
Friday, March 01, 2013

Quilt-Cam Celebration!

I am celebrating the landslide of Golden Quilter Awards with a Friday afternoon Quilt-Cam!

Thank you so much everyone for your support and kind words and encouragement!

This sweet little Quilting Room Helper belongs to April!

She writes:

Hi Bonnie I almost missed you! I didn't know quilt cam is on but I'm glad I finally am watching :) oh guess what I saved another kitty from my driveway! This time a yellow male kitty his tail was bleeding and I brought him in. But he wasn't skinny he was fat like Garfield ! Lol and I have fallen in love with him since. He is SUPER GOOD let me show you a pic lol I named him tiger and he has been here a week or 10 days and he has adjusted like he has always been here ! Lol
Just gotta love our quilting fur-babies!
I’m still working on my Sister’s Choice blocks!  I’ve cut some background rectangles, and some star point squares and corner squares and if I finish piecing the 9 patches I can get on to those!
quiltcam 013
Are you ready to play hookey in the middle of a Friday afternoon? Bring a project and come hang out a while!

Streaming Live by Ustream


cityquilter grace said...

woo hoo friday quilt cam; working on scrappy indigo flying geese units for the border!

Saska said...

Love the idea of you recording them for later watching!

Am watching from work..shhhhhhhh..don't tell anybody!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, no sound, video problems. Yeaaaaa, thank you. I am cutting hexies, by the hundreds.

Margaret said...

This is great -- I missed you last night, so delighted to join you today. Toasting your success with my beverage of choice as I finish my lunch. Then I'm buckling down to sew a facing on my latest finished wall quilt.

I never minded the adverts but it's lovely that you don't have to have them any more. I'll try to send a wee bit along to support the effort.

Spring is in the sir here in Central Alberta, so it'll be time for a jog after QC. A great way to spend a Friday.

Karen said...

Yay! No commercials. I don't like missing anything. Will be visiting paypal later. :-)
Congrats on your Awards.

Sue K said...

I know you've shown it about a million times already Bonnie, but somehow I keep missing it. Now that you have the record option, any chance you can show how to do the seam guide thingy??? Or maybe when you have a minute, you can get your adorable Jeff to do a little video??? Hugs...Sue

Unknown said...

The Technolgy is Great that allows us to connect world wide with others from the comfort of our own Sewing Rooms... Thanks for ALL you do for us here in the Wonderful World of Quilting

just me said...

love the hints and being able to see how they work on quilt cam :) do you have a preference for the iron you use to press your squares?

landscapelady said...

Congratulations on your well deserved award! I'm new to the quilt cam , interesting. Sort of a video podcast type of thing

Unknown said...

Thanks for doing quilt cam today!
Is there a way for us to record you on our laptop? Love the tut. on your 9 patch!
Sue from Ninigret

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

What a big day for you. It's a win, win day, your awards and ad free! If you can get your video recorded to view later that's win #3.

I'm hand quilt using a big frame in my living room while watching you.

Patti Tappel Missouri

MICHELLE said...

Hi Bonnie-

Had to hurry home so I didn't miss you. CONGRATULATIONS on your wins! I VOTED for you as many times as it would let me. YOu have inspired me so much. Have a safe trip, and can't wait to see quiltcam again when you get home.

Happy Quilting,
Michelle Carroll from Triangle, Virginia

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

YaHoo!!!! What a sweet Friday afternoon treat - I just fixed my apple and PB, a couple of cheese sticks...and Now I can eat lunch and WATCH YOU!!! I've really been missin' Quilt Cam. And since you always ask, my Mom is doing fine...I wish I had gotten a picture of her earlier when I visited...she was having a blast during a group sing along - and sporting some pretty spiffy "shades" (I have NO idea where she got the sunglasses...but it made me smile).

Tosty's Quilting Tidbits said...

Hey Bonnie, Watching while working on Scrappy Trips. Two days in a row sewing with you WooHoo!!!!! BONUS!!!! Have fun celebrating.

Barbara on the Eastern Shore said...

Watching from work. Good thing my boss is on a plane. Can't wait until I can go home and quilt the day away.
Thank you for this treat!

Mary said...

Hey Bonnie! Excited to be registered for your Tulip's workshop with the Tri-City Quilt Gals in Houston next Tuesday. I've been raiding my scrap baskets!! Mary

Unknown said...

WHOOOO HOOOO just heard Congradulations!!

preludetoaseam said...

Bless your heart for going commercial free! And congrats on all your wins! Thanks for all you do. I'm still working on Easy Street, but want to try and do Lazy Sunday as well. So much fun!

Ann Mary in IL

Mirtes said...

What a nice surprise, quiltcam Friday afternoon !!!
Congratulations for the prize, by the way, I knew you're going to get it :)

Mary Lou said...

My Easy Street is now done! (well, the top is done) I did mine in browns, blues, greens and reds so it looks different from yours. I wanted it longer than it is wide so added a strip of flying geese on the ends before sewing on the borders. I made the FG as leaders/enders so it took a while.

Ming said...

Question for you about the star point rectangles; your instructions say to cut a 2.5" square for the point, but could you also cut 2.5" triangle pairs using the Easy Angle ruler to accomplish the same thing?


quiltergirl said...

No quilt cam, won't show up on our main computer but does on my ipod. Might need magnifying glasses. Still drawing diagonal lines, Easy Street Part Two. BTW, just tried to order a couple of books at Chapters. All your books said ANTIQUE AND RARE, prices were up to over $100.

Terri in BC said...

Hi, Bonnie: it's another dreary day on the West Coast (or as we call it the Wet Coast), and I have a cold, so I am so happy that there is QuiltCam today! I'm working on finishing up the last of the cutting to make my Easy Street king-size. Only have 15 more A Blocks to sew, and I have wiped out all my black-on-whites, lime and purple! I guess I'll have to figure out other colours for Lazy Sunday.

Christelle said...

Felicitations for your Prizes.
I'm hand quilting a sweet logcabin for a friend, hope to bind it too, thanks for the compagny :)

Material Girl said...

Hey Bonnie, it's a beautiful calm sunny day here in Saskatchewan, feels like spring is around the corner. DD has my laptop so I have to use my desktop in the office, so I'm going through some magazines, and hoping to downsize on some. Congrats again, you are the best!!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for getting rid of the ads...always bad timing, seems you were sharing when they'd pop!
I finally got the treadle going, altho I'm not very good, I plan to keep trying.
Today I'm working on log cabin blocks, using as much from my messy stips bins as possible. Such fun watching quilt cam.

Pictures of treadle on

Ana said...

Woo hoo ...watching Quilt Cam while DH is driving us to OKC! works great on my Kindle Fire. Am hot spotting on hubs phone :) Ana from East Texas

VA said...

Thanks for the bonus quilt cam. What a great way to spend my afternoon, sewing and learning! I'm trying my hand at those nine-patches right now. ---Verna in MN

AddieNCE said...

Hi Bonnie! Congrats on winning everything possible on the Golden 'Quiltville' Awards ;) (should be named like that this year...)
Tonight I'm just digging through loads of scraps and trying to get some inspiration what to do with them...
Oh, and I just came back from PayPal - thanks for making QuiltCam ad free and available offline as well... that way I'll be able to see every "episode" and will have a chance to sleep during the nights... big big THANKS!
Janina from Germany

Mary Lou said...

While watching quilt cam today, I'm working on the binding of the mystery quilt my guild did at retreat last week.

preludetoaseam said...

Salzburg - it' beautiful!!!!!! The Gardens where Do-Re-Mi was filmed are just stunning!!!! I'd go back in a heart beat. If you have a chance, let us know when that trip is, I'm going to start saving my pennies!

Ann Maryin IL

Andrea S. said...

Congrats on your awards! Thanks for taking out the ads! It's all good. I am working on scrappy stars today, started a while back when you started quilt cam. It's sunny here in Alberta, supposed to hit 12 degrees Celsius which is about 55 or so F. All the snow will melt, only to return on Sunday when they are calling for a few inches. I am also glad that you can now record, as I can't always join you and sometimes people ask questions which are answered on camera so I didn't get to find out what you said!

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Hi Bonnie, well done on your awards!

this is a great way to end our week, Friday evening in the UK is a great time for quilt cam!

Our Yorkshire Modern Quilt Guild ladies are making Scrappy Trip around the World blocks for our next sit and sew day, you really have taken over the world with Quiltville!

I fit all my sewing in by not doing housework - I'm working on teaching my children to cook so I can pass those duties on to them!

Liz in Leeds

Shelia said...

This is maybe my 3rd time for Quilt Cam. When you are on at night that's DH's computer time. I love your blog! Am using the companion angle rulers for the first time on Easy Street. Getting it done slowly. Congrats on your wins. Thanks for sharing all that you share.

Saska said...

1970's reproduction? Sure makes me feel old!

phxquilt said...

My first visit to quilt cam. I just used that same 70s fabric yesterday in a crumb block!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Congrats on your wins, well deserved! I am enjoying some hand quilting while you treadle!

Unknown said...

Have you ever experienced this problem with any of your Featherweights...no matter what you do, the fabric pulls to the left (assuming by the feed dogs)which makes it's impossible to keep a consistant 1/4" seam. My repair guy has no clue what to do about it. Any suggestions?

Unknown said...

Love quilt cam. I have been a fan for 3 years. Am quilting on short arm. It is a good day when you change the thread color and all goes well. Congrats on your award. It was a tough choice but a pleasure to vote for you.

AddieNCE said...

Oh, Quiltvilla is such a great idea!!! Love it!

Quiltin' Jenny said...

Fun Friday quilting! So glad to join in!

Unknown said...

From East Texas - QUITMAN

FLO_rancher said...

Great name 'Quilt Villa' good luck with the project,,of course retirement is not complete without quilting and friends. Thank you for all you give to the art of quilting. Congratulations...we all listen to what you say about quilting and adapt it to our lives. Finding a few minutes to sew is a special moment to remember in our lives.

Mary Ellen said...

Coming to you from a snowy cold day in St. Louis. Congratulations on your big win! I am working on a challenge piece for our guild show coming up in two weeks. And yes, the new video service seems to be a lot smoother.

Betty said...

Yay! My daughter has an after school activity today, so I get to sneak in some Quiltville time. Last night was my first quilt cam and I loved it. I'm sitting here pinning together blocks for my Drunkards Path quilt. They will be ready for me to sew tonight.

Christelle said...

I hate cooking too but I'm French and it's kind of a national sport around here.... but I'm like you ...the queen of simple teasty meal no more than 5 ingredientsin the recipe! :)

Yvette said...

I am watching you while at work. Shhhh, don't tell. LOL!
I will definitely be donating so I can watch the quilt cams I miss and sew along with you on the weekend.

~Kris~ said...

Congratulations on your many awards. You are certainly deserving. Nobody gives more.

I was looking for your tutorial on the Easy Angle Ruler that you wrote about several months ago, but could not find it. Any chance you can post it in the Tips section of your blog??? I have been using my Easy Angle for the last month and still have not perfected it, but want to keep learning til I get it right.

Thank you.

Jackie said...

Hey Bonnie - Busy putting together some blocks for a StoryTime Stars quilt. Or, as it's known in my family - Grandma's I Spy. I give one to each of my sisters when they have their first grandbaby. And Congratultions on the well deserved awards sweeps! Thanks for all you share and do!

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

I am sewing on my new singer 99k31. Since I oiled it , it is sewing so smoothly. Congratulations and thanks for sewing on quilt cam so we can watch in Europe.

Gail said...

Hi Bonnie! I have a funny story. Last Monday, after having been cooped up for most of two weeks and facing another 6-15 inches of white stuff, I decided to get out of here! Where did I go? The Grocery store, of course, and the Quilt shop! What does it say about Quilters that it took longer to buy two fat quarters that to buy a $50 worth of groceries?

Debbie in Texas said...

I'm sorry I won't be able to make the Baytown Guild meeting Monday night
I've got another meeting that I can't miss that night

sunshineannie said...

Bonnie I have a bone to pick with you!
I swore I was never ironing shirts again, but last night after de-boning my shirts, I had to iron them before I cut stips and squares! I can't do this when hubby is here, or my cover will be blown.
I should be vacuuming right now, but all the kitties are sleeping and cat people know you can't do it then, so I'm watching quilt cam and learning tricks and tips.
Deb in IL

Podunk Pretties said...

So excited that I actually caught you streaming...Its a first for being able to watch. I live in the sticks and the internet signal doesn't allow me to watch most of the time. Thanks Bonnie!

nankc said...

Congratulations!! I'll go to PayPal as soon as Quiltcam is over. How great not to have the ads! AND we will be able to record you?!?! Life is good. You started cutting out just as you started to tell us what the name of your "town" would be and I thought of Quilt Villa and then you came back on and you said that's what YOU thought of! 2 great minds--HUH!

Mary said...

YEA, for a Friday afternoon to watch you on QuiltCam. You deserve the Awards! I'm choosing my borders for my Easy Street aka: "Busy Street" at my house. I sew my bonus triangles as I go too.

bunbear said...

hi bonnie, i missed quilt cam but i'm really really happy it's going to be ad free now! thank you so so much! will try to help with that when i can. congrats on your big wins and don't let others bring you down. please let us know how to view the recorded quilt cam sessions. that's a big deal to me because i'm not always able to watch live.

Unknown said...

Missed quilt cam and so disappointed.working on two Sun Bonnet Sue quilts and lost track of time

Kerry said...

Sorry I missed quiltcam! It would have been 6am in Australia on a wet Saturday, overcast morning, although if I realised it was on I would have been watching! Tuned in yesterday at 1pm our time. Congratulations on the award! You really deserve it.

Donna T said...

Oh, Bonnie, I am at work and I got busy so I was not able to watch. If I was not so busy, I could have just listened, but work had to come first. I was using the computer for work related stuff... I see we may have ad free viewing and taping and playback. I will look forward to see how it will work...

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Hmmmmm.....I think people could actually record QuiltCam if they have the right software whether you pay the big bucks or not. Now don't ask me WHAT software because I haven't really studied how to do it, I just know there is software that will record streaming video.

sheila said...

Well, I'm so sorry that I missed your quiltcam this afternoon. Just left a long message on your shocking bill this afternoon, and did leave a donation too. I always get ads on it anyway, and just wait them out. I made a Sister's Choice several years ago, and mailed the white center square out to my online granny friends to sign, so it's an Album quilt too. Big congratulations on your awards!

crazy quilter said...

Darn I missed it! You know I had to work all day as usual. I know you had a great time. Safe travels back to Texas . Wish I lived farther south so I could come and enjoy your class.

pcflamingo said...

Sorry to have missed quilt cam but congrats on all your WELL DESERVED awards! Counting the days until I get to take 2 of your classes in Oregon at the block party deal!

scrapsgalore said...

Hi Bonnie, whoops! Missed Quiltcam today, didn't know about it! We were out going to flea markets and antique shops today! So I am wondering now about the record/watch later business. Is it out now because of the cost deal they pulled on you? Will be checking to see if it will appear on the blog info later. By the way, saw a "redeye" treadle today, it was 145.00, and the cabinet was in really good shape, machine looked pretty good, pretty decals! (I have a treadle, and don't intend to get another, tho.) Then there was a second one in the same mall, not nearly as pretty, both machine and cabinet looked really old and beat up, and they had 135.00 on it. Did you find your pedal you needed? They had one of those, too. I'd get it and send it to you if you need it~~you do so much for us, would love to help you if I could! By the way, congratulations on your big win, read all the comments, first I heard of the buying of votes, or trying to - good deal that it didn't even help her, proves you ARE the best! Carol

Roxann in East Texas said...

Hi Kathy, I am in Mabank, only 50 or so miles from you, lol!

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