Look at the goodie bags we were all given as the festivities opened last evening….
Not only is the tote bag cool ((I can really use bags with zippered closures at the top)) but the other goodies are NUMEROUS!
Fat Quarter packs of Kaffe Fasset fabrics, a charm pack of Tokyo fabric. A fat-quarter from Free Spirit, a pair of scissors, a fat quarter and tape measure from Northcott ---
And the best thing of all….a new book!
200 blocks from Quiltmaker Magazine
Published by Martingale!
And they are on CD!!
AND! My Birthday Girl block is included!
HERE is a little video to show you what you will find inside.
This book is a compilation of top designs from top designers from the past several 100 blocks by 100 designers issues. Now you can have them in print, at your finger tips in book form.
I am very excited to be adding this book to the listings in my Quiltville Book Store. Books are $26.00 and as always, if you live in the USA –orders of 3 books or more in any combination from my store ship free!
Click HERE to place your order.
And while we are at it – let’s have a GIVEAWAY!
Leave me a comment – and to make it extra sweet, tell me what your favorite dessert is!
I’ll draw a winner of a copy of 200 Blocks when I get home from Portland on Sunday night.
Good luck everyone!
I’m off to teach Midnight Flight today! We plan on having a great time – be looking for photos and updates to come ---
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 923 of 923Favorite Desert??? That's a tough choice! So many deserts, so little time!
I have always kind of leaned toward cheesecake or chocolate cake, but since moving to the mountains of New Mexico it has been the "State Cookie" . . ."Biscochitos". I am in heaven!!!
They are served as desert at all functions!!! YAY!!
Thank you for all the fun here, Bonnie! I ordered a Sew Mate for my Featherweight, thanks for the info as I saw it here first! Favorite dessert...anything chocolate! :)
Hi Bonnie!
My favorite dessert is a piece of strawberry/rhubarb pie with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on top. Gotta love that combo. Come on SUMMER! :) Thanks for the drawing!
Pick just one? I love cheesecake but it has to be a lemony New York style with a good drizzle of fudge sauce and another of raspberry or strawberry. That or my Lemon Cream Dessert with a walnut shortbread crust. Hm, I probably should have eaten breakfast first.
Pick just one? I love cheesecake but it has to be a lemony New York style with a good drizzle of fudge sauce and another of raspberry or strawberry. That or my Lemon Cream Dessert with a walnut shortbread crust. Hm, I probably should have eaten breakfast first.
Pick just one? I love cheesecake but it has to be a lemony New York style with a good drizzle of fudge sauce and another of raspberry or strawberry. That or my Lemon Cream Dessert with a walnut shortbread crust. Hm, I probably should have eaten breakfast first.
Favorite dessert, wow ... hmmmm.... right now I'd have to say it's the gluten free peanut butter cookies my DH and I have for dessert on Saturday nights ... it's probably the only gluten free thing either of us has had, and it's amazing - we both look forward to it all week!
You are the best at helping us make beautiful quilts with all your scrap quilt patterns. You are so generous with your talents and I thank you very much for all the patterns.
My favorite dessert is blackberry pie al a mode.
Second faborite is lemon pie.
You deserve to be spoiled! Favorite NEW dessert is granny smith apple thinly sliced and drizzled with 80% cacao melted dark chocolate. The book looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win. Allison in Plano. allon0711@yahoo.com
chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! cookies, cake, cheesecake== they are all good!
Something flakey with custard in it. Not the frozen kind that's been thawed out and still has that "refrigerator" taste.... No, sir-ree! The fresh kind of pastry! That's gotta be my favorite. Next, would be a concoction or mixture of chocolate and caramel.... in whatever shape or form. If its got chocolate and caramel, its a sure winner for me. *grin*
Thanks for the contest!
Rosa Robichaud
robich @ rogers.com
Fresh Strawberry Shortcake!! Makes me hungry thinking about it!
cheese cake,cookies, wow this should not be this hard but i like anything with sugar!lol
cheese cake, cookies, wow this should not be this hard but anything with sugar ! lol
Creme Brulee...nummy
Bonnie, that's a hard question....... But I guess my favorite dessert is cheesecake with cherry topping, (but somehow I need some chocolate in there)... maybe a drizzle of chocolate sauce over top
My favorite desert is simple yoghurt with a squirt of honey and maybe some walnuts. But often is is just a cup of coffee!
Strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream. Spring can't come soon enough!
Looks like a great book! I would have to say red velvet cake.
Well since this is am Internet type event I think I nominate a Facebook recipe that caught my eye and now my palate ...Tiramisu Cupcakes...yup and if you love coffee they recommend using Strong coffee....
Jane Modjeski. Harleyetta@aol.com
Favorite desert has to be strawberry shortcake! Make a meal of that.
Key lime pie! Pick me! Pick me! I would love to win!
Melocotón con vino.
Gosh. I never met a dessert I didn't like but apple pie ala mode is hard to beat any time.
Neapolitan cake - a marble cake with maraschino cherries and chocolate chips added to the different batters. Yummy!
Can't decide between chocolate and cheesecake so let's just call my favorite chocolate cheesecake!
I love Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. Thanks for the opportunity to win. =)
Home made angel food cake..unfrosted... so light that I can eat a lot....LOL....Would love to have the new book...
Gladys at the Iowa Far, Report Center
It depends on the season. Summer time nice and cold sliced watermelon. All other times, homemade German Chocolate Cake.
My favorite dessert is fresh coconut pie. Yum, yum! That gift pack looks amazing! Wish I was there!
My fave dessert is carrot cake and I wanna win !!!
Chocolate Chip Cookies by Nestle would be my choice! Have a great time, Bonnie, in Portland & know we are w/you in spirit :) Angelia in GA
Strawberry shortcake with lots of whipped cream!
Schaum torte
Schaum torte
Love all desserts but my favorite one is one my grandma made me every year for my birthday(from the time I was 1yr. old) until she died. It was an angel food cake w/ a homemade Almond custard filling & whipped cream frosting. Yum! Yum! She also made me several quilts that got me interested in quilting myself.
Being a quilter, of course I love everything chocolate, but I think my absolute favorite is a fresh blueberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream. That Block Party loot looks amazing! Thanks for giving away this book!
Anything chocolate! A creamy chocolate mousse, chocolate brownies (love the ones with the cream cheese swirled in) As long as it's chocolate, I'm there! lol
coconut cream pie with meringue, and not the kind made with pudding
Pumpkin Pie after dinner and then the next morning for breakfast!
Oregon Marionberry pie and ice cream...
Hi Bonnie - My favourite dessert has to be peach trifle with Irish Cream drizzled in the layers! MMMMMMMM!
Boston Creme Pie
Vanilla ice cream with black raspberries.
I have an incredible sweeet tooth- nothing so far is too rich or too sweet, maybe this is due to past generations owning sugar plantations. I'd have to say my favorite is one that is not real common- The Cake that Won't Last. With me in the house it does not last. Basically a white cake mix doctored up with pecans, crushed pineapple, mashed bananas.... and a cream cheese icing. Lumpier than a carrot cake or hummingbird cake, more ingredients than most Italian cream cakes. I served it to the beau on our second date...I think it helped convince him to stick around. Teresa in TX, reesiek@yahoo.com
Apple Crumb pie with ice cream is my favorite. Sounds like a great time out in Portland.
My favorite dessert is New York cheesecake.
Anything I don't have to make!!! So I can keep on piecing!
Most favorite dessert, not worrying about calories, is homemade fresh strawberry pie with whipped cream on top. Mmm, is it strawberry season yet???
Well, that collection of gifts from the convention looks pretty sweet to me :-) The new book looks wonderful. My favorite block that I've seen so far is definitely Birthday Girl.
My favorite dessert is always the best chocolate chip ice cream :-)
Thanks for the sweet giveaway!
Strawberry pretzel dessert!
Hey Girly! I love your new block Birthday Girl.
And for my birthday, cake is ok....but I prefer Bread Pudding!(guess that mighht be going, as I leave the land of wheat and dairy behind!);-)
Oh this isn't easy by no means!! Peach pie, Johnny Hoosier cake, turtle sundaes, cheesecake, cream cheese brownies and the list goes on!!
my favorite dessert would have to be a fudgy brownie or cake. Cheesecake is a good one too!
Coconut Cream Pie! But I have to say that sweets are my thing and it truely is hard to pick a favorite! I love your books and quilts.
I haven't much imagination as pumpkin pie will always be my favorite dessert. Just looked out the window and it is snowing so hard! Seems like spring will never come, although my lilac bushes have just the tiniest sign of budding going on. Have a great time in Portland.
My favorite desert is Paula Deen's "Better Than S--" cake. I even won the best cake award at my son's Boy Scout Blue & Gold banquet.
I love lemon meringue pie. Ii can hardly wait to get ahold of this new book.
WOW over 800 people commented before me! Slim chances of winning this one, but I will have it one way or the other! Thanks for the chance..the block looks great!
I love following you Bonnie! I would have to say that a chocolate cheesecake with peanut butter is at the top of my list. Yum!
Chocolate Pie (Mom's recipe)
My favorite dessert is Coca Cola cake and the Orange Crush cake that someone gave us the recipe for when we were doing the Orange Crush mystery..it's wonderful!
Oh so many! How about a good Strawberry Shortcake?!
mine is my great grandma's sugar cream pie recipe. Is really sweet and rich but great.Thanks for the Mystery quilt Easy Street.I love you Bonnie!!!!!. I am making it on my new 301 sews like soft butta lol .It is just great.Thanks for all you give us you are just a great gal. I dmire all you get done.
Quiltingly, Debbie Kelly
It's very difficult for me to choose just one favorite dessert, so I will tell you about my most recent wonderful dessert find. On the Design Sponge website, I found a recipe for Chocolate Coconut Caramel Cookies, which is a fresh, delicious, rich and decadent homemade version of the Girl Scout Samoa cookies. You must try it. The recipe is here ---> http://www.designsponge.com/2012/11/in-the-kitchen-with-lara-ferronis-chocolate-coconut-caramel-cookies.html
Missouri Butter Cake...deeelish!
My favorite dessert is Coconut Cake. Just love it.
I love any dessert but my very favorite it Blue Bell ice cream. Having lived in Texas you know how special Blue Bell is!!!
My favourite dessert is bread and butter pudding. I'll admit that I once had it three times in one day and they were all different and delicious.
Peanut butter pie
Peanut butter pie
Coconut Cream Pie! Or homemade angelfood cake, sans the icing!! It is so hard to choose...... Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Gina in Missouri
I love cheesecake in any form or flavor--yum!!!
Lemon Pudding Cake, this month anyway..........
Lemon Pudding Cake, this month anyway...
I was just telling my husband I was going to make some of my Dad fudge he used to make us every Christmas. I have been making it now since his passing 3 years ago. I made it this year, but some how I only ended up with a couple of pieces.
I love homemade red velvet cupcakes!
Being a true southern girl, my favorite dessert is warm peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream on top. YUM! Hope you're having wonderful times in Portland!
Banana pudding--my grandmother's recipe only! All other recipes fall very short of scrumptious!
My favorite dessert is fresh raspberries -- picking my own from the massive patch (black, red, purple and yellow varieties) at my sister's.
Hmm - favorite dessert? Does "all of them" count? No? Well, If I positively absolutely have to choose only one, it would be a pecan ball! Vanilla ice cream rolled in toasted pecans, served with hot fudge! Oh, I just made myself hungry! Off to scrounge around in the kitchen!
So many choices, but my all-time favorite is pumpkin pie. Congratulations on being in the book, and it sounds like you're having fun in Oregon!
Grasshopper Pie -> Served up with the new book!
Describes the way I jump from project to project too!
Cheesecake is my favorite!!!! Have fun in Portland!
My favorite dessert is gooey brownies made from scratch on Breyers vanilla ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce. Mmmmmmm... :) What's your favorite, Bonnie?
My favorite dessert is gooey brownies made from scratch on Breyers vanilla ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce. Mmmmmmm... :) What's your favorite, Bonnie?
anything cherry or lemon...or cherry lemon!
My homemade chocolate cake.
Looks like a great book. Being Australian my favorite desert is Pavlova topped with cream and half with a peppermint crip bar crushed and half with passionfruit, strawberries and kiwifruit.
Got to be warm Cherry Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream on top! Would love to be in Portland in your class. Thanks for the contest.
I like cheesecake but rarely have it - love ice cream.
My absolutely favorite dessert comes from our local Publix bakery - it's called a "French Fan" - it's made with "two" elephant ears (just pretend - no elephants were actually harmed in the making) - with the most deelish 'buttercream' stuffing in the middle...and then (as if that wasn't enough)...partially dipped in decadent dark CHOCOLATE....it is totally sinful...I should be ashamed...of course I share half with sweet hubby (so I'm only HALF ashamed)...thankfully the bakery doesn't make them on a regular basis...I actually have to 'pre-order' our Fan...and now for a 'true confession' - we ordered one yesterday...picked it up today...will enjoy it on Saturday night...a girl HAS to have something to look forward to, right?
My favorite dessert is fried brownies with ice cream! You are such a sweet person to offer this give away! I would LOVE to have this! Thanks for the chance. Sandy G. Sisgray_71@yahoo.com.
My favorite dessert is Crushed Pineapple Carrot Cake with cream cheese icing. Thanks for being a great and sharing teacher.
My favourite pudding? Apple Pie, so simple and so delicious. As a child it was a Sunday lunch treat and the gorgeous smell of it baking was what I was woken up by. Now I must away to kitchen - I have to make an Apple Pie! lynn.walker@fsmail.net
The books looks fabulous! We can never have enough books with patterns. :) My favorite desert is anything I don't have to make myself lol. Honestly, my favorite desert is homemade cheesecake pie. I just can't get enough!
my fave dessert... home made bread pudding with butter rum sauce... I soak the raisins in rum before baking them into the pudding, too! Use
Capt Morgan's spiced rum for my adventurous inner daredevil!
thanks for the giveaway - those are fantastic goodie bags!
That would have to be fresh cherry pie! Looking forward to seeing you in August.
My favorite dessert is White Chocolate Bread Pudding. Of course our (my sister & I) homemade toffee is in a tie for this distinction as well.
My favorite dessert is homemade toffee. The toffee is just one of the many homemade candies my sister and I make (with the help of daughter-in-laws). The homemade candy is a tradition started by our parents 35 years ago and we are passing it on to the next generation.
Give me anything pumpkin or chocolate and I 'm a happy gal!
I am so jealous of my friends who got into your classes in Portland. I was distracted and didn't sign up fast enough. I'll definitely register ASAP next time you're in the Pacific Northwest. The best dessert ever is a homemade fresh strawberry pie, not with that gooey gel stuff from the store but my homemade strawberry pie glaze. A slice of heaven.
Homemade fresh strawberry pie, not with that icky gel stuff from the grocery store, but my homemade strawberry sauce/thin glaze poured over the fresh berries. Little slice of heaven. Ice cream is just superfluous.
Chocolate Chip Cookies! Have fun in Portland!(Angelia in GA)
Hmm. Warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream? That came first in my mind, so that´s what it is then.
I adore butter tarts! a wolk at rogers dot com
Key Lime Pie, from Kudzu Bakery in Litchfield, SC
Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie. My favorite dessert is Banana Cream Pie with mounds of whipping cream!The book looks very interesting.
Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie. My favorite dessert is Banana Cream Pie with mounds of whipping cream!The book looks very interesting.
While i have never tried to make it my favorite dessert is Creme Brulee. There is a restaurant outside of Portland going up the Gorge called The Black Rabbit which has food to die for and they had the best Creme Brulee with fresh raspberries. Oh and the microbrew from McMenamins doesn't hurt.
Apple Crumble with whipped cream and or ice cream. Lemon Tart made with Lisbon lemons is also a wonderful dessert.
Favorite dessert has to be cheesecake. Vanilla bean cheesecake. Hope your trip home was safe.
I love anything chocolate!
Wedding cake, I would remarry over and over to get more, but know I will never meet saturation on plain old yellow cake with white wedding cake frosting, and of course a soft, not sugar-hard, flower is a bonus!
Lemon Crunch Cake with glass of Plantation Iced Tea. Soooo refreshing!
Book looks wonderful...
Baskins and Robbins Pralines and Cream Ice Cream
My favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie, when my Mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday cake that is what I always told her. That and spaghetti, my favorite meal, so for my birthday, which is today by the way, I got spaghetti and lemon meringue pie with candles on it :)
I have to favorites, Strawberry Cobbler in the Summer and Pumpkin Cheesecake in the Fall.
my favorite dessert is a fruit salade maked from fresh fruit , Strawberries, pineapple, banana's and orange's and after this salade an cup coffe with Belgium chocolate
Love looking at these fabulous quilt patterns! Amazing, the sheer talent you have! If I were able to, I would give you one of my homemade apple pies and a quart of my homemade ice cream! Nothing like homemade Anything, right? :-)
I love frozen yogurt! Which is a good thing since I have to watch everything I consume! ;)
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