
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Plans for us today include a non-traditional meal of steaks on the grill, baked sweet potatoes, mashed cauliflower, and a good salad, fruit with yogurt for dessert.

My first holiday meal of eating gluten-free ---and I’m really not out there trying to substitute bad breads and bad sweets with gluten free versions that are not all that healthy for me.

Of course, I bought rolls for the guys to have with their meal --- but as for me, if I eat bready things, I crave bready things no matter whether they are gluten free or not.

If I eat a gluten free pie – I’d want to eat the WHOLE PIE – which is not good for me either ---so I’m staying strict with myself here because I am FEELING BETTER!

This is Sadie, helping me keep the blocks down on the floor --- wishing you all a happy Easter full of family and friends and good memories!

I'm hoping to get the last 4 blocks done and get this top assembled today.


I want to thank you all for the gift you gave of clean water ---the goal for Blood Water Mission has been met!  You went beyond the mark, and as of this posting we have raised $7,420.00 for a well in Africa! Thank you so much for jumping in and giving so freely.

The participation does not have to stop here.  If you feel led to give, you can still donate here!

Donating to this cause is  probably the BEST thing I’ve done this year.  It really is a gift that keeps on giving.

Pam will draw for the winner of the quilt at some point today, be watching --- I'll post the winner here!

Happy Easter, Everyone!


Kelly said...

Happy Easter, Bonnie. I'm glad the dietary changes have made such a positive difference for you. It's proof that we have to be open to new things in our lives! Thanks, too, for helping Pam with her fund-raising. We all need help at some point...share while we can!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

interested in hearing more of your gluten free well being. well be nice to hear you say you are pain free in another couple months. Happy Easter

Pat O said...

Happy Easter to you and your family, Bonnie. I'll be spending the day without my family :-( because little 5 year old Isabelle has a tummy bug. I'll probably go to Cracker Barrel or whatever for a quick bite, and then (hopefully) do some sewing. :-)

Think I missed why you are going gluten free ... going to go back into your blogs ... I'm nosy!

Pat O
Winston Salem, NC

Myra Mae McFarland said...

Sadie should be on the cover of your next book. This cutie would sell as many books as your quilts!

Terje said...

So glad to hear your gf foods are helping so much. I am with you on the bread-addiction. It's, for me at least, every bit as unmanageable as how I hear alcohol addiction can be. I am with you on the "none is best" path.

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Happy Easter Bonnie! My husband and I have cut way back on gluten. I have lost 35 pounds in the last year. When I crave mashed potatoes I use steam cauliflower with some garlic and parmesan cheese processed in the food processor till smooth. I also am so glad to have found the sweet potato. I feel so much better also. My knee problems are pretty much gone, so much better than having to have a knee replacement.

Freda said...

Happy Easter, Bonnie. Sadie sure is a cutie and a good helper.

Mary Ellen said...

You are so right about the cravings. I am type 2 diabetic and after diagnosis 15 years ago, went immediately off all sugary treats and to some extent "white" products. I substitute the whole grain alternative whenever possible (brown rice for white, sweet potatoes for white ones, etc.) After a couple of weeks of this regimen, an apple tasted so sweet it was unbelievable. The craving for brownies, cookies, etc. disappeared. I do occasionally have a treat (I am a sucker for my homemade fruit pies), but really watch the portion size. When a friend visited me from Germany, she was unimpressed with my "new" diet. "Just eating healthy and rationally" she sniffed. How we all should be eating all the time. You will probably also lose some weight.

Debbie Lou said...

Happy Easter, Bonnie! Your Easter dinner sounds yummy! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better with your eating plan. I, too have just begun eating wheat free. I pray we both find improved health and wellness. Enjoy!!!

Ophelia said...

Happy Easter! Glad to hear you feel better with your gluten free diet. I'm envious you actually have spring because we in Central Europe don't. It's snowing AGAIN. No sign of blooming trees. I can't stop complaining, sorry. ;) Have a lovely day and enjoy your Easter dinner!

Sherry said...

Happy Easter Bonnie! So glad you are feeling better with your diet, I handle being gluten free the same as you, I just substitute items that don't remind me of gluten products and I find I really don't miss it especially when it makes you feel sooo much better.

Mary said...

I read the label on the back of the PEEPs I bought for my DH. It said they are Gluten Free, too. Pure sugar, but GF. I had to laugh. Ham and potatoes for my Easter dinner.

Debbie said...

Good for you on the new healthy eating plan. It definitely gets easier the longer you do it.
Cutting 2 1/2 inch strips for a scrappy trip along today. Decided to join the fun.

Unknown said...

A very Happy Easter to you Miss Bonnie. Love following your blog! Good luck on your gluten free eats!

~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Sounds like a great Easter meal! Happy Easter!
Cindy in NY

Donna said...

Love the nontraditional. My vegetarian son is visiting for Easter so we had grilled shrimp(he eats seafood), potato salad and steamed veggies. Definitely not what is usually served at our house on Easter, but I must say we enjoyed the change and most of all just happy to have one of our children here for the weekend.

Donna said...

Love the nontraditional. My vegetarian son is visiting for Easter so we had grilled shrimp(he eats seafood), potato salad and steamed veggies. Definitely not what is usually served at our house on Easter, but I must say we enjoyed the change and most of all just happy to have one of our children here for the weekend.

Ann Parks said...

I love this picture of Sadie! She looks like she is holding the blocks down in the hope of keeping you home to love on her! I'm glad the gluten free diet is working for you! I've also gone gluten free and feel better for having done so. Happy Easter to you and yours!

Tami C said...

I'm also glad the gluten free diet is making you feel better. I know what you mean about staying away from the breads. Keep up the good work.

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Our Easter fare today was pretty non-traditional too...after our ER/hospital scare Thur/Fri (Bob this time...not my Mom)...we played things very low key...there was no Easter function @ my Mom's place - but we had lunch with her (turkey or ham...so I guess we kinda got Easter in)...Bob made a crockpot of baked beans last night and that was our Easter supper! LOL Just love seeing SADIE anytime...you know how I feel about her! xoxox

Helen in the UK said...

Lovely to see that Sadie is such a 'hands on' helper with your quilts! Happy Easter :)

diane rizor said...

i'm so excited!!!!i have 58 sister choice blocks done.i have to go back and pick up another yard of the red(i don't have red in my stash)and i can finish my blocks.this is my firsh bonnie hunter quilt!!!!!!i have lots of bonus triangles and 2"4patches(leaders and enders)i haven't layed it out yet,i have 3dogs and a cat that would help like sadie is helpping.i have to close them all out of my room to get a look at how i'm going to sew them together.will send picks when i do.have a good trip

Karen, aka Yaya said...

I have a "helper" like Sadie; her name is Sydney!!

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