
Friday, January 11, 2013

Arizona Colors

The ever-changing colors of the desert can seem both enticing and foreboding at the same time.

Even in the dead of winter ---the view is SO vast and SO captivating ---Mountain ranges rimming the desert valleys ----empty roads as far as the eye can see.

I’ve always loved mountains ---we were surrounded by them where I grew up in San Jose, California.  The mountains were always there, standing as sentinels, watching over our daily lives.

When we moved to Idaho, there they were ---A different group of mountains than I had grown up with, but mountains all the same – always there on the horizon.  Covered with snow for months on end through the winter, spring, and even summer – I remember taking the kids on camping trips into the sawtooth mountains in July or August, and still ---there was snow in places that the sun could not reach.  There was ice on the canvas sides of our little tent trailer that though old and ugly – a relic of the late 1960s or early 1970s ((As I think of it, someone would surely call it cute and shabby chic if we still had it now!)) gave us years of camping memories to treasure.

And THEN we moved to Texas ----FLAT.  No mountains.  It was a strange feeling at first, as if there was nothing to hold us contained.

Some long for the sea shore – I long for the mountains.

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I took these photos on our way back to the Phoenix area from Cottonwood…watching the changing terrain – waiting for that moment when we would descend low enough to catch our first glimpse of the saguaro cactus ---it’s a matter of “don’t see them yet ---“ and “oh – there they are!”  This photo of course was – don’t see them yet.  You have to drop far enough in elevation that they can survive.

How different these mountains are from the mountains of my adopted home – North Carolina!

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After the guild meeting had concluded, and all was packed back into the back of Dad’s PT Cruiser ----we were invited to join the ladies for lunch at a darling little place in a beautiful area over a creek before we headed out on our way.

Never one to turn down the offer of good food and good company – HA!!  We kindly accepted and drove to our location ---who’s name escapes me now.  I had to stop by the front door and have my picture taken with the pepper “ristra” as we don’t get these in North Carolina either --- the dried peppers would never survive our humidity!

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This is the winter view of colors from my window-side seat at the table.  It was so peaceful watching the river float by – watching the birds that came and went from the tree closest the window.

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Lunch Special!

Our server said tthat the lunch special was chicken tacos….and when I asked the size….she made a small gesture indicating that they were only (this big) –not very big at all!  And when the plate came…..these things were HUGE!  And also very delicious…..forcing Dad to grab my camera to shoot a pic of me trying to wrap my mouth around this thing.  Pair it with sweet potato fries and I was a happy and very full girl!

I’m writing this from my brother’s house ----I spent the night last night!  It was fun laughing and catching up with my nieces and nephew, and even spent time in the back yard with my brother Mark who’s major back yard project is tiling a built in BBQ area -----we joked about the similarities of laying tile on the diagonal to quilting…..I placed spacers as he set the tiles one by one into the thin set ---He, worrying that this corner was off, or that one was a bit turned, and me, bringing up quilting anecdotes like “Done is Better Than Perfect” and talking about some imaginary galloping horse theory and how “Grout lines can cover a multitude of sins…..”

In other words --- It will All Quilt Out!

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Colors of the Sunset over Basha’s Parking Lot!

I joined my Sister-in-law, Sharolyn in her errand running ---picking up sandwiches at Subway for an easy dinner –dropping off my niece Ashley at soccer practice, only to turn around a bit later to go pick her up ((Oh, I remember those days!)) and finally settling in with a family movie and pop-corn to end the night.

Someone please tell me how to get the song from “That thing you do” OUT of my head?!

I’ve said it before ---family time is so good, so important, and I’m so glad I’m here.  I tend to get all wrapped up in deadlines and projects and things that have to be done, and emails that have to be replied to, and contracts signed and sent back  --sometimes I need a reminder that there are things more important than quilts.

This week is that reminder for me to slow down and savor every moment with family.

Tonight??  Les Mis!



I am so glad you are having a wonderful time with quilters, but mainly with family. It's just what you need in your busy, busy life. I love reading about your journey.

Barbara said...

I'm glad you are having such a great time with your family. Make sure you take some tissues with you for Les Mis! You will love it!!

Diane said...

I wish there were like buttons on blogs, because I really LIKE this post. It's so nice to read that you are enjoying your time with family and that you do have a normal life outside of your quilt fame. Enjoy Les Mis tonight! I'll be jealous.

thequiltersshed said...

I'm glad for your family visit. You always stay so busy and active.

Theresa said...

Forget the ocean - I long for the mountains, too!
I went to college in Colorado Springs and the mountains were always to the west. When giving directions we would say drive to the mountains or away from the mountains. Several years later we ended up in Anchorage, AK, where the mountains are every where but to the west. I got so confused.

Diana said...

About the song that is being an ear worm, find the music and play it all the way through and then go into another room. the transition might help.

Mary Ellen said...

Bonnie, I lived in southern California for over a decade. I am with you completely with the mountain thing. I moved to California in January and for several months it was so foggy and overcast that I never saw the mountains. Imagine me, a Midwestern girl, driving to work on the first clear morning and BAM! there were mountains in the distance. I very literally almost drove right off the dang road. The view of the desert expanding in front of you as you drive up and over the pass at El Cajon, CA always, always, always lifted my spirits and made my heart sing. The desert grew and grew on me. I learned about the flora and fauna as well and miss it to this day. And, stupid me, I bought a small ristra in New Mexico to hang in my kitchen in St. Louis. We have legendary humidity. End of story.

Mary Ellen said...

Oh, and P.S. my favorite brother and his wife live in California. On the list this year.

Becky said...

So glad to hear you were able to have some quality family time. What a great trip! I live near the mountains part of the year at our 'other' home. They are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Well first of all... to get rid of that songworm.... try this....
The Wheels..... just kidding! LoL....
We live in the mountains of Utah... (right now we've got 14 more inches of snow, since it snowed all day and night) the mountains are lovely... and the air is clean (finally again!). But, since I'm from Oregon/Washington area's... I miss the Ocean/lots of tree's. So we have to go up to visit and get my ocean/tree fix's... sounds like I'm on drugs (which, come to think of it I am... with a bout of Bronchial asma) but you don't need drugs when you get to see those mountains/oceans/tree's or whatever it is that floats your boat! Enjoy the view and the family too! What's not to like hmmm! Thanks for sharing your love of family/quilting/life!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you were able to mix business and pleasure ! It's serendipitous ! I found out as a young woman that I hate living on flat land. I was in St.Louis, Mo and its soooo flat! I grew up in Jersey near the Appalations, now am in NC near the mountains. Much better!!! I love the ocean but need the mountains. Have a great rest of your trip and thanks for sharing. I look forward to your posts. Micki

SandraC said...

LOL now "That thing you do" will be in MY head all day....but that's ok cuz it's a good one! Same goes for me when I hear "500 miles" by the Scottish twins, the Proclaimers!

Anonymous said...

Now Bonnie K lookie what you have done!! SW mountains AND tacos
Thou Art A Meanie...lolol


Unknown said...

That Thing You Do is one of my favorite movies...great taste you have! As a construction brat who traveled all over the US growing up, I've seen purple mountains majesties, rolling plains & gorgeous forest primevals...now I'm "Sharon sells seashells by the seashore" in sunny south Florida...what am awesome country we have, huh? Except for humidity...and mosquitos...and chiggers, but I digress.

Unknown said...

My favorite post by far. I can feel the emotion in your words and pictures. So glad I found you.

crazy quilter said...

Well Bonnie growing up I flat Texas I guess you adjust to your surroundings .i visited the great smokies several times as a kid and have traveled quite a bit for my job . The ups and downs of Pennsvania really had me worried about the brakes in the rental car so I was quite glad to get back to Flat Texas!!! Ian very glad you are enjoying the journey and family. Keep having fun that is what it is all about!

spope said...

I too love the southwestern area of our beautiful country. I truly feel at home there. The space gives you such freedom. What part of Idaho? I have been to Coeur d'Lane and my brother has a place just out from Sand Point. What beautiful scenery there.
I love that you make time for family and seem to enjoy the simple things. God bless you.

nankc said...

To get rid of a song in your head that just will not go away!!---Sing the Happy Birthday song over and over either aloud or in your head and it will stop your annoying song. AND NO--the Happy Birthday song will not stay in your head. It works for me. I have gone to bed with a song going in my head and awakened the next morning and it's still there and this trick works!

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