
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Waiting to speak!

I'm sitting in the front row while the Tri-County guild conducts their monthly business---they have so many cool things coming in the future that I wish I could stay!

I even found out my friend Pat Sloan will be here in the area next week---if I could stay longer I'd actually get to see her in person which doesn't happen often enough!

There are 130 members and 16 visitors tonight! Oh boy--I'm getting nervous!

As I wait I took the time to ogle a beautiful quilt by a neighboring guild hanging in the foyer designed my none other than Judy Martin!

We are having a terrific time---sending this off so I can enjoy show and tell. ;)


Shirley in Canada said...

Love that quilt!!!

Peggy Klock said...

I'd gamble some cash on this quilt!

Kim said...

Really you still get nervous? You are such a natural, who knew :0)
Well knock'em dead you've got so much to share.
They'll love you Bonnie.

Happy Sewing and safe travels

Centergranny said...

Reading on Pat's blog, she is in Texas driving down your way today!

Treadleworks said...

Awesome quilt!

Treadleworks said...

Awesome quilt!

Angie said...

Wow, That is a gorgeous quilt! They will love you Bonnie!

Charlotte said...

Your talk was awesome tonight. I really enjoyed seeing your beautiful quilts. I am inspired to cut up my scraps.

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I'd drop some $$ to get a chance on that!

dorothy said...

SO who do we contact to buy a raffle ticket??? I would LOVE, LOVE to win that quilt!!!!

Unknown said...

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