
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hexing Away!

I haven’t shared any hexagon posts in quite a while!

One of the gals wanted to see just what I was doing with what I had shown previously and I decided to upload a photo for you to see just how this is progressing.

I’m designing it as I go, and I really don’t have much in mind for just how it is going to turn out yet.  Once I get to one stage, I will decide another!

It’s a great airplane/travel project and I’m excited to be playing with these colors – brown, blue, red and neutral!

hexagons 001

Hex on, peeps!


beaquilter said...

uhh love the 3 blues inbetween! fun!

Juststitchin60 said...

This is something I must try!!!

Sandra Henderson said...

FUN!~ Will be like a kaleiescope!~
Do you remember those books that were like coloring books, but not. They had Celtic type of designs and kaleidescope types? and you colored them in with colored pencils and markets?!?! I use to love those!~ That is what I thought of when I saw this.
Sewing away here...:)

laura said...

That reminds me of the first dusting of snow on the leaves in fall!

Anonymous said...

Oh I like this setting! Snow-Kalidescope (SP!)? Sure does remind me of both.

Bonnie? Do you sleep? lol


gonna post to FB pics of mine--your idea looks terrific! thanks for sharing *~*CAROLE*~*

Leah said...

I really, really like how you're orienting the stripes on the light blue 3-hex units. It's subtle but very effective.

Gerda said...

It looks very pretty.I like the 3 blue ones, how they unite everything. And the center. I received your books, they are gorgeous, and just what I was looking for. Thank you very much.
Groetjes, Gerda

Novena said...

Love your hexies! The blue groupings look like hearts-sweet!

Ramona said...

Very pretty! As the question above asks...do you sleep? I was also wondering what size hexies you make?

Beth said...

The blue and the red is just awesome in there. Can't wait to see this grow.

Unknown said...

Is this a new one you are starting?

Nann said...

How are you going to quilt the green/white/red one?

SusanQuilter said...

Very pretty, Bonnie! Love your design!

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Wonderful colors for a "guy" quilt! Going to be an heirloom some day!

Eileen said...

Love how how you're putting them together!

MimiG said...

I gotta start doing this! Love it!

Anonymous said...

You're doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work kid!

Unknown said...

I love those colors together, and the red gives it that extra pop.
Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

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