
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Braiding Along in Bloomington!

Day three of classes in Bloomington, Indiana ---

SOMEONE knew what they were doing when they scheduled Texas Braid for the last class!

It was the perfect Sew-Easy project after giving all of our energy to the previous two days.

I had several students who had taken all three days of classes in my room, and some who took two days ---these ladies are die  hard quilters!  Anyone who is willing to start 3  large bed-sized UFOs in one weekend gets a High Five from me! 

There will be a big dent made in the scrap stash of many as they finish these quilts---but I bet that this morning many are sleeping in to regain their energy after all of the weekend festivities!

((Spring forward is not so nice on Sunday Morning no matter how much I love it when it is light later in the evenings!))

THIS made me smile:

IN_Mar2013 165

Bricks and squares, counted into bundles of 100 and tied with ribbon bows!
Perfect little Quilter’s Candy!

IN_Mar2013 166

Snap-ware with little cubbies also hold cornerstone squares contained and ready for use!

We are serious about our art, and we love things that make it cute, fun and organized!

It’s amazing how the changing colors from student to student can have such a dramatic effect on the whole quilt!  Watch the colors change as you go through the slide show below….and be inspired!

Last evening, the “flying our way home” instructors were shuttled about an hour’s drive away to a hotel close to the Indianapolis airport.

After checking in we all met back down in the lobby and I headed off to dinner with 5 of the most fabulous Quilt instructors ever!

Special thanks to the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show staff for a wonderful event!

Highlight of the evening? Sharing a plate of cake with two forks with Becky Goldsmith. Love that lady!

Travel Safe, Charlotte Angotti, Debbie Caffrey, Becky Goldsmith, RaNae Merrill, and Donna Thomas! Catch you next time around!

My shuttle leaves for the airport in about 45 minutes.  As I get ready I’m downloading a couple episodes of “Call The Midwife” season 1 to my kindle fire so I have something to stitch by on my flights…..

I’m on my way home!


Deborah said...

Where would you find a container like the one used for the red squares? That quilt is beautiful and added to my to-do list. I must live to 200 to finish all the quilts my list just from your patterns. Thank you so much for sharing!!! Have a safe trip home!!!

lovetostitch said...

Fabulous slide show!! Have a safe trip home!

ria vogelzang said...

Just love the Texas Braid!
Have a safe flight!

Donna said...

Can't watch the slide show as usual. Want me to sign up for a Microsoft Skywatch account. What am I doing wrong?

Jaynie said...

clicked to watch slideshow and when it goes to skydrive it tells me: This item might not exist or is no longer available. So sad...would really like to see the pics bigger than a thumbnail. Is it something I am doing wrong.

Luann said...

What, you mean you don't have 3 bed sized quilts started? I thought it was a requirement as a quilter to always have more UFOS than finished projects! LOL! Absolutely LOVE this quilt.

Carol said...

I got those at JoAnn's for Bonnie's Bricks in the Barnyard class in January. That top is finished and off to the quilter. Now will use the Snapware for a hexie project. Hope you have a JoAnn's nearby.

Sandy D said...

Glad to here I am not the only one to be having a problem viewing.It means it is not a problem I am causing.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Whenever I get that message I check back later in the day or the next morning and am able to view without a problem ... give that a try! Linda

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Whenever I see highly organized people I become inspired to re-create my workspace and "life" so that I can accomplish more. That quilt looks complicated though I've been told it's more about being organized than anything else. LOVE the slideshows ... glad you got home safely ... REST UP!!

Brenda said...

What is with this SkyDrive. I've signed up and still cannot view the pics. I've waited several hours and still cannot view your pics; only thumbnail. Bummer.

Deborah said...

I do and thank you so much for your help!

Unknown said...

Where did you go for dinner? Sorry I missed class yesterday - I was about halfway there and had car trouble. By the time I got the car taken care of, I was going to be VERY late.

Sue Monsey said...

I have the SkyDrive issue too ... I just don't want to sign up for one more thing ... my poor password book is full to the brim! I love viewing the slide shows you post.

I have those little containers from JoAnn's. I store 1.5" and 2" squares - standing up in their own containers, the 2.5" squares stack in piles and the one with the dividers has my hexies in it. I keep the bottom container for odds and ends - those little HST's that are trimmed down, nine patches that are already made and ready to use, etc.

Becky's Bees said...

I am not able to view slides either... :(

lynn said...

I guess I am another quilter reluctant to sinn up for the SkyDrive . I have had issues with Microsoft in the past, ad received no help in resolving them. is there any other way to view these terrific pics

cityquilter grace said...

i love that texas braid quilt....mine is gonna be shirtings, civil war prints AND cheddar squares....mmm, mmmm good!

Debbie Lou said...

Finally got in to see the slideshow. Love it! Looks like everyone had a fun time.

Jo said...

WOW..I am so not organized. That was very impressive!!

Sue Monsey said...

Finally got to see the slide show too. What beautiful braids. I probably won't live long enough to make all the scrappy quilts I want to - you have a lot of great patterns for all of us to work on - here's another to put on my list!

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