
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Partied Like A Block Star!!

At least that is what I told myself I was doing as I sewed til midnight last night – making more headway on my Sister’s Choice blocks…..total count? 20!  I’m almost half way done….I’m shooting for 42!

But that will have to wait for a bit later – I got a text last night that DS #1 Jason wants some MOM time – I’m going to go meet him half way in Charlotte today and spend the day.  Always fun when they want to spend time and catch up with “real live” time instead of texts and facebook posts!

This little pic shows SOME of the loot we were gifted with at Quiltmaker’s Block Party in Portland!  I’m even wearing my Block Party Tshirt today, I think Jason will get a kick out of it!  Or – he’ll tell me to zip up my coat, I’m embarrassing him in public ;c)

One of the things I LOVE to do in my workshops, is throw an impromptu Show And Tell in the afternoon to get our energy level elevated and inspire everyone to complete their UFOs!  Keep Going! Keep Sewing!

Two of our gals, Krista and Liz brought in wonderful antique quilts to share, knowing I would love them, and I want to share them with you.

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Krista and her 1850s Tumbler!

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Closer still!

The fabrics in this quilt were SO terrific – and we think it is a charm quilt, because we couldn’t find any matching pieces ANYWHERE.  Could it have been a fabric exchange between friends?  Even pieces that look “similar” aren’t!  We had a great time studying it – in fact, I suggested she bring it over to Jo Morton, knowing Jo’s love of antique fabrics, and the fact that to Jo “all roads lead to brown” :cD  Thanks, Krista, for sharing this lovely piece of history --

Oh, and the story is better yet ---she got it at an auction – for $30.00.  **GASP**  The story was that it was thrown into a bulk lot and she was outbid on the lot, but afterwards offered the buyer $30.00 for the *old tattered blanket* and got it!  Atta girl!

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Liz’s velvet hexagon circa 1890

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Betcha wanna pet it!  I did!

I don’t remember where Liz ((shown above on the right)) found this lovely, but it is a heavy wonder.  At some point in history it was backed with a floral flannel and yarn tied.  It dates from the Victorian era, but was most likely made by an older quilter who couldn’t give up her love of precision for wonky crazy quilting and the gaudy embroidery embellishment of the era.  Yes – even those wild stripes are velvet!

I’ve got some other quilts to share from Show & Tell in another post.  Right now I’m rushing to get out the door to meet up with Jason for lunch in Charlotte!

Have a great Tuesday, everyone!


Unknown said...

Your classes sound so fun! I'm excited to be signed up for one in September.

regan said...

I think when my red & white tumbler leader/ender quilt is done, I'll start on a repro one! This one is fantastic! Thanks for the pics! And what a great story, too! :o)

Mary said...

I was there to see Krista's $30 quilt. I wish they had been time to have the Show and Tell's every evening at Dinner. I would have petted that velvet one. The Quiltmaker staff kept us all on the go, it was a Great event.

Lori said...

That tumbler quilt was a steal and a beauty!!

Margaret said...

Both quilts are lovely, but you've got to marvel at hexies done in velvet! Wow!

Shirley in Canada said...

loving the quilts!! Wow!
And would love to get me a T-shirt like that!! Woo Hoo!!

Andee said...

LOVE that "party like a block star" I am going to have to get that put on the back of my next quilting shirt! :)

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