
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Evening Funny!

I’m packing for Nashville ---

And it is POURING and thundering outside ---woke me from my nap!

Why is this picture here?

Because I'm having a Give-Away!

TOMORROW!  Not right now.

You are going to have to come back for tomorrow morning's post --don't miss it!

But as for tonight....I thought this might give you a giggle!

I’m enjoying making these little placards with funny quilty sayings on them, and wanted to share this one here with you ----Hoping you have enjoyed your Easter with your family!


I’ve got someone arranging me a loaner machine for hotel room stitching….I need to kit up what Wild & Goosey block quarters I have with some fabric for the sashings and cornerstone and start getting those assembled! 

Today I put on a binding and would love to sit and hand stitch that too!

But I’ve only got 3 more Sister’s Choice blocks to make and that top will be ready to assemble!

But I must pack my clothes, and be sure I have everything ready for my flight in the early early morning ----HEXIES!  Do I need to cut more hexies? And what about my Mp3 player with my audio books? Is it recharged?!

Oh goodness --- I’m running and rambling like the proverbial chicken who’s missing his head ---I better go find it!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would love to win your give away!

regan said...

Now that's a 12-step program I can totally embrace!! LOL Have a safe trip! And I hope you had a Happy Easter!

Terri in BC said...

I love these! This one has been shared on Facebook already by one of the quilting magazines - what a great way to promote your blog! Hope you had a good Easter!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Hope you had a great Easter ... thanks for the cauliflower recipe ... on my list to try this week. Travel safe and PICK ME!! LOL


Donna T said...

Have a great trip... Get lots of Hexies made. I would love to win that book with hexies on the front. Maybe one day my Hexie purse will be complete. Keep on sewing.... I will post a photo when it is done.

tinker said...

I only live a few miles away from where you will be in nashville. So odd that I just found out that the nashville guild meets so close to where I live. I have some driving issues which limit the size of my 'comfort zone.' Little did I know the Music City Quilt Guild meets in Donelson, just a few miles from where I live in Mount Juliet. I'm SO excited to have figured this out. I will be joining them - but not in time to be a part of your visit. phooey,,, but, still YaY for Me! :-D

Unknown said...

Have a great Easter and safe trip. I love your 12 steps.

Tami C said...

You always managed to get all your things together for a trip, so I'm sure will get it done this time. Hope you had a wonderful Easter and have a safe trip tomorrow!

Unknown said...

I am Soooo jealous of my quilting sisters in Nashville! I was a member of MCQG for a number of years and a past President. I just recently moved to Seattle, WA. I tried to be there for your visit but will miss you by a few weeks as I fly in on May 1st. Have fun with these wonderful and exceptionally talented friends of mine! Lynn

Janet O. said...

Love the 12 step program!! : )

Deanna said...

I've never been in a 12 step program. But, I bet this is one I could follow!! I still have a stash of fabric in the trunk of my car because I haven't been able to bring it in without catching DH' attention yet. It has been riding around with me for a few weeks now. :)

Unknown said...

Would love to win.just finishing up an I spy quilt he I quilt with brown triangles

Smeek said...

Hope I am not too late. I would like to win so I'm not 12 away. HaHa!

YankeeQuilter said...

12 step program is already in place at my house...there is even fabric stored in the guest bathroom (as you know!)

Sharon in Colorado said...

Let's see, what color am I NOT working with?? hand quilting a soft flannel baby quilt in pastels of course (remind me not to do that again: leaves detritus all over, fluff and strings) my big project is getting my studio in order, and then it will be Grandmom's old squares from the 30's to the 50's, I'll continue adding cream to flesh them out (thanks for the "what is neutral" post: saving me buying new! I'm feeling more comfortable using other fabrics with mostly cream, and using your ideas while I sort my stash) One day at a time...

Paule-Marie said...

have a great trip. I love the little placards you have been making. Will you hate me if I say I would love to see them collected in a tab on your blog? Yeah I know, more work.

Paule-Marie said...

have a great trip. I love the little placards you have been making. Will you hate me if I say I would love to see them collected in a tab on your blog? Yeah I know, more work.

Terry said...

I am working with bright true colors...Have a great time in Nashville!!

Unknown said...

I cut my Hexi blocks as squares, then I trim the corners once I pin my paper on. all the scrap becomes pet-pillow filling.

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