there is still snow on the ground here in Canada, the sun is shining and it is starting to feel like Springtime!

piffle said...

OH, how i love those Bradford Pears in NH. Not in FLorida though, UGH!, miss them.

I have to tell you I received a hexie 750 piece puzzle as a gift. The photo is of a quilt housed in the Vermont Shelburne Museum. Took this young lady, Jane Morton Cook twenty years to complete this quilt. 1828 to 1840. It is going to be a fun challenge to do, probably taking at least twenty months to finish, cuz after all I am a quilter. You would love seeing this and when I have completed it, will send you a photo.

kellsgal said...

Amen. It must have been in something in the universe. Everything I sewed last night had to be un-sewn too.

Kerri said...

Oh dear! Been there and could cry for how achy you must be! I was tucking a bunch of tails on a machine applique piece on my domestic. Just had to, the way the applique were. I was sighing and moaning cuz it is so painstakingly slow and annoying. Don't even want to load it yet on the longarm til I like it again, lol.

HelenMarie said...

Amen! I've had to do that a time or two (rolling eyes here) Chocolate definitely needed!

Farm Quilter said...

I so feel your pain! Spent an hour quilting a customer quilt last night and another hour ripping all that quilting out - but mine was better/easier because my bobbin tension was too tight. As you commiserated with me when I had to rip out a 10" by 108" border on a customer quilt because I didn't like the pattern I was quilting...and my tension was perfect...feathers and pebbles :( - I am so sorry for your frustrating quilting day! My rip out then was only 8 hours! You need some wine in the hot tub with the chocolate!!! And a full-body massage too!!!

pojo said...

must of been the day
they found 2 leaks in the basement of natural gas line

happy easter

pojo said...

I'm shocked of this
first time my comments was ever published here.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

And an adult beverage, please!

mere6sews said...

I can still hear my mamma rectiting thst saying as I "unsewed" less than perfect stitches@

Quilter Kathy said...


Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Cute fabrics in the quilt! Love the scraps you play with all the time!

Miz Karen said...

Just had to do that to a small quilt. Design I quilted was not looking right on first block so I had to remove it. Luckily, I had a good CD book going so it was not too boring a job.

Lane said...

I hate picking out quilting worst of all. Hope you got your hot bath. I know that now this is a distant memory, but I still thought I'd write in sympathy.

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