
Friday, March 08, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Stringing Along on Jamestown Landing!

Look at these ladies celebrating International Women's Day by quilting up a storm at the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show in Bloomington, Indiana!!

String blocks this morning, going on to Half square triangles with the easy angle ruler this afternoon!!

A special shout out coming to Julie from friends who are missing her!

However you celebrate the day--- celebrate being the woman that you are!!

That is---unless you are a guy. Lol. :-)


Carolyn Sullivan said...

OH BOY can't wait for the slide show. That is one of my favorite quilts.

Shirley said...

I got a message from facebook after clicking on this to read asking if this was spam. I told them NOT SPAM.

Leslie said...

I got the same message.

tuesday's child said...

I also got the SPAM message from FB. Might be worth checking into their criteria and setting them straight...

AddieNCE said...

Same here...

Lynmar said...

We all got the same message, it might have something to do with the new design they are pushing,.

valerie boudier said...

And me - definitely not spam

LindaBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LindaBee said...

I got the msg also. I went out of this blog page and then back in and I get the Spam msg every time.

Debbie Lou said...

Me, too! How crazy is that? Someone has a burr up their shorts!!!

Tami C said...

Same here. I'm sort of getting tired of facebook.

Tami C said...

Which of your books is Jamestown Landing found in?

Kevin the Quilter said...

I'm celebrating Woman's Day by being a guy! Thanks for the clarification Bonnie LOL!

Crystal Medley said...

me too, what are they thinking, them boys outta thier minds!

krisgray said...

Hi Ladies - looks like fun! Familiar faces after yesterday's wkshop. Back home in St. Louis getting ready to unpack (it's been a busy day). -Kris

Sandra Henderson said...

What a PRETTY quilt!~ Ya'll are sure having fun!~ Nice set up you have too.
I just made a big batch of homemade mac n cheese, jazzed up some burgers to pan fry later and made a big batch of blueberry crisp. I always make a ton extra and give to neighbors and freeze. Now I can sew, sew, sew, sew!!!~ :)

Donna said...

I was in today's class...it's in Spring Fling, which is a GREAT book! One of my new favorites!!

Donna said...

CORRECTION...STRING Fling! Guess I'm tired! :)

Vic in NH said...

I celebrated International Women's Day by calling my girlfriend, Frances, in Florida to wish her a very happy 97th birthday! She still lives alone in her double-wide at an adult trailer park. Folks visit her every day. I was lucky to have caught her because a girlfriend of hers was about to pick her up so that they could go out to a nightclub for some glasses of wine and dancing. They hafta leave early to get a good table near the dance floor. All the men want to dance with her. I'm 63 and she says I'm, "just a baby!" God Bless you, Frances, for being a great role model! By the way, when she was 85, she gave up smoking!

Anonymous said...

It was a great day, thank you Bonnie!

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