This is Arlo! You may have seen his picture before on a previous Quilt Cam post. He’s the sweet puppy who owns Liz ---and I posted about his positive/negative tin counterpart on one of the posts from Portland last week!
Arlo is not quite sure what to think of the white-on-black version of himself! FUNNY!
Liz writes:
I only wish I had caught a picture of him last night looking thru the storm door at Winston sitting on the porch among all the bags, machines and assorted stuff. The look on Arlo's face was truly puzzled. He couldn't tell if he was real or not.You can tell that Liz has barely arrived home from Portland – her luggage is still by the door!
Come to think of it, my luggage is still by the door too…..it’s not going anywhere. I fly out again on Monday!
Since arriving home, I’ve been putting the treadle-pedal-to-the-metal and working on my Sister’s Choice blocks. Time is getting away from me, and I where I thought it wouldn’t take long to come up with 42 blocks…it’s hard when you don’t have concentrated time to just really…well….CONCENTRATE on it!
I am currently at 23. MORE than half way!! *Oh Happy Happy Dance!* And that’s what I’ll be working on tonight.
Click the arrow below to watch me live streaming if you are here at 9pm Eastern on March, 27th. If it’s after that – guess what? You are watching the archived version. Isn’t that sweet?
Let’s get this scrappy night going!
Superman just got in from 6 days of flying! What a nice way to spend a relaxing evening watching Quiltcam! GREAT ANGLE! LOVE IT! De-boning shirts here, and hoping EVERYONE has a great evening with our little sassy scrap quilter, Bonnie!
Hi Bonnie,
Welcome back! Love the little Quiltcam Quilt!
Man do I ever need some Quiltcam! Just got a treadle today and it has worn me out, lol. I'm quite happy to watch you work yours right now.
Workin on 1/4" hexies tonight. Sound and pic are good here. Welcome Home, even if it is just for a short time.
So wonderful to see you sewing on the treadle. So much more fun than those "machines with tails". Miz Johnny will be here next week and we're planning on spending a few days sewing on our beautiful old machines. See you in April - delivering your vintage bow tie quilt. Di in TN
Hi Bonnie, you're looking and sounding great tonight. I'm hand sewing the binding on a lap quilt that will be raffled off to raise money for a local Relay for Life Team while watching you treadle.
Myrna in KY.
So glad to see you and that shirt is gorgeous!!!! But then the quilter in it is gorgeous too!
hubby had gall bladder surgery yesterday. I was able to get lots of hexies basted in the waiting room!
Love the new and improved QuiltCam! SO relaxing to see you treadling tonight.
I am working on making a scrappy binding tonight.
Am going to search on the weekend for the ruler tape that you recommended.
Quilter Kathy in Ontario Canada
Nice to see you wearing your Party Like a Blockstar Shirt. Mine just got washed. I'm still unpacking and getting ready to sew on my 3 NEW projects. Thanks for the Fun class last Thursday!
After a stressful day, I am sitting down to quiltcam and cutting pieces for my Leaders and Enders project. I am doing a Purple Ridge Beauty from your book. :)
Bonnie, on that tape roll use a tab from the packages from bread bags at the end that way you save trying to find the end :)
Hi Bonnie, I am just vegging out and watching! I may just fall asleep! enjoying the company!
Hi Bonnie,
You often talk about leader/enders. What are those? The triangle bits you cut off of traditional geese and snowballs?
I am just starting to cut scraps for your Sister's Choice quilt. I am so type A that I am having trouble mixing neutrals....but I am forcing myself! LOL In the end I will be proud that I did.
Greetings from MD,
I just finished a pinwheel quilt ... Last stitch of binding 5 minutes ago and now I'm starting with a commission: my 6-year old insisted I need to make a toy mouse and goldfish for our kitties... How can I say no :)
Enjoying QuiltCam as always!! All those tips and tricks you share with us help a lot :)
Thank you for Quilt Cam tonight-I am extremely tired from the last couple of day at work and am really enjoying being able to relax and sew with you! Pressing the HST's for part one of Lazy Sunday so I am up to date when the next step comes. (Usually "up to date" is not in my daily vocab!)
By the way, Sister's Choice is coming along great!
Cutting for lazy Sunday! Thanks for the new mystery! Will be making a Christmas themes quilt for this mystery. Thanks for all you do!
Hi from Australia! How awesome is this!!
Hey Bonnie...I love this SMALL SMALL WORLD...I just jumped on FB in time for a friend to mssg me and ask if I made your Intermission sign...I mssg'd back..."yes, why have you seen it?" She said "I'm looking at it now"...so I quick jumped to Quiltville, clicked on the cam...JUST in time to hear you reading the message from my friends hubby in Jacksonville...so cool to hear you wishing Laura Happy Birthday!
Hi Bonnie, From Colchester Vermont This is the first live quilt cam for me, I just found it on youtube a few days ago and love it, I r Vt often quilt along with a friend from Canada on Skype, Will you be coming to Vermont any time soon, would love to meet you
I think it's so amazing we can watch you live Bonnie! Love the quiltcam
Hey Bonnie, did you teach yourself to use the treadle? I spend way more time going backwards than forwards, hahaha. It's harder than I thought it would be but I'm determined!
Pam in Houston
Hi Bonnie! Are you pressing the seams open as you go? Thanks!
what is the quilt over your right shoulder on the wall, it is so pretty?
I was in the jamestown class and mine is still in the box. Way to go pam.
OMGosh...Chickens and monkeys...I may not be quite that brave! LOL
Saga of my grandmothers treadle I inherited. It was stored in our garage waiting to be carried to the basement. Our 16 year old daughter, a new driver, thought you were supposed to accelerate into the garage. Needless to say, the treadle stopped her from hitting the garage wall. She cracked the cast iron frame and that was the end of my treadle:((!
Sitting here cutting up the 45 shirts we got for less than $20 this week as watch quilt-cam
Arlo & I (& Winston) are popping in to say hello. Arlo says camping in a VW bus is very fun. Meanwhile I'm working on some more of my Winston Ways blocks.......
Hi! I am busy putting in the last hour of quilting my Rectangle Wrangle. I am quilting it on my Janome, so have had quite the wrestling match! I think my forearms now look like Popeye's!! This is still my favorite quilt ever, so thanks for the pattern!!
Hi Bonnie, Love quilt cam. My retreat would be at a beach. I love the beach and boardwalk. I am a people watcher. I live in the middle of the woods now and all I ever see is deer and squirrels so I want the beach. Since I am in MD I guess it would be somewhere like Ocean City.
Just wanted you to know that I'm trying to spread the love of quilting. DH is in the hospital for chemo and I took my sewing machine along to work on the Scrappy Trip Along that I started just before we began this new journey. I can't tell you how many people popped their head in the door to talk about sewing and quilting. I gave out your name. Hopefully they will pop in here too. Lots of love mixed in with all of this sewing and quilting.
Right now I'm cutting out an Easter dress for DD #3. Hope to get it finished in time.
Thanks for all that you do.
Greetings Bonnie! Sew fun watching tonight. I just got back from my inlaws farm retreat in southwest WI not far from the Mississippi River. It's heaven and a friend of mine gifted me a garage sale sewing machine to leave up there that works just fine. There's a new shop that just opened up in Fennimore WI. I knew I was in heaven when I walked in and spied about 50 Featherweights, refurbished and for sale! A woman after mine own heart! If you are ever in the area, you have to check it out! It's called The Quilt Peddler! It's fabulous!
Greetings Bonnie! Sew fun watching tonight. I just got back from my inlaws farm retreat in southwest WI not far from the Mississippi River. It's heaven and a friend of mine gifted me a garage sale sewing machine to leave up there that works just fine. There's a new shop that just opened up in Fennimore WI. I knew I was in heaven when I walked in and spied about 50 Featherweights, refurbished and for sale! A woman after mine own heart! If you are ever in the area, you have to check it out! It's called The Quilt Peddler! It's fabulous!
Oh Caro, sorry to hear this. Glad your daughter is OK.
Hi Bonnie! Working on hexagons again tonight.. The end is in sight!!! Almost ready to start the borders :) Thanks for quiltcam it seems to be the only time I work on it lately.
Mallorie in Indiana
Hi from ,Ontario Canada. Enjoy your quit cam.
Hi Bonnie! I really enjoy watching quilt cam! I'm laying out my diamond string quilt tonight! I picked up a singer 301A from an estate sale today for $50! Going to take it to my repair man to have it cleaned and I can't wait to use it! My mom was impressed that have even ever heard of a Singer 301A! Thanks to you!
Kim in Michigan
Hi Bonnie, I should be in my sewing room sewing while watching you, but I am lazy and tired tonight.
Enjoying watching you from Saskatchewan.
Do you double stitch your seams?
I have a Singer treadle sewing machine that was my husbands grandmas.
Love the QuiltCam being archived! It's been great to watch and listen while sewing...and you're off somewhere else! It's the best of ALL worlds!! If you're ever searching for something to work on for QuiltCam...could you demonstrate "webbing the top"? I've tried and tried to follow the words and pictures from the printout, and manage to twist, turn, tangle and snip apart! That, and I seem to always mess up orientation of columns and rows of how things were laid out initially. Thanks!!
Have a blessed Easter and enjoy your family time.
Love the QuiltCam being archived! It's been great to watch and listen while sewing...and you're off somewhere else! It's the best of ALL worlds!! If you're ever searching for something to work on for QuiltCam...could you demonstrate "webbing the top"? I've tried and tried to follow the words and pictures from the printout, and manage to twist, turn, tangle and snip apart! That, and I seem to always mess up orientation of columns and rows of how things were laid out initially. Thanks!!
Have a blessed Easter and enjoy your family time.
laughing at myself: I've always wanted to Join in your quiltCam, but I misunderstood what it was. I was thinking it was Skype. I thought I would have to be broadcasting mySelf and felt that I just wasn't cute & adorable enough to do that. Imagine my surprise when I came here tonight!!! hahahaha... (what a relief to know that only You have to look cute & adorable.) thanks for the laugh out loud session. :-)
Quiltcam keeps me motivated, too, to get things finished! I've recently finished two crib quilts for grandkids and one small wool on cotton applique (including label!!!) for our quilt show next month. This year I want to finish several tops waiting on hangers and finish the hand quilting on two large quilts. I love Foyle's War, too, and own the DVD's--they're worth watching over and over.
Forgot to mention that I just love your new T-Shirt, and your Sisters Choice Blocks are beautiful!!
Wish I could go to some of the classes and retreats you go to, sounds like it would be a lot of fun.
How do you manage eating Gluten Free when you are at retreats etc.? I'm waiting for test results, apparently I either have IBS or else I have a Gluten Intolerance. Either way it's very difficult not knowing what you should or shouldn't eat!
Pink IS the new black!
Loved the History lesson on Elias Howe! I actually have 2 of the Howe Model A treadle machines. They are Very different from the Singer machines underneath. The feud of Howe and Singer is quite interesting, and easily found in many places on the web. Thank you for sharing the information of Elias Howe. Haven't sewn with mine yet- 1 is missing a bobbin, and I need needles. I don't want to risk the only one I have til I have a supply. I am so happy you can now archive your webcam sessions. Soon you'll be expanding to seminars on old sewing machines.
See Bonnie's "Leaders & Enders" Tips & Techniques on her blog!
love your quilt cam,i'm working on sisters choice,i have 27 blocks done.i'm going for 73,my leader and end quilt is blue ridge beauty,but mine is pinks.im also working on easy street.i'm so in-love with your method of quilting.i'm so glad to find you and your quilt-cam.thank you for your time.
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