
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Flying Gluten Free!

All good travel days come with hiccups! Or most anyway.

Today is one of those days.

I arrived at the airport at 12:30 PM for my 3 PM flight – a bit early I know, but the Hubster could bring me on his lunch hour and I didn't mind the wait time.

When I got to the airport was informed that my flight from Greensboro to Washington, Dulles will be an hour late, Leaving Greensboro after 4 PM.

A moment of panic aside – I also discovered that my flight from Washington, Dulles to Portland, Oregon is also running an hour late!

I won't be touching down on the west coast until about 9:30 PM Pacific time.

Isn't it great to be a quilter? I'm sitting here with hexagons in my lap, "Foyle's war" on the Kindle fire playing via Netflix – and snacks at my fingertips!

I'm really excited to have found these chips – I read the ingredients and marked plainly on the package with a big GF – gluten-free! :-)

Well I'm still stuck in Greensboro, and am happily stitching away :-)

I've already had a conversation with one of the agents here – she says she's got a quilt top she's made that has not yet been quilted :-)

Opportunities for random quilt – talk are everywhere!


Tami C said...

Sweet Potato chips.... sounds really good. I've not seen these any where, but I'll be looking for them. Glad you are nice and comfortable with your hexies. Have a safe flight!

Bonnie Baker Lippincott said...

I've never downloaded a movie to my Kindle Fire. Do you have the HD one or the first Kindle Fire? Do you plug it in or just watch with the battery? I love your hexies and have made a quilt with 2" hexies. I must try the smaller ones some time. Have a great trip to the West Coast.

Roberta said...

Love to see you demoing how to sew the hexies on quilt cam.
Safe easy trip!

Missy Shay said...

I like those chips too! Traveling is a lot of "hurry up and then wait".

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness....Bonnie, when you are here in Portland, make sure to get to Crave Bakeshop in Lake Oswego! An entire bakery of all gluten-free yummies including the best cinnamon rolls ever! I tried to get into your class or at least your lecture but the system wouldn't let you just register for the lecture and your classes were full. If you want to try them and don't have transport, email me and I'll make a delivery for you. (I've been gluten-free for years and their cinnamon rolls were a life-changer!) pbstrand@msn.com

Beth in TN said...

If you like those chips, be sure to try the Late July brand of sweet potato chips. I like them even better. (also gluten free)

Mary Ellen said...

Goodness. Are there any flights that are on time anymore?

thequiltersshed said...

You are definitely settling in. It sounds like it will all come together.

Ann Parks said...

It's easier to wait when you are well entertained! I love those sweet potato chips, too! May you have safe flights and a wonderful experience in Portland!

Joyful Noise said...

"Food should taste so good" is my favorite brand of gf chips! Flying from Sacramento to Pittsburgh today with a bag in my carry on.

Eileen S said...

That same company makes a multi-grain chip that I buy in huge bags @ Costco. Also GF and Delicious! My favorite all time chip......and they're healthy to boot!
Wish I could pop down to Portland (8 hrs) to see you, but just can't do it. :-(

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Hey Bonnie FYI The DaVinci Code is a free download right now. They are doing it to promote the next book in the series!

Nancy said...

so how many airport personnel in this country are you on a first name basis with????? :)

Glady said...

Safe travels, Bonnie. I'm going along with you to Oregon. Wanted to let you know that the new quilt cam works great!

Chase Klop said...

You are cracking me up! You are such a positive person! I love your airport set up!

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

I loved Foyle's War. Hated to see tha last episode. Fell in love with the characters.

piffle said...

I really like that hexie quilt you have there. I am trying to figure out how those three little hexies fit in between what? Can I have a bigger photo, just please!!

Bunnie said...

Good job on getting the Gluten-free. Usually you just have to ask. Sometimes they'll go nuts trying to please you. Especially if you are able to give advance notice for gluten-free meals(do they feed you anymore on those cross-country flights?) It may actually be easier to be gluten-free on your travels.

Unknown said...

Sorry you had such a rough ride. Love your hexies. What size hexie are you using? Your colors are wonderful. I always have handwork with me when I travel. I have embroidered enough blocks for a large redwork quilt. Now I usually am smocking something for one of the granddaughters. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

Juststitchin60 said...

I was told by a friend of mine that if your Dr. Orders you a GF diet your groceries are tax free.
Just thought I would pass that along. Sorry you had such a bumpy flight hope your evening gets better.

SandraB said...

Isn't Foyle's War the greatest? We love those British tv series. Michael Kitchen is great.

Debbie said...

Great find on the GF chips. I love the striped hexie pieces. Now I have to look for some stripes.

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