
Monday, March 18, 2013

Portland Reading–Packed!

I have a new paper back being tucked into my back-pack for my flight to Portland, OR tomorrow!

I was contacted by Michelle Foster of the Quilting Gallery to participate in a soon-to-happen Blog Hop to promote Marie Bostwick’s latest novel, “Between Heaven and Texas”.

Marie writes wonderful novels with a quilt-theme woven right in, and I’m so excited for this new release!

Along with my invitation to participate in the tour came the following info:

As a participant in the blog hop, you’ll be required to do the following:

• Create a 12” star tutorial and provide a downloadable PDF file for readers to collect the blocks on the
various blogs. This can be a new star block or something you’ve done for another project.

• Promote the blog hop tour on your own blog, starting April 28, write your own post on your assigned date, and continue to promote/remind readers about the tour throughout the 12 days. Additional promotion of the tour and your own post on Facebook and Twitter would be great. Continue to link to daily guests, if you write another blog post, on one of the dates. In other words, throughout the tour dates promote the tour as much as possible.

• Each blogger will be able to host a give-away of a book on their site. However, the give-away can only be awarded within Canada/USA.

• Read the book, if you wish to provide a review – optional – No spoilers in your blog post please.
Oh, that gives me about a month to decide which star I want to do, get it made, and write the directions that will be posted here free on the blog!

There won’t be any spoilers coming from me…but look at the teasers on the back cover:

bookcovers 002

Sorry about the reflection from the overhead lighting--

I'm really looking forward to tucking into this book on my trip this week.

The packing for Portland is nearing completion.  Just a few last things to tackle – and then I plan on sewing the rest of the day away.

Reminder --- Quilt-Cam at 9pm Eastern!  The live feed will be here right on the blog for you to watch.  Those who come later can watch the feed here on the blog or on my YouTube channel!  I’ve been busy over there updating the look of my page!

Back to being busy – see ya later!


Marcia said...

Book sounds great. I have requested two of her books at my library.
Good reading.

Unknown said...

Bonnie - there is a forum on Marie's blog that is doing a block swap of your Guilford County block. There are 23 of us participating. Such fun - we are doing the blocks in Pink and Brown. All of the blocks are due mid-April. Having great fun using your pattern to make blocks to swap with one of our favorite Quilty authors.

Faith in Maine...

Becky said...

Thanks for the advance notice of the blog hop! Love Marie's books!

Carol B said...

Is this book available for sale?

Tami C said...

I think you did a real nice job on your YouTube page. I enjoyed seeing many of the videos I had watched previously. Very handy to have Easy Angle video right there!

Beth said...

I love her books!!! Can't wait for it to be available.

Mary said...

I love Marie's books too. Gotta go pre-order mine so I can read it too. See you in 2 more sleeps! I'm soooo excited to go and spend 4 whole days with Quiltmaker designers!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I've read all of her books and love, love, love them ... waiting for my copy of this soon-to-be-released one. The blog-hop sounds interesting, too. Travel safe and I'll try and stop by QuiltCam tonight ... we're putting hardwood floors down in my quilt room and when you're on a roll it's hard to break off ;-) Linda

Jan said...

Bonnie. I can go to sleep knowing that I can watch quilt cam tomorrow, thank you froma quilter across the pond in the uk

Maureen in Portland said...

I really enjoy Marie Bostwick's books. Also got to see her lecture in Vermont a couple of years ago and that was great. I'll have to get this book asap! See you in Portland

Christy said...

I am soooooooo jealous that you have an advance copy and can read it before the rest of us!!! I can't wait for it to be available to the rest of us! Have a great, safe trip!

julybaby8 said...

I love Marie's books. Can't wait to read the new one .

Anonymous said...

Well, I must say, it was great to read what they expect of you to participate. I have gotten so I just skim over these sort of promotions as I could never find the "deal" which in this case is one star block from each designer most probably available on THAT Designers given day. This gives me a way to sort out what is happening that is of interest to me. Believe me most quilters do not want to read the same thing on 12 blogs for 12 days. :-).

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