
Saturday, March 23, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Portland Day Three!!

This post comes with a huge shout out to the Kent Washington QB's and Mississippi Barb!

Winston Ways class is a great way to finish up the weekend in Portland with only two simple units, 4 patches and half square triangles!!

It's fun watching friendships form – and I know these ladies will be keeping in touch with each other via the Internet until we can see each other again. :-)

Classes will wind up at 4:30 PM and a special dinner is planned for the instructors, Quiltmaker Magazine editors and Creative Crafts Group staff as we bid each other farewell and head out to our various destinations.

But for today – we will get in as much sewing time as we can!


quiltyVal said...

Oh what a spectacular quilt! Which book is that in? BTW, thinking since this is a frequently asked question, you should maybe have a pattern index saying which books all your patterns are in - or do you and I just haven't found it?

orchardquilter said...

Yay QBs

Paule-Marie said...

Looks like a great time was had by all. But, enquiring minds want to know about the little red wagon. Looks like something I could use. (Besides, it matches my Wrangler Rubicon)

Denny1600 said...


colleen said...

I am in the San Francisco area of California last summer I bought the same wagon in brown at our local Costco. I saw another style wagon at a soccer game the owner said she bought it at a local sporting goods store Big Five for $100. The one I bought was $60-$70. Colleen

pcflamingo said...

That was me (it was I?) with the little red wagon - KMart sports department - handy as all get out. Except the wheels have a mind of their own and you can run over your own feet as well as those of passing strangers. Turns corners really well but it doesn't do straight lines very well.

Pat in Auburn, WA

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