
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More Show & Tell from Portland!

These ladies were die-hard quilters!

Not only did several of them start another one, two or three UFOs in my classes over the weekend – but they brought show and tell to show me what else they’d been working on!

There were quite a few previous mysteries –several Orca Bays and even Easy Streets!

I do believe Easy Street gets the prize as the one people have finished the quickest ----so many of you stayed right along with me as the clues were given. 

It’s really amazing to me that even when quilts are pieced from the same color families, and placed side by side, how different they can look!  And you are going to have to forgive me again if I’ve forgotten any names – I try, that name retention is a huge challenge with me!  And I really don’t stop to take notes with every photograph I take.

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Carol’s Chunky Churn Dash!

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Carol’s Easy Alley! (It’s narrower than Easy Street!)

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Blue Ridge Beauty from Adventures with Leaders & Enders

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Mary’s Roll Roll Cotton Boll from String Fling

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Mary’s Cheddar Bow Ties
((Found in Free Patterns tab above))

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Mary’s Easy Street!
((I think she could call this Easy Cul De Sac because it is one row narrower and one row shorter!))

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One Orca Bay in progress from String Fling!

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Another Orca bay ----with the placement of the blue and red areas reversed!
((Do you see it?))

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Both together side-by-side!

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Easy Street top ready for quilting – I love that lilac border!
((Come on, Spring – where ARE you?!))

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Christmas Lights
((Found in the mystery section in the Free Patterns Tab))

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Carolina Christmas from Scraps & Shirttails II

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One more Easy Street!
((Don’t they all look so different?!))

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One More Orca Bay!

If you come to one of my classes – bring something you’ve made from one of my designs.  It really makes for a fun little break in the afternoon when our energy levels need a pick-me-up!  I love to see your quilts, they keep me SEW INSPIRED!

And yes, this IS being written live this morning, not posted ahead of time ---guess who has a dentist appointment at 7am??  Who else’s dentist even MAKES appointments for 7am?

I had to move this appointment because of the impromptu sewing day I took a couple weeks ago and this was the only slot they had for me.

Oh well, if you’re going to play, you’ve gotta pay, right?

Quilt-Cam tonight, 9pm Eastern! Bring a project, and let’s sew!


Sandra Henderson said...

There was an Easy Street at Show N Tell this wkd. at retreat. They are popping up all over. It was in the colors like this one. Just got home yesterday, had a great time.

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Wow. I love the 'reverse' orca bays. Very effective.

quiltyVal said...

Wonderful show and tell Bonnie! Just about 3 1/2 weeks til my class with you, so very excited!

Mary said...

There was more than one Mary in the Midnight Flight class. Thanks for posting the Show and Tell. I can get a few quilt pictures that I took labeled right now. Have fun with your Bee today.

Mary Ellen said...

Wow! So many wonderful quilts from your patterns. I know it warms your heart to see all of them. Thanks for sharing.

Nann said...

It was a Bonniefest!

Nancy said...

I feel your "pain" for the 7 AM dental appt; thought my dentist was the earliest with my 7:40 appts! Don't think I could make one at 7! Hope it went well...and thanks for the Bonnie-Inspired Show and Tell!

Kathy in NH said...

Loved seeing all the versions of the quilts Bonnie. Wait till you see the massive show n tell of one of your mystery quilts when you visit us in Manchester next month

stitchinpenny said...

I make 7:30 appointments with both of my dental professionals.

Dragonfly Stitches said...

believe it or not I recently took my daughter in for a 6:00am appointment. I was thankful though because it meant I didn't have to take time off work.

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Love them all!

Katie M. said...

Bonnie, I know Mary personally and with her living in WA and me in AZ, I have to tell you this brought a huge smile to my face. I know how much Mary loves your books and doing your quilts. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures.

Mary said...

7am Dentist - the sacrifices we make for our art .. LOL!

quiltmom anna said...

I love the chunky churndash quilt- I love churn dash blocks -one of my favorite blocks of all time. Thanks for the morning inspiration- Hope that the dentist was not too onerous and that you enjoy some good quilting time today.

Unknown said...

About that "no turning back" pic, I am a newbie scrap quilter (about 2 months) and I am already needing a laundry basket! I don't know if I will ever get caught up with my cutting and sorting. I have a Scrappy Bargello ready for quilting. Thanks for all the slide shows. Sew inspirational and I love quilt cam.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Those are all so very pretty. I love seeing other quilters' interpretations of the same patterns.

Sumigaeshi said...
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Sumigaeshi said...

I Love vour Blog and all the nice Peaple. They are all so pretty und nice. And the Quilts so gread.
LG Brigtte

WhiteStone said...

Lovely, lovely! Thanks for the Quilt show!

Unknown said...

I love Carol's chunky churn dash.

Joyce said...
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Andee said...

I love them all, but Mary's Cheddar Bow Ties is FABULOUS! Makes me wish I had gone with that layout...maybe next time!

Joyce said...

Ladies, such beautiful quilts. I love every one!

Luann said...

Lovely, just lovely. All of them. Now I want to make another Orca Bay in reverse.

Mary said...

Aren't you proud indeed to see your designs replicated and executed into so many wonderful creations! I love it! So many beautiful quilts!

crazy quilter said...

Wow, you really hit the jackpot here... I just love seeing all of these quilts, and it does inspire me! How great to have others that love your work .... Should be quite flattering! Hope the dentist wasn't too painful.... or Quiltcam might be cut short! LOL

JanetSue said...

Eventhough I did not get to take a class from you in Portland, I was so inspired by your presentation on opening night, that I came home and started cutting my scraps into strips....who knows where it will all lead

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous quilts! I noticed some pieces turned around on some of them and am never quite sure whether to point it out or not. Scrap quilts really are beautiful aren't they.

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