
Saturday, March 02, 2013

Paid in Full!

Dear Everyone.  You’ve done it!

Thanks to your donations we have raised enough to cover the once-in-a-life-time-world’s-most-expensive-Quilt-Cam-ever!!

There is even some left over after I added everything.  How do you figure out who to refund to with so many people pitching in?

If it is okay with you, I’d like to make a donation of the excess to Sew Cal Gal to help defray the costs of the Golden Quilter Awards, many things come out of her own pocket…..like shipping prizes to the winners.

Would that be okay with you?  She puts so much work and expense and time into running the Awards and I know she could use some help.

Of course, I’ll ask her permission first.

And this is in no-way a bribery from me!  It’s a gift from all of YOU with no strings attached.

Sound good?

I’ve removed the donation button from the side bar.  We are done with it!  Back on track----

And off to bed!


AddieNCE said...

Great idea on what to do with the remaining bit of donations... I think SewCalGal would appreciate the help as well!
I'm so happy that enough money was raised before you were about to head to bed... now you can sleep well (hopefully) :)
Thanks for giving it a try - even if it caused a "bit" of trouble...

Peggy Thompson said...

Great idea...or spend it on another sewing machine...

Material Girl said...

So happy to hear that it covered your cost, I always enjoy QuiltCam so much and I agree 100% with AddieNCE... have a great sleep and a great weekend with your hubby! Safe travels to you next week also.

Terri C said...

And I missed that expensive quilt cam! I'm so distressed ! So glad you have it taken care of.

Faye said...

Sounds like a win - win for all involved. I am sure Sew Cal Gal will appreciate the bit to be donated from you and your most appreciative viewers.
Have a great weekend.
Faye in Maine

Tami C said...

Sounds like a great idea. Glad we could help you with it!

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Yey...and sounds good!

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Oh Bonnie! here in Australia I have only just caught up with this terrible saga!! I most certainly would have donated if the button had still been up! and what timing.... I was just sitting here yesterday toying with the idea of trying out the $99 deal as I was thinking about doing live broadcasts on a Saturday Night Sew In kind of thing. So thanks to you Bonnie, if I ever do get around to doing it, it will be "WITH ADS" ! Have a great day!

quiltygal said...

Fine by me ...would of been a miracle if your donations would of matched the charge anyway :) sure she will appreciate the left over

Valerie said...

Sounds like a plan to me! Good idea.

Terri in BC said...

I considered it payment for all the wonderful hours you have put in anyway, so whether you choose to keep it or pass it on, it is totally up to you! Thanks again for everything you do!

Anonymous said...


Eileen S said...

So happy that we got it covered! Of course, whatever you want to do with the leftover money is fine with me. I love quilt cam whenever I can catch it. I just wish I could be half as productive as you are. You're amazing! Thank you Bonnie, for all you do.

sandra said...

Sounds good to me!

jennyg said...

Very good idea people who do things from the heart need a help sometimes.

AddieNCE said...

To be honest, I LOVE this idea as well... just as a goodie for Bonnie... as sort of a relief for the shock that this experience caused - since she removed the ads for all of us, and not for herself...
And hey - no DH can say anything against a new sewing machine when the money was actually donated, right?
(and we all love the postings about new vintage machines...)

Cassie said...

Sounds great! If SewCalGal won't accept it, use however you see fit. Enjoy your time with your hubby! And safe travels. :-)

Irene Onderweegs said...

We're all aware that the sun comes and goes with no costs, and all other things do need an open purse =^}
After a nights'sleep I found that I didn't need to contribute anyu more, next time you should count me in!
Thank you for the time you give us =^}
Btw, the ads are different in all places, I get them from Dutch products (spoken Dutch and all), maybe that's the big itch around LOL!
From a chilly Amsterdam with DH out for me on the thrift-shirts-hunt!
Love, Irene

Lynmar said...

Agree with Ellen all the way.

gmp said...

So glad that you were able to cover the bill completely. Now you can go away without that hanging over your head.

Anonymous said...

Glad the bill got paid. I have no problem with you giving SewCalGal the left over amt.

cindyann said...

I had no doubts that your fans would come thru for you. Your choice of how to spend the excess is OK with me.

Great Day in the Morning said...

Donate anywhere you see fit! Fine with me.

Unknown said...

Nice news to wake up too and I think it's a wonderful idea to play it forward!

thequiltersshed said...

That works for me!

Mary Ellen said...

Great idea! And aren't quilters great?

Julie said...

Happy to help and hope Sew Cal Gal accepts our generosity. Have a great weekend!

ItsNurseJessi said...

Glad to have helped!
Thank you for all you do!

Unknown said...

Definitely donate it. It would be almost impossible to figure out how to refund it! :)

Carole from what is this morning SNOWY north GA

Unknown said...

ok with me. what a ride huh..lol

Unknown said...

Agreed...and if gifting/donating to Sew Cal Girl could possibly be misconstrued in light of your recent wins, forgo that idea for your own sake, Bonnie. I think we'd all love to see what machine you could purchase with any extra $$.

And you could call her "Bea" which means "one who brings blessings and happiness to others."


Jaynie said...

So glad all work out for you. If the donation for SewCalGal doesn't work out and you're not comfortable keeping the left over $$$, maybe you could consider making a donation to your favorite charity.

crazy quilter said...

Bonnie you do with the extra what ever you wish. I believe each of us was glad to contribute and we trust your judgement!

Vanya said...

Sounds good to me. Happy to help.

Yvette said...

Whatever you decide works for me too! You have given us so much of your time and we appreciate it.

Debbie Lou said...

I agree. I'm glad that item is off your list. I'm sure you will find the perfect place for the excess $$$. Thanks for Quilt Cam and all you do. Hugs!

AmyDe said...

Great idea!

Margaret said...

Works for me!

Carol said...

Another idea if the first one doesn't work out is the ministry where you donated the fabric recently. They probably could use it for batting and other supplies needed.

Lynn said...

I agree, I knew when I donated it was possible you'd get more than you need. Donate where you feel it would be best appreciated!

Robin said...

I think that's a fabulous way to pay it forward with the extra money Bonnie! So sorry you had that bad bad quilt cam experience though! man...one heck of a learning experience as you said! Glad we could all help you out though!

Ellsie320 said...

It was a gift to you. The beauty of a gift is that there are no strings. You can regift to anyone you wish. SewCalGal or more local, your choice. Blessings on you for this "tough" decision

Ellsie320 said...

It was a gift to you. The beauty of a gift is that there are no strings. You can regift to anyone you wish. SewCalGal or more local, your choice. Blessings on you for this "tough" decision

Carolyn Sullivan said...

AND here I thought I was going crazy! LOL couildn't find the button!!!

sheila said...

Whatever you want to do, Bonnie. I think the idea of a new machine save is good too.

Deb Peterson said...

Sounds fine with me

Judymc said...

Sounds good to me. Glad we were able to help.

Karen said...

You go right ahead and do what you want. buy yourself a gift if you want. :-) So glad you got enough.

HelenMarie said...

so glad the bill is paid. yes... pass on the blessings from your grateful "audience"

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