
Thursday, March 14, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Machine Sighting!

I stopped at an antique mall on my way to my sewing retreat – why is it that people pile so much stuff on top of the machine cabinet that you can't get in it to see the machine?

It's not like it's a dresser or a dining room buffet table – all of the goodies are inside the cabinet!

It took some doing to remove the froufrou stuff from the top of this cabinet, but I just had to see what was inside!

It was so worth it – inside it was a beautiful machine with gorgeous decals! It's a new home!

It's got the same leaf tensioner that my new hand crank has – and the same funky threading system :-)

I checked and the shuttle is there!

The price is $195.00. I left it there mainly because there is no room at the inn.

This is the ultimate in catch and release – a beautiful machine, I'm happy to have seen it and I'm sure someone will snatch it up and give it a good home!


Jennifer Thomas said...

Ooooh! Aaaaah! It's beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing! I love vintage machines. I just got a Singer Spartan to add to my collection last week for $20.00. It sews a beautiful stitch and is so much fun to use! Have a super day!

Audrey said...

Complete with a spool of junky thread!

Cleo said...

Good to know I'm not alone in my quest to rescue abandoned sewing machines! :)

The Slow Quilter said...

What a find. Too bad it is to far for me to get my hands on.

Machelle said...

Thank you for sharing Bonnie,beautiful machine!
Jennifer S Thomas I have a Spartan too,I love it!

Machelle said...

Thank you for sharing Bonnie,beautiful machine!
Jennifer S Thomas I have a Spartan too,I love it!

Kathaleeny said...

It always amazes me to see the ancient spools of thread that generally always hang around with their machine. Kind of cool.

Mary said...

Thanks for the reminder, I need to make a list of Shops near Portland. I have all day next Wednesday to get there...LOL Beautiful decals, yes!

cityquilter grace said...

over the top decals and love that cabinet....

thequiltersshed said...

beautiful decals

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Gee Bonnie I bet that if you give the antique mall ad space for that it would be picked up by one of your readers... they should Know!

HelenMarie said...

love those decals!

Treadleworks said...

What a great looking machine! I have four treadles in my home.

tealeafquilts said...

I left a pretty turquoise singer at the Goodwill this year. It really needed work and my husband would have divorced me as there is not place to put it. That machine cabinet was worth the investment. It is beautiful!

Unknown said...

I'm looking through Craigslist for Knoxville, TN this afternoon and... look what I found for you!! Lady seems to have done quite a bit of research for this, much offered by the White Company! http://knoxville.craigslist.org/atq/3632046565.html Am I right in assuming the wooden box on the top would be the actual machine cover?

LesQuilts said...

too bad Bonnie! You could have used this one, and used the one at home for parts!
Enjoy! Take care, Leslie

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