
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Hoosier hospitality with the Block Party Bee!

Yes, I eventually did make it to Indianapolis where I met up with Becky, gathered up the luggage – loaded it all in her car and headed off to the wilds of Bloomington Indiana.

I was met in the lobby of the hotel by a group of gals belonging to the block party quilting bee – who had invited me to share a home-cooked meal with them at Wendy's house.

What a treat!

After days of eating out it is so nice to sit down to a home cooked meal of lasagna, salad, sourdough bread, appetizers – and brownies and ice cream with hot fudge for dessert!

Such a nice evening spent getting to know these ladies and seeing their beautiful projects in progress.

We are ready for a fabulous quilt show weekend at the Indiana heritage show.

If you are anywhere near Bloomington, Indiana – make some time to come see us and say hello!

The vendors mall promises to be epic – and the quilts outstanding beyond words.

This is one Hoosier welcome very much appreciated! Thanks, gals! :-)


stitchinpenny said...

Love the home-cooked meal! Nice touch on their part.

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful day for a drive in Indiana - isn't the snow lovely? My mom and I will be at the show Saturday afternoon and will try to stop by to say hi if you are taking a break from teaching. I will even bring my East Street top (which I finished this morning) if I can remember!

Mary said...

That was great to be treated to the home cooked meal. I have a Niece in Indiana. I'll have to tell her to stop by the quilt show. On the countdown for Portland here in the Pacific Northwest. My Easy Street just might be quilted in time.

Jaynie said...

How nice that you got to enjoy their home cooked hospitality! Have fun at the quilt show.

Deb said...

What hotel are you staying at? I'm headed to Bloomington in the morning from Chicago to pick my son up from IU (Indiana University)and bring him back home for spring break. I'm staying at the Hampton Inn on Walnut St. I forgot about the show...it's literally on IU's campus! Perfect timing, I'd say! Hope to see you in Bloomington. If not, I'll see you in May when you come to St. Charles, IL for our Guild's Annual Banquet & workshops! Enjoy Bloomington & being a HOOSIER!!! GO HOOSIERS!!!!!

qltmom9 said...

The snow is pretty for you, but brrr...it sure is cold out there. I hate that I have to miss you, but I have to work to set up a humongous bridal shower where my dds work.

Lucy (in IN who HOPES to see you again someday)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that someone was looking out for you. I kept thinking about you coming in here alone with the snowy drive to Bloomington and spending your night alone in a hotel. Yay fellow Hoosiers!! (Well ok, I'm technically a Boilermaker, but still born and bred in Indiana!) ;)

Joanna said...

The food looks fabulous, but I have to say that I LOVE the table runner. Do you or does anyone out there know if it was an original design or from a pattern?

Debbie Lou said...

What thoughtful gals! I'm sure that home cooked meal tasted yummy. Enjoy the show. I look forward to seeing some pics.

Anonymous said...

Candles... brings back memories of EVERY night there candles lite at dinner. Which meant every night there was the decision of which child would blow out the candles! The dinner and the candles were a lovely touch.

Donna said...

Joanna, it's from Kim Diehl's book, Simple Seasons. It has yo-yos, applique, and it is a VERY cute pattern!!

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