
Monday, March 18, 2013

3/18/2013 Quilt Cam!

See this little cutie? 

This is who greeted me at the post office when I went by to drop off book orders this afternoon.

Another reason I love living in a small town!

Turns out that this little darlin’ – all 12 weeks old of her –was not feeling so great this morning so her mom took her to work!

Oh goodness – I had to hug and squeeze on her and get my fill of puppy breath kisses.  SO SWEET!

I am nearly ashamed to say that THIS is the first time I get to sit down and sew today.  Where did my plans of a sewing day go?

STUFF.  We all know how it goes --- bank, post office, sam’s club run, hair cut, eyebrow wax ((No caterpillars allowed in Portland this weekend!)) and by the time I got home it was dinner time and I was packing.


But look! I have 7 out of 42 done.  I am 1/6 of the way done! LOL!  I need to keep going on this, even if YOU are tired of me working on it.

Here’s a little lesson for you:  STRIPES!

What to do if you want all the stripes on a star point to face out from the center:


The stripes need to lay sideways on the rectangle first so that they will flip up and be straight up and down.  And of course this means that I had to pay attention to which direction I drew my lines.  You can see I have my two lines drawn so I am getting a 2” unfinished bonus triangle square with every triangle point I add to my block!  I love this size of bonus triangle, and I love putting them to good use!

I am sewing at the treadle tonight…one of the things I love about this foot is it is EASY to see the line and where the needle needs to hit when I sew.

Are you ready?  Click the arrow on the screen to start the feed!  If you are here later, don’t worry – click the arrow anyway – we are now archived on YouTube!


Stephanie said...

Looking forward to seeing you in Portland! I am busy getting all my fabrics ready to sew, sew, sew!!! Safe travels, Bonnie :-)

Kelly said...

Bonnie, remember when you first started QuiltCam and people laughed at you? They said it wouldn't work and that it wasn't a good idea. Now who's laughing! I'm cutting the last of the pieces for center pinwheels so I can put together star blocks for Smith Mountain Morning tonight.

Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said...

Hi Bonnie,
Love the new QuiltCam way .. I can put you full screen on my big TV :). The picture and sound are better than they have ever been on the old feed. GREAT SWITCH !!
Not sewing today. I have to unpick a bit of a mess i created yesterday by quilting while too tired to see straight

Have a great trip tomorrow


Kevin the Quilter said...

Yahoo! I finally get to watch Quilt Cam tonight! Great connection! So enjoy getting to watch you Bonnie! Working on some HST's tonight, cutting them apart and trimming! Could you say hello to my friend Bev whom I bought my Singer Featherweight from? HIIIIIIIII BEV!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy to see you tonight Bonnie~~I'm not working on anything tonight but just decompressing a bit while I enjoy Quiltcam. Safe travels to you.

simplestitchesbysp said...

Evening Bonnie. Have a wonderful time in Portland. Went to a wonderful Quilt Show this past weekend. Fell in love with a project so of course now I have to make it. 1/4" hexies. Good Lawies 701 to make. 50 done and together. Only 7,000 left to go.

~~Sew Happy Designs~~ said...

Great tip on the stripes direction!! We are supposed to get a freezing rain and snow storm in NY starting tonight. Wouldn't it be nice if there's no work tomorrow so I can sew? Cross your fingers for me.
Sewhappy in NY~

Lavonna ZWB said...

You are coming to my hometown of Portland, however I can not see you. :( All of your classes are sold out. Boo.

So I guess I will wave to you instead and say welcome to Portland!


Unknown said...

I think the sound & video quality is much better tonight! For one thing the sound seems much more in sinq with the video. It's clearer & no choppiness either . . .

Unknown said...

Bonnie!!! There is a way to find out the demographics! You can go into your stats and pageview (just this post) in the upper right hand corner it says "now, day, week, month, etc." click now and it'll show you who's on the page where they're from and how they got here!!! I love quilt cam I'm having such a great time thanks so much for doing this!

Leeann said...

Here's a link on how to see who is watching your youtube videos.

Stephanie said...

Let me know if you want to go sight-seeing on Wednesday-- I would be glad to take you!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

I will be at a wee bit of Block Party.....your presentation on Wednesday night! I am so looking forward to it! I really wish I could've registered for your classes! But I am so looking forward to seeing you!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Real estate politics...que sera sera! I am relearning how to crochet by making the spool pin doily!

Mary said...

Hello from Mary in Ontario. So excited, I got my confirmation notice from SewSisters today and I'm going to Collaboration Celebration. Working on the borders of a Streak of Sunshine tonight.

Lois said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said...

Yeah! Love Quilt Cam. I always learn so much! Thank you! I am working on my Diamond Strings. Just trying to decide what color to sash the blocks!

Caro said...

Working on string blocks. Need something pretty mindless since I've had an upper respiratory infection for 9 days. Don't let the realtor make you"bite". There will be other properties.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
Finally finished the center of Easy Street - yea!! Now just need to figure out the borders. Tonight I'm hand quilting a Milky Way quilt in Christmas fabrics that I've been working on for about 12 yrs - but only in Decembers. This year I decided to stick with it and finally finish it instead of putting it away in Jan.
Shanon from Ohio

sew lucky said...

Bonnie, I love the new Quilt cam !! I didn't think that I would ever watch the archived shows but guess what...I have . It was a real nice thing to have . There was something I was wondering about and having the option to review the last quilt cam was prefect .Thanks so much ;) oh and Realtors do do that . You have the right attitude girl . If it's meant to be it will be . Don't let the Realtor get to you .

Stephanie Newman said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm piecing an improv pieced art quilt for auction fundraiser using my classic 80s era Bernina Nova, right next to the computer screen of hubby's desktop. Till I get a replacement laptop I'm bringing my machine to quilt cam not the other way around

Remembrances said...

It is SO much fun to watch someone else sew on a treadle! I love all of mine and find it so relaxing to sew on them. I love the QuiltCam - it is almost as good as seeing you in person. When are you coming back to Arizona???!!!

HelenMarie said...

I love the new quiltcam... watching on my desktop...but can't sew up here. Want to watach on my kindle downstairs so I can sew, but am having trouble. downloaded You Tube Free but i'm still missing something to view Bonnie live.... I can watch her recorded 3/15 quiltcam... and other recorded events... just can't watch anything live.... can someone help me please!
HM in TN

Roberta said...

I read your blog post on the nine patches but mine will be only scrappy, taking it to quilt camp Thursday for four days of power sewing.
Roberta from snowy upstate NY

Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said...

Ideas for a bumper sticker:
- I break for Berninas
- Honk if you quilt
- My Singer sings

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Today I've watched most of Hot in Cleveland! Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching Rosemary and Thyme. A sweet British mystery series that reminds me of Murder She Wrote. Great series to watch while you sew. I watched it on Netflix and there were many seasons and episodes to watch.

Melissa in California

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, If you have not watched Rosemary & Thyme, it is a fun British mystery series. The two ladies are professional gardeners who always stumble into a murder. The acting is good, and the scenery is incredible.

Lois said...

Oh, no! You keep freezing on me. I started to say that before but when you came right back, I deleted my comment. I hope I can catch the entire quilt cam on youtube (later) without the interruptions.

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Lavonna she sold out so fast. But i am going to her presentation Wednesday night. I got registered for that last week!

janequiltsslowly said...

re: Stripes, I'm doing the same thing on the Leader/Ender spools, I'm making my stripes go across the spool piece and horizontal on the little triangles to look a bit more like thread on the spools. Also I am a line drawer, but have also used the Angler, too and liked it.

Mary Lou said...

Love the new Quilt Cam! Picture and sound are both great. Tonight I'm working on some blocks for Sunshine Quilters, a subgroup on the HGTV quilting board. We take turns hosting a month and we all send blocks to the hostess, who specifies a pattern and colors for us to use.

Have safe travel and a great time while you are there.

Mallorie Anderson said...

Hi Bonnie! From Mallorie in Peru, Indiana. I would make a mini chevron quilt with the bonus triangles!

Karen said...

Hi Bonnie, Triangles? I really don't like them, so I would maybe do a few but give the rest to my friend who is doing 1/2 inch hexies!
Karen from Grand Mound, Iowa

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

By the way, you show 8 squares in your before picture tonight! So, with the one you are working on now, you are up to 10!!!! Progress!

I have a couple of hundred HST's to use (from the exchange on TQS the other year). You have one quilt where you have HST's around a larger HST that is really neat-don't know the name of it. Make a king size and Steven would have all his HST's used up!

Unknown said...

How about snowballs?

Judymc said...

The bumper sticker should read: Treadle on...with Quiltcam!

Sandie said...

Hi Bonnie... Next time you do QuiltCam, I will be sewing along on my new to me 1941 Featherweight! got her for $100, because she had no pedal. My repair guy, had an original pedal he rewired for me, and I pick it up tomorrow for, get this $15! Her am is Patsy, for my favorite singer... The one and only Patsy Cline. Actually got the idea for her name from a comment o the last QuiltCam, so thanks to whomever it was that shared the name! Love QuiltCam on Google Hangout!

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Hey, you're coming to Oregon! Casual rules the day! Your black jeans will be great!

Mary Ellen said...

For Kevin who wants to know what to do with half square triangle blocks, check out the March/April 2013 issue of Quiltmaker magazine. On page 75, Block Bonanza begins with diagrams for making 150 different blocks made only with HSTs!

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh, there is a great British series call Foyle's War about a detetive in England during WWII, excellent series. If you like funny, Doc Martin is fun, and then there is "A touch of Frost" another detective series with a wonderful mix of serious and humor. We're really sad that we have watched every episode of all of these, LOL. Nancy

scrapsgalore said...

What!?!You don't have a plan for those thousands of 2" HST's we have been making? LOL-Here I was planning to see which of your patterns I would use for them! Seriously, they can be used so many ways, you can even make them into flying geese if you don't mind the seam in the middle. Borders, corners, in the sashing, and so on! Have a great trip, loving the new quilt cam, can watch the rest when I have time. Carol in Arkansas

janice dinse said...

I was reading on FB and opened your blog to read the rest of the story, I was so shocked and thrilled to see the normally black screen for quilt cam was actually on and I could click on the arrow and watch you at midnight (I forgot all about the QC at 9 tonight). The picture and sound quality is excellent. So glad you found a source to use that isn't so much trouble. :) Happy, Happy.

SewCalGal said...

Funny, as I started out the day thinking I'd get so much done. Didn't happen. But, you inspired me to try to do more! Thank you.

Have fun in Portland!


Béa said...

Hello Bonnie, I finished my Sister Choice top, 6 x 8 blocks, made with my older fabrics when I started patchwork, if you want to have a look... XXX

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Nonnie said...


I really love the new quilt cam! Aside from the wonderful picture and sound, my favorite part is that I can watch it whenever. I can't stay up late and watch you at night, because I have to get up early for work. So now I get to watch when I come home from work!!! Thanks so much for all you do. I will see you at Hershey, I am in your Basketweave Strings class. I have also signed up for the retreat with you and Micky in August. Hope I get in!!
Carol in Freehold, NJ

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