
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cabin Beautiful!

This is a quicky post because we are on our way out the door this morning.

This is one of the cabins that is in the running as a MAYBE ---but it’s a huge decision.

You know it’s a very strange thing to be sharing my life and wake up to comments that flat out say things like “Don’t buy there, you’ll regret it, traffic is horrible……” Where these people don’t know my situation!  You GUYS!  This is my life ---thank you for your input and concern but really??

We live in Winston Salem.  We are looking EAST of Boone so we don’t even get INTO the heavy traffic areas ---

So this is a LOVELY cabin on the side of a mountain with the most gorgeous view.  It’s not very large in size, but I don’t want huge.  I want a small easy to maintain place for a perfect getaway.  It needs to be no more than a 2 hour drive from home. On the "Home" side of Boone.  I don't want to be driving THROUGH Boone. This fits the bill!

Powder Horn Mountain is east of Boone – between Winston and Boone – so we would never even have to enter into the wilds of Boone traffic.  All country roads to get there – winding, stream lined, old farms and barns and silos and country churches.

MC-Mts 026

This is the view off the back deck ----can you imagine it when the trees have leaves?

MC-Mts 031

Master bedroom with a deck and a view!

The name of this cabin is Tree Tops, with good reason!

MC-Mts 034

Living room and dining area…..

MC-Mts 035

Fireplace in living room!  I love the “CABIN” feel of this place!

MC-Mts 036

Kitchen is smaill, and could use an up-do.  But it’s sufficient.  I’m not going to be there to cook banquets! I want to sew!

MC-Mts 038

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to sit out on the deck with breakfast in the morning?

MC-Mts 039

It’s just in the running --- we’ve just started looking!  But this is a place I wouldn’t mind callling home-away-from-home!

We’ve got a few more places to see today ----then home this evening.  It’s been a fun weekend of looking in the mountains, and I know we will know the right place when we see it!


Katie said...

that place looks like a big hug -- just warm and inviting

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

That is exactly what I think of when I think of a getaway in the mountains! Perfect size!

Coloradolady said...

What a beautiful place Bonnie! Just looking at the pictures, I see a peaceful, beautiful place with all the elements you need to recharge your soul.

We have a place like that in the mountains in Colorado, and most would have negatives to say about it as well...its small....its far from town....but I say its perfect and perfect for us!!

Oh, and the views from your deck....breathtaking! I can only imagine that in the fall..simply beautiful.

Pam said...

Looks absolutely perfect to me!!!! I'm ready to pack my suitcase for a visit!!!

Mommy Robin said...

So very inviting! Breakfast on the deck would be lovely, but imagine SEWING out there! Just don't drop anything - if it goes over the side or through the cracks, you'll never get it back, lol!

Today I'm finishing putting my "Cathedral Stars" top together; it was started in DE last April, so I'm under a year... Of course, that's not quilted or bound, but it's getting there.

Enjoy your day; I hope you'll share more of your lovely views!

Peace and Joy,

Freda said...

If you should choose this one , it is gorgeous. I can see you at a machine in front of one of thos gorgeous views sewing your brains out! lol Good luck on your "cabin" hunting and don't even read the comments that butt into your business.

Susan-QuiltingInThe Christmas City said...


Cheryl said...

Looks wonderful!

tkdmom said...

Beautiful! That would be a wonderful get away spot for sure! Can hardly wait to see what other treasures you find. You don't mind me living my dream of finding a get away place through you? :) Thanks for sharing!

Arlene from So. Ca.

Joan said...

Are there outlets on that deck? What a beautiful place to sit and sew awhile!

harleywife57/ Mickey White said...

oh my ! this place love AMAZING !! The bedroom view = WOW !!!
I don't think there will be a lot of traffic there :D
Can you imagine the view when you wake up when there in the FALL ?????? WOW !!!

horsegal88 said...

I think the cabin is beautiful!! Just ignore all the negative comments and pick the one that you love!! Happy hunting!

secondofwett said...

Looks perfect to me! Go for it!

hilary said...

Looks like Heaven to me. I love that area and can't imagine a better view.

dorothy said...

Wow what a beautiful place! I agree in the fall it would be spectacular! Don't worry about naysayers they will always exist.

Joan in coastal MS said...

Bonnie, I am enjoying your posts on searching for a second home. I lived at the base of Black Mountain for a couple of years and liked going to the Boone area. This looks like a cabin that is new enough to be energy efficient and "cabiny" enough to feel rustic. A great place to visit or retreat. If you decide to get a 'beach' house, contact me. I live in a great beach area until the hurricanes come ashore.

Jackie said...

Love this cabin. Very cosy and comfortable. I can see why this one is a contender. Enjoy the search and hope you find one you love.

Wanda said...

Beautuful have fun looking.

Unknown said...

Perfect get-away. I love the mountains of North Carolina and like you said, it really is your decision.

Anonymous said...

You GOTTA have a hand-crank sewing machine so you not only have meals out on the beautiful deck, but can stay out there and sew to your hearts content! I love my hand cranks...


dorothy said...

Wow what a beautiful place! I agree in the fall it would be spectacular! Don't worry about naysayers they will always exist.

dorothy said...

Wow what a beautiful place! I agree in the fall it would be spectacular! Don't worry about naysayers they will always exist.

Linda H said...

Looks like the perfect spot to me!! Cozy and inviting, gorgeous views. Just make sure it has enough room for your sewing friends and enough electrical outlets! Happy Looking! :)

dorothy said...

Wow what a beautiful place! I agree in the fall it would be spectacular! Don't worry about naysayers they will always exist.

Misha said...

Looks wonderful!!! Ignore the haters ;)

As someone who lives full time in the mountains, my one bit of unsolicited advice (which this house appears to be fine with) is to mind where the snow will fall from the roof. You don't want it to block the driveway or entrances :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely retreat! Your life, your rules! Remember that. Just because you choose to let us take a peek at it, does not give us the right to command it. If you ask for our opinion, then we are permitted to give it. Not before! The good thing about comments is that they can be deleted. Thanks for sharing.

Pauline said...

Beautiful! But where would you set up your sewing? The only thing my age and bum knee would consider is the stairs. If the furnishing go with the cabin and the price is right, I'd have a very difficult time turning this down, especially if I could find a place to add a studio. I'd worry someone else would snap it up.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

:) I'm ready to move into that cabin full time! beautiful

Suzanne said...

It's beautiful!

AddieNCE said...

I really like the view you have from there. It looks like a calm place, just perfect for weekend far away from everyday life and stress.
Even if I do not like wood (I never did and will probably never do - just a personal thing since my imagination tends to "see" eyes in the wood instead of the knotholes... lol - silly me!) - this place brings up a good feeling... comfy was the first thing that came to my mind.
I am pretty sure that you and your DH will find the right place sooner or later... if the cabin doesn't scream "buy me!" from the first second, there might be a better one waiting for you both.
It's so great that you give your followers such a deep insight into your personal life all the time... I love reading all your posts!
Greetings from Germany,

Robyn of Coffee and Cotton said...

Beautiful! The only thing it's lacking is a treadle machine :)

Debbie Lou said...

Love it! Your idea of a great Cabin in the woods looks just like I picture mine. What gorgeous views. Enjoy!

Kristy said...

Just ignore those Nosey Nancy's and Rude Rita's! This place looks like a lovely place to get away from it all and will provide lovely views to look out on as you stitch away! Happy Hunting!

Nancy said...

What a wonderful choice this would be! Love the modern-rustic combination....it would be fabulous retreat from everyday life! Have fun in your looking...and thanks for letting us tag along! Ignore the non-constructive negativity! Nancy

tpott said...

I've always loved log homes or homes with the warmth of all wood interiors. It's beautiful, enjoy the hunt, I know I would. ;-> The view is breathtaking, what a wonderful dream to unwind and recharge in such lovely surroundings. ;-> Toni Anne

Unknown said...

Beautiful....who wouldn't love sitting on that deck!

Bj said...

You had me sold at the master bedroom view, I love whole walls of windows, I love it and think it will give you just what you need, peace and quiet and hopefully lots of electric, I love it! And yes, I agree with the thoughts that sewing on the deck would be amazing, Great Light for sure ;)

Unknown said...

It is AMAZING !! You are so fortunate, I would give anything short of my sewing machine to be in NC. We go every year and take a day or two up in the area west of Boone and just want to stay there and never leave.


Carol said...

WOW! That is Beautiful, my lifelong dream is to own a log cabin somewhere close to home!

Tracey said...

Very Beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

Please!!!!! Can I be your New Best Friend??? Love it and to wake up and look out and see that beautiful site.
WOW!!!! Amazing:-)))

pcflamingo said...

How FUN to entertain all the possibilities!

Janet O. said...

One thing you haven't shown, and this could be a deal breaker, is MY room! *LOL*

Sue's Stitchin' said...

looks perfect to me. Just imagine bunches of your quilts draped over every inch. Makes it even more welcoming.

Christie said...


Mad quilter said...

Don't worry about unsolicited opinions. You are pretty savvy about traffic, locations and what makes you happy. I see you and Siobhan having tea on the deck. Love u

Barb Johnson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barb Johnson said...

I had to remove the comment I made because my fingers were typing faster than my brain was working, and the comment didn't make any sense, LOL! Anyway, what I was TRYING to say was that the views are beautiful, and I can imagine that you two would be very happy there. I'd love to be in your shoes, shopping for a nice get-away cabin in the mountains. Someday!

Pam said...

Absolutely lovely. I have just decided to drop 2 days a week from my work life to give me more sewing/gardening life and we are just starting the search for such a place. If all else fails I will put a log cabin at the bottom of the garden, with no telephone line, and we will shut ourselves off there for 3 days at a time.

ria vogelzang said...

What a beautiful view! Enjoy today!

Myrna said...

It's lovely. I noticed the TV and stand in the living room are exactly like the ones I used to have. I wondered where they'd gotten to! ;-) Enjoy your house hunting! You'll find what's right for you and yours and that's all that matters!.

Unknown said...

I could see sewing on that deck.

Nancy said...

What a view!! Have fun on the Search!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

That's EXACTLY what I thought Joan ... I love to sew on my deck in the warm weather ...

stephanie @ Luckystarquilts said...

I can feel my blood pressure going down just looking at the pictures! What an absolutely gorgeous spot. I wouldn't worry about the kitchen either - although Thanksgiving in the mountains could be very tempting! :)

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Listen to your heart ... when you see the right place you will know it. That cabin is a beauty ... ENJOY the processing of finding your dream place ... that's part of the journey! Linda

Patti said...

Fantastic view; lovely cottage. I can see why it's in the running. Positively idyllic. Good luck and enjoy the search!

maureen said...

Bonnie- Follow your heart. You'll both make the decision that's right for you. I'm thinking that maybe people are just trying to help, but you need to take their input with a grain of sand and do what you need to do. It's your future afterall!!
I'm sooo jealous though! I miss the mountains- hopefully I'll get back there some day.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

That cabin looks lovely to me. A dishwasher, even..............

thequiltersshed said...

This one is lovely. Gorgeous view, etc. Thank you so much for showing us the interior. I could feel a quilting retreat coming on....

Treadle Toes said...

Outlets?? Who needs outlets when you have treadles and hand cranks? ;-) I see a number of treadles/HC's all along that deck quietly cranking out block after block.

Kristin said...

I think it looks amazing! Very tranquil.

YankeeQuilter said...

Gorgeous views! The kitchen layout looks fine...maybe just a bit of color (but heck when you move all your fabric in there should be lots of that!!!!)

MalinisQuilts said...

Beautiful cabin. Would be fun to spend time there.

Beth G said...

Gorgeous. You just need to replace the granny square afghan on the chair, with a hexagon quilt and it will be PERFECT!! :-). My dream is a mountain cabin one day, enjoy the search

diana569 said...

Wow! What a beautiful view to look at while you are drawing lines on your star points. Throw a couple of quilts in the cabin and it would be so cozy! Enjou your search today! :)

PAM said...

Your blog is like an episode of 'House Hunters'.Can't wait to see your final pick.

This is a beautiful place!

Purl Buttons said...

I LOVE it. Do you think you might turn that lovely master bedroom into a sewing room? It would be tempting...

Mary Ellen said...

Looks like heaven to me. You and your husband are both adults last time I checked. You can certainly trust your own judgment.

Marla said...

It is fun to live vicariously throught your adventures! Thank you for sharing them with those who find you charming and innovative and FUN!!!

Judy said...

It is a beautiful cabin. Looks perfect to me.

Gena in Dallas said...

It's perfect!! Lucky you just being able to consider such a place!

Quilter Kathy said...

This is gorgeous...I would call it "heaven away from heaven"!

Material Girl said...

It looks like a beautiful place Bonnie, good luck cabin hunting, hope your dreams come true!

Vicki B said...

Love it. Have fun looking and planning.

Sue in Oregon said...

I had to chuckle when you said you were getting some advice from people who have no idea what you want and where you want it. Just remember, unwanted advice is worth exactly what you pay for it ~ nothing.

Tami C said...

Looks like a perfect place for those long weekend get-aways! Enjoy the hunt, we're enjoying being along for the ride!

Vicki B said...

Just bought your book "String Fling" and love it! Bedtime reading every night. I found your recent blog on neutrals very helpful and have been using the information to assess fabrics. Thank-you. Hopefully I'm getting close to start a scrappy quilt.

Debbie said...

That is the perfect deck to sit on and hand piece or quilt all day long.

Deborah said...

Totally agree. I feel relaxed just looking at the pictures.

Sue Monsey said...

Have fun looking for your second 'home'. We have a place at the Oregon Coast (just a short 1.5 hour drive from home in Beaverton)and we love it. It is not fancy, but comfortable! The kitchen isn't huge but that hasn't been a problem. It only has two bedrooms and one bathroom - no problem - we don't have wild parties there - big deck and view of the ocean. A couple of sewing friends and I love to go over and spend a weekend where we can quilt, eat, and talk til all hours of the night - we have been known to not even get out of our jammies until one of us wants something from the store - most times we figure out something we already have so we don't have to get dressed - lol

LesQuilts said...

Hi Bonnie!
While surfing the net, I found this antique quilt I thought you might like, needs some repair, but cheap! cheap! cheap!
here's the link... Sew Cal Gal had a link to Desstashing, and this lady was selling this grandmother's garden quilt...
Take care, Leslie

Lori Huffman said...

Bonnie, this place is lovely! I apologize on behalf of whoever thought to dissuade you from buying. I guess since you share so much of yourselves with all your fans, we might feel closer to you than we have a right too. I'm sure we would all be delighted for you to have a cabin wherever you want to enjoy however you want!

Jan said...

i am definitely a mountain person...no sand and humidity for me. It is perfect....have friends in that part of the world...when can I come..LOL

Andra Gayle said...

Looks Beautiful, Bonnie! what a great retreat!

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

this home is beautiful! I am sorry that some folks ignorant posts upset you... you just have to take them for what they are, file them in the appropriate place, and carry on! some folks have too much time, and most of us have had good intentions go awry. in the meantime, i think i have a scrappy trips to sandwich and quilt! have a wonderful day! 8)

menopausalrunninggirl said...

That looks so beautiful to my British eyes! We live in the east of England which is as flat as a pancake in terms of our landscape- it would be lovely to bring one of those mountains over here!!! Follow your heart!

Ann H. said...

Lovely! The view is to die for! I'd love to be sitting on that deck making hexi's with a nice cup of coffee!!!!

Nancy said...

Love it! I wouldn't want to be in your shoes and have to pick just one :)

~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Wow, that is just beautiful! What a wonderful escape it would be! Those that don't quilt just don't get the peace and comfort we feel when we are piecing/quilting, but better yet in surroundings that mean something to us. I hope you find your dream, quiet and peaceful (pieceful??) place where you can feel your spirit soar!
Cindy in NY

Rabid Quilter from California said...

Looks totally perfect to me! I want one. . . .!

Marsha A. Black said...

Oh, Bonnie, these pics look so inviting! I know you've had fun looking at future vacation homes. Only you (and your DH) know what will work for you. Enjoy your search!

colleen said...

I wish you all the best and hope you and your husband find the perfect place for you.
Because of your search I've been thinking of what I'd be able to work out to sew with a big bunch of other people .
Where we live many of the neighborhoods have homeowners associations with pools and club houses which members can reserve with a returnable deposit if the place is returned as given
So for me since I have club house available I'd invite my friends there to sew.
I think the odd thing is its too far to just carry/walk my sewing equipment over but just seems crazy to drive two blocks over
I wouldn't have thought about this had you not shared your cabin adventure
which is good for me because my husband is a real home body he enjoys being home
He would not be willing to leave his home to drive to a second place I don't think he'd be able to relax and feel it was his home. When we have gone way he is antsy pretty soon to get back home. For me I think I could be a traveler esp since my husband would be home waiting for me....if I could afford it of course.
It's very good you and your husband will enjoy you vacation place together

J. Layman said...

Very inviting...I'd take it in a heart beat. We all have different things we are looking for in a get-away, and different things we are willing to "endure" in order to have it. I say, go for it! One final question...does it have room to set up your sewing, or is this the place you'll go to get away from the sewing?? Maybe you've commented on this before, but I'm coming in on the end of the conversation.

AJ (The Quilting Pot Podcast) said...

Luv the cabin!! Luv, luv the view from the MBR. I could just see you sitting on the deck working on "Hexies".

Kim Andrews said...

Bonnie, it is absolute heaven! Anything with wood and mountains is definitely great! Good luck with your decision. I would gladly come visit you anytime there. How about if we go to your place for a few weeks, then mine out in the Tetons?

Dream Catcher said...

Oh with such beautiful views I would have trouble concentrating on my sewing lol but wouldn't it be lovely snuggled under a quilt watching the weather and trees rustling while you are warm and cosy.

Aggie said...

That is a gorgeous place. Love the view.

Mary Ann said...

Wow! Go for it!! I would!! ;o)

Kelly said...

It's gorgeous. If you pass on it, mind letting us all know so we can make a run for it?

jane nj/wi said...

as a person with more dirt than we need all I can say is look beyond the perfectness....the first blush part. If the minuses aren't a deal breaker then it has spoken to you the right way. We have NJ, WI and FL. Fl bought to keeps inlaws under their own roof the are passed but we still have condo, WI we thought was retirement perfection, 8 years ago kinda jumoed the gun. It is so similar to this one but on a lake...a wilderness lake. But no basement....no storage...so will add pole barn for boat and workshop and extras. heheh and NJ...well we have been here 25 years..want a nice place out east for when you lecture and workshop NY metro area. Go with your heart...I would kill for the loft look. Hey we can swap when you want a lake view.

carla said...

Hi!!! That is so beautiful!!!! Love the view!!! I would love to sit out on that deck!!!!

magicthimblecreations said...

Very beautiful, but let me tell you about the windows above the doors. I don't know how high the points of the windows are from the floor and deck, but our house has similar windows. They require someone to actually get up to the point to wash them if you want clean windows. I do love the look, but I would never again have pointed windows so high off the floor.

Sharon Siacci said...

Looks lovely and cosy.

Eileen S said...

Oh Bonnie! It looks so cozy......and that view! Wow! And I'm sure there's room by one of those windows for a treadle. :-)

Farm Quilter said...

For advice on what and where to get your dream getaway...find a cabin you love with a fabulous view (most important!)...you can always update ad add another room if you want to but you can't get another view! You are a smart cookie and you'll find the right place! If this place was anywhere close to me, I'd be on it like peanut butter on toast!!! Hope there are enough bedrooms so you can have a sewing room with a view!!! Looking for a place like this is so much fun...scary with the money involved, but so much fun! You need a place to rest and refresh, so you'll know the right place when you find it! Now, about the traffic...you aren't heading off to work from your retreat, so you'll know when to sleep in another hour or so :)

Dar said...

Bonnie, that looks perfectly delightful. I've never been to NC, but would love to come see all the beautiful things you talk about. If you don't buy it, send the info to my DH. Maybe I can persuade him to buy a "cabin in the woods". It would be a bit more than a 2 hour drive though. I'm in MO.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Bonnie, I like the all-wood aspect of the interior. You won't have to do any painting maintenance.....just go there and relax...all "color decisions" will be fabric related!:) (as they should be....) What an exciting decision to be making...and fun way to spend time with Dave! Sally in SC

Anonymous said...

Wow - this is so cosy looking! That master bedroom is divine! Imagine sitting up in bed with a hot chocolate and muffin looking out that gorgeous window! You will know the cabin you want as it will feel like you always lived there. This one is totally gorgeous and would be lovely to sew and wind down from the rigors of everyday life. Happy hunting!

Charleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charleen said...

Seeing as how I am from Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes (+), this would be perfect on the nearest lake to our farm. That lake would be Lake of the Woods or perhaps on a lake near my former home town. A swim in the morning on a hot summer day and sewing during the rest of it.
Whatever you find, you will enjoy!

Beth said...

Amazing view from the deck. I could see an extension cord running out there to a machine. And at night the lovely fireplace and some hand stitching.

Aliza said...

This is really beautiful. I would love to have a place like this. Good luck with your decisions.

Andee said...

I LOVE it! This is fun...looking for a getaway with you and hubby! :)

Amy Laura said...

I know that I am late on commenting here, but I've been catching up on posts! OMGoodness, that place is absolutely gorgeous! Wowzers :-) I only see one problem, I may become a stalker, find you, and never leave! Just kidding, no need to send out the troops, lol!

Sherri said...

LOVELY! It's beautiful and looks like it's in great condition too, so that's a great thing! (although I would need a bigger kitchen lol)

You know, as long as you have somewhere to get away to, then it can't be bad at all! (I don't know what that's like since I haven't been on vacation since I was 14 years old) :(

Good luck and I'm sure you'll find the perfect place for you :)

Carla said...

What an awesome place. It looks cozy.
Love the views

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