
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Rollin with the Cotton Boll in Baytown

Hello from Cypress, TX!

It was a late night last night ---a 45 minute drive after the guild meeting in Baytown was over – I was so worn out I couldn’t even type this post last night so I’m cramming this morning to get it done as my ride for today is going to be here to pick me up in a mere 40 minutes!  ACCCKK!!!

It was an AWESOME day.  Just look at this lunch spread!!

Yes, it IS all about the food, y’all!
And a whole lotta sewing too --

Roll Roll Cotton Boll is found in my book String Fling, and was our Mystery from a few years ago…and what a fun one it was!  I still remember the gasps of surprise when I threw string piecing in as one of the clues!!  Bit to me it is the string piecing that really adds depth and motion to this quilt.

We had a ball! Take a look!

((PS ---if the slide show happens not to work give it some time and come look later – Sometimes it’s persnickety and there is nothing I can do to fix it but give it time.  No need to email me about it ----just come back!))

Today? Tulip Fields with the Tri County Quilters followed by a lecture tonight --- it’s going to be another big day in Texas!

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!


MimiG said...

What a wonderful day! THANK YOU BONNIE so much for the awesome slide show as a bonus gift. Safe travels and know I'm reading your blog everyday. Hugs, Lisa

Kati from Kati's Quilting said...

Those blocks look wonderful you have some really talented quilters to work with! Have a wonderful day!

Jan said...

Bonnie. I loved watching the slide show of pictures. I really like how some of the ladies went with a different colour way and the pattern still looks amazing. I think that is what attracts so many people to your patterns. You can use your scraps and no matter what you use the blocks always look great.

Kim said...

look at those blocks.
I made two of these quilts and there might me another one to
come after seeing these great blocks :0).

Enjoy the ladies and Happy Sewing

Judy said...

Love this quilt design.

Mavis said...

Loved seeing all the Roll Roll Cotton Boll blocks. I just got mine back from the long arm quilting and started sewing the binding on last night. This is such a great pattern!

javajean said...

When I try to look at pictures I get a pop-up about signing into skydive... is this some thing new?

Saska said...

It won't work for me, but I'll come back later ...'cause I want to see the scrappy ones! They all look georgous. Need to do this one!

Alice said...

Oh my, I think I am hungry!!! And the quilts are gorgeous. I really need to get busy working on this quilt.

Kathaleeny said...

I'm having the same problem with skydrive. I really want to see that one with the blue center.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Doesn't all that food look wonderful?? Looks like about two tables worth. I'd have to walk completely around before starting to fill my plate so I'd get some of everything that looked the best to me without my plate overflowing. I love my RRCB quilt. I've been sleeping under it every night this winter.

Andee said...

Love that folks assume you can troubleshoot all their computer issues...you are a woman of so many talents lol! Love Roll Roll Cotton Boll...it was my first string peicing ever and once I got the hang of it, I was in love! SMILE!

Kelly said...

This slide show convinced me. This pattern is on my to-do list! Love the variety of colors everyone used. Looks like fun!

Carla said...

Okay you want to know how dumb I feel? Really Really dumb! I was all about my birthday and didn't even notice who the guest speaker at my guild was... and I usually take all the pictures but oh no I had tickets to Ladies Nite Out at the Rodeo. Now can you guess what guild I belong to and WHO the guest speaker was. Damn it.. IT WAS YOU.
I never even connected the name when I read the newsletter.
My loss. ;o(
I hope you enjoyed Tri County. It's a great bunch of guys and gals. Sad now that I didn't get to meet you in person.

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