
Friday, March 01, 2013

Fun While it Lasted!

Oh, I feel like an idiot.

When a website says you get 100 hours for $99 a month – I assumed that meant that I could host 100 hours of Quilt Cam a month for$99.


This is today’s bill for today’s session.  It’s based on NUMBER OF VIEWERS – which was large…..of course….

But today’s quilt cam session cost me $326.12

HOLY. CRAPOLY!!  This is on TOP of the $99.00 per month fee!

Today's Quilt Cam? $425.00.  Man, that's a lot of FABRIC!

Live and learn.

If any of you watched….and would like to donate a dollar or two to help me cover this bill, we will live and learn and laugh together and go back to Quilt-Cam with ads, because I can not afford to do it ad-free and neither can you.

The donate button is in the right hand side bar over there ---->>  Help me out a bit if you can won’t you?

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, but it WAS fun!


Sandra Henderson said...

The road to hell is paved with GOOD intentions. Oh BOnnie. I am so so sorry. They get ya on the fine print. i don't know how you have time to do all you do, let alone sort through the "CRAP" that you have to deal with when using the internet and business related. Oh honey. I'll go contribute. Bless your heart. Don't worry about it. Keep on going... One foot in front of the other. It will work out. Go do what you NEED to do today and the rest will take care of itself.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Donation made ... SMALL amount in comparison to what you give all of us back ... not to worry ... we'll make it all right ;-) Linda

Karen said...

Donation made! Hang in there...it will be ok!

Valerie said...

Wow! I was thinking $100/mo was a lot! Yikes! Yep, cancel that subscription--we'll keep enjoying it the way we were! I was happy to make a donation toward this upgrade before I saw this post--now I'm doubly glad I did so.

giddy99 said...

I didn't get to watch (and I'm a bit relieved about that now)... QUESTION: Why is it called "Viewer HOURS" if they actually mean "VIEWERS"?!? Yikes!!!

Brenda said...

Donation made! Have no fear, your friends are here!

Brenda said...

Remember the saying, "No good deed goes unpunished!" We love you!

Ann-Maree said...

Happy to contribute.....I've had hundreds of dollars of FUN with Quiltcam.......Thank you for all you do for us.....

joanold said...

I'd already made a donation before I read this. So glad I did. As you say, it was fun while it lasted. I hope you get enough donations to cover this. They say to always read the small print, but that doesn't help when the small print is incomprehensible!

Mary said...

Missed the Quilt-cam this afternoon, working then chiropractor, but donated anyway. You give so much of your time to us out of the goodness of your heart, it is the least I could do.

Terri in BC said...

Wow, that is so NOT worth it. Didn't you say one time that a viewer can pay a monthly fee to be ad-free? If an ad bothers someone too much, I would leave it up to the individual to pay their own costs. I for one will be fine using the ads to take a tea break! I enjoyed today and congratulations on all the wins. I'm sorry the fun was taken out of it for you. PS: I am happy to contribute to today's cause.

Bouts Choisis said...

Missed quiltcam this evening - sounds like you had some exitement of the worst kind. I would not have understood that bill at all.... overage??? ... what does that mean - is that a word? Under age as in too young to drink, smoke, drive and see adult films I've heard of ....

Have sent a little to help a bit... Lynne.

Yorkshire Quilter said...

Ouch- i already contributed, but I hope you make enough to cover your bill! I think we can suffer the ads in the future :-)

Mary said...

The ads aren't that bad...only when they come on when you are reading my comment is it a bother to me. Again Congrats on all the Golden Quilter Awards! I am glad I have a paypal acct, just had to reset my password since I don't use it much and forgot what it was. I hate getting old...

normajean53 said...

Donation made. What a cheap trick to play on people. Shame on them! let us know if you don't get it covered. By the way, congrats on your sweep!

jennyg said...

Hi Bonnie even though I have missed the quilt cam I donated because I enjoyed all the others I ave watched

Gwen said...

Sorry to read about the misunderstanding on the billing. I was so
looking forward to joining in and at 2 est, I logged on to find no
live stream, thought that something had come up to change the feed.
It never did come up on your blog, needless to say I was a bit
disappointed, though it is not your doing. I don't usually get the
chance to tune in when family is home, as the computer is busy.
So was so surprised to see that it had been on and the billing was
not as you had thought. Possibly with a contact to their customer
service department, might they adjust the rate of the bill, for the
misunderstanding? Would think it might be worth a try. Juat my thoughts, I don't mind the ads, to be able to enjoy your company
on quilt cam. Thanks for all you do, and a belated congratulations
on all your awards.

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

And yes it was fun!

Thearica said...

Hi Bonnie.. I have been trying to stay away from the pc to finish up some much needed "get it ouyt the door" work so I have missed the last few Quilt Cams. Such a shame something so fantastic has to cost an arm and a leg!

I sent you a donation and wish it could be a lot more.. You give so very much. I do hope that everyone will step up to the plate to let you know how very much you are appreciated. Even if it isn't but a dollar bill... I know you have over 300 viewers.. 1 dollar from all of your viewers would take care of this bill and then some. :)

Come on quilters... Let your light shine. :)

sheila said...

Oh Bonnie! That's a drop thru the floor moment! Donation made. I get so much enjoyment from your quiltcam. You would laugh to see me. I have my tablet propped in my desk drawer with you on, glance thru quilt blogs and email on my slow computer, and knit on hats for my daughter who is going thru some alopecia again. Nothing like multi-tasking. lol. I have my big old quilt frame set up in the living room, and keep working on that quilt in memory of my grandmother, Dear Bridey, I named this one as my own version of Dear Jane. I'm hoping to get her treadle out of the shed where it's been for way too long, and sure hope we can get it going again. She got it shortly after she was married in the late 1800's. You inspire me.

Pat L said...

Didn't have a chance to watch but donated $5. I would have made the same mistake.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Hope you clicked on that "cancel subscription" button. They will certainly be disappointed to see you go after that huge payment. Donation made - thanks for all you do - Sue K

Great Day in the Morning said...

Donated five bucks.........wellworth it!!

DianneB said...

Oh Bonnie - what a 24 hours!! Here's a good story for you.

This afternoon, I left the thrift shop with 2 shirts - both XL - and I stop to check Facebook on my phone. Wow... Bonnie is online, I wonder if I can stream it from my phone and listen to her happy voice. I put the phone down on the seat beside me and listened while I drove around doing my errands, in and out of the stores as fast as I could and then a drive through lunch so I could watch you. What fun!! I'm sure I was the only driver on the road happy for a red light. Is there a group for Bonnie-oholics?
Congrats on all your success with the online voting. You deserve!!!!You are so talented and generous with you time, energy and ideas.I'll also donate to cover those outrageous costs!! Money well spent.

cindyann said...

I still get ads so I don't think it's worth you paying for "ad free" quilt cam. That's quite a scam they have going there isn't it!

quiltygal said...

Small donation made ( wish it could be more) small price for all the free patterns you have given us over the years ..... we can put up with the ads to see you

Ann-Maree said...

Dianne, I've done the same thing LOL I have teenagers, so do a lot of'waiting'...here in Australia Quiltcam is usually at about lunchtime so it works great.....the teenagers think I am crazy though! PS I'm just back from what we call the "OP Shop" with shirts..I think I need to join the Bonnieoholics too!

Cheryl said...

I was working during your celebratory $400 Quilt Cam Session, but I donated for all of the fun I've had previously. That seems fraudulent to me, what a racket!!!
I suspect with all of the folks who visit your blog and watch Quilt Cam, you shouldn't have any difficulty recovering your loss. I looked into the charge for the ad free version from the viewers end because they blast the volume on those ads, and I am nearly always listening in with headphones, but it was prohibitively expensive. I hope the donations come in fast and furious, so there is no stress on you! Thank you for all that you do!

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

My friend stopped etching you when her Verizon overage bill was $55.

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

What company? Maybe one of us has a contact there?

Angie said...

I don't get to watch Quilt Cam very often, but I sure enjoy it when I can. Small donation coming your way.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

OH I could Cry for sure!!!! that is outrageous!
I love quilt cam, I often use my Ipad, and my Computer, but they are never insync. The ads almost always come on when you are talking and answering questions which is the BEST part of quilt cam. BUT HOLY MOLY! no way should you be paying that much!

sandra said...

Donation done. I think I've got the better end of the deal, I've got WAY more value from your site than what I donated:) It is not an exaggeration to say you have revolutionised my quilting.

colleen said...

Love your humour ...... I'd cry if I thought I'd just spent money that I don't have to spend especially hundreds of $$$$
You, are busy moving forward working on sharing how you where taken in and working on lessening the financial impact
Good for you and think about it the way you are to those who have been touched by you by blog class pattern book quiltcam or any other way..... Could be why you you got so many votes

mtnquiltr said...

Small donation coming your way, with my thanks for all the information you've given me since I started to quilt.
It seems that some companies deliberately use confusing language, how immoral!

Karen said...

As a newbie, I have so enjoyed your quiltcams. Donation made.

Marla said...

I agree it would be worth a try to contact them to get that bill reduced. I did thy with Verizon once and got the bill down to a third.

Karen said...

I am sure you will get lots of donations. Hope it covers it ALL. My donation was small but if you don't get enough to cover it I will add a little more. Don't feel dumb, we have had these things happen to us.
That is crazy expensive though. Wow!

Kati from Kati's Quilting said...

Aw, it's such a shame! I donated already before I knew what happened. It was worth the few bucks for me, I always have fun watching you! You're such a bright person and a true inspiration to me!

terry said...

Boy what a nutty thing. Not too worry. There were 37 postings as of my post and if each gave $5 that's $185 - I gave $25 so that's 4210 - Let us know if you fall short. Love quilt cam and especially love it in the afternoon.


deelish10 said...

for the past few years I have been watching decorah eagles using this system. the viewers got ads unless the VIEWER paid 4 or 5 bucks a month to block it. I could never afford it and got ads(blah)and suddenly this year the eagles decided not to use the nest with the new enriched cam in it.(ooopsie)and I know the not for profit group uses the cheapie like you. you can get this info on the website for the decorah eagles. They are an amazing site and the viewers must register too, not so with yours unless my ustream account is here also???

terry said...

Oops that should have been $210 and not 4210.


Deborah said...

Made a small donation for all you do for us. I enjoyed watching quiltcam this afternoon, while taking care of my 7 month old granddaughter(she was down for nap). I have learned so much about quilting from you, even did my first mystery quilt which I am only 6 blocks away from finishing. Thank you so much for giving so unselfishly of your time and talent. Congratulations on your awards, you deserve them and more.

diana569 said...

Hi Quiltvillians.... If you log on to u steam and create an account you can get no adds for $4 a month. I did it because everytime Bonnie was telling us somethin an add would come on. Now for $4 a month Quilt Cam is ad free. Well, worth it especially after today!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I was only able to donate 3.00 but I'm sure every little bit helps. It was a really nice idea but I would rather much rather have quilt cam with the commercials rather than not have quilt cam at all.
Upstate NY

SubeeSews said...

I agree, their advertisement seems misleading.
Is there a membership WE can buy to watch you?
I will be sending you $$ snail mail as my CC and identity was stolen two weeks ago.
(same day as the blog photo incident).
With the fraud alert ongoing I cannot use electronic monies.

Carol JL said...

Donated Bonnie. Love quilt cam, ads and all.Misleading ads make me so mad. I didn't watch today as I was with my quilting friends hand sewing/applique.

LindaWI said...

Small donation is on it's way. I did get to watch quilt cam today and enjoyed it very much. Thanks Bonnie for all you share with us.

crazy quilter said...

My donation was just made hope it helps in some small way .love the quiltcam so I am happy help out if only in small way.please do let us know if you don't get enough to cover the costs and we can all pitch in again!

sherryberrybim said...

Was busy today and missed Quiltcam but donated for all
the days I didn't miss. Sorry this happened to you Bonnie. Congratulations on your awards, you deserve them.

Unknown said...

Outrageous! Can you report them to the Better Business Bureau. I will definitely spread the word.

Judymc said...

I missed Quiltcam today, but I just donated $5.00. Hope you recoup all the money--let us know. I enjoy Quiltcam SO much! I look forward to it and I get so much accomplished while watching/listening. Bonnie, thank you for all the sharing and giving that you do!

u keep sewing said...

Haven't watch many quilt-cams, just can't seem to catch them.
Bonnie you are an inspiration. Love your ideas, knowledge, willingness to share. Your patterns are nice! Thanks!
I would be glad to donate.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, you are an inspiration. Congratulations on your awards. I am unable to catch most of your quilt cams, but was happy to be able to make a small donation today. Thanks for all you do.

Margaret said...

Done! Equalled $5.28 CAD. :-) Very worthwhile. Much more fun and less expensive than a movie!

Amanda said...

Hi Bonnie,
Quilt Cam made my day yesterday when it was my birthday. We have come to love and look forward to Quilt Cam time and would be just happy to have it with the occasional ads, not sure I noticed when it changed, I had forgotten it used to have ads included.
Congratulations on your well deserved awards, and I missed the expensive celebratory session as in Australia we were sleeping. Sorry you had such a horrible shock after your good news was shared. Happy to pitch in to help - you give us so much of your time and experience. Thanks so much!

Shayla Sharp said...

So sorry to hear this. Can you use something like blogTV instead?

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I have been looking for the button to donate to quiltcam but I'm not seeing it. Do you still need $$???

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Quilt cam has never worked well for me. I don't know why, but the video would stop and whirl around and come back on every 20 sec or so. I stopped watching b/c of this. I'm sorry you got taken though and I do love all you do for us. You certainly have improved my quilting. I thank you and will donate something later today. Again sorry this happened to you.

Janet said...

I don't have a smart phone, so no listening in the car. I needed a container to hold the large cooking utensils. When I asked my husband to stop at my favorite thrift store, his reply was,"Your not buying any more shirts, are you?" No shirts this time, but I got a Pier 1 Import container for a dollar for the utensils.
Thank you Bonnie for all you do.

Charlotte K said...

Hi Bonnie!

I love quiltcam and would be happy to help but I can't find the button. Even if this crazy bill is paid I'm happy to help defray the general costs. Love you!

Allison in Plano said...

Whoa!!! Donating via snail mail like SueBee.. My identity s been stolen twice so steer clear of PayPal from now on. Just my experience. Have fun driving around today finding your special place in the mountains. QuiltCam was great Friday afternoon. Thank you for every bit of it!!

Odysset Girl said...

Am I blind? I can't find a "Donate" button. Help please.

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Did you know that ad space on this blog provides for all of the free patterns and free mysteries and challenges at no cost to you? Without ads, this blog would not be possible.

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