
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve Quilt-Cam!

Hey, everyone!

I've got some time home alone this evening, and I KNOW it is the night before the big turkey dinner -- but since I've been gone MOST of November ---I'm aiming for some mindless sewing tonight!

While moving furniture and stuff OUT of the Studio side of the basement I came across THESE blocks. Remember them?? I almost didn't! These are 2.5" X 8.5" crumb pieced strips. 4 strips sewn together makes an 8.5" unfinished block, finishing at 8" in the quilt, however I decide to lay them.

I'm not thinking as far as layouts right now....I just knew that EVERYTHING is blocked off downstairs, but I was able to grab a bunch of scrap paper for piecing on and a box of crumbs for piecing with.

Come to think of it, these blocks ARE reminiscent of the ugly linoleum tiles that were found under the old carpet in my basement!  Minus the triangles.....

I'm going to hang around an hour or so. Want to join me? Grab a project and come sew!

You can leave a comment in the comment section below, or leave one in the guest book by clicking the blue guest book button in the left hand side bar, While I can't answer them all ---but I do pick randomly and try to answer questions as I sew!

And yes -- I'm sewing on my new School Bus featherweight! The two of us are getting to known each other and are developing quite the friendship. Her cheddar yellow/orange color makes me happy :c)


A mom said...

Sooooo glad to be here with you tonight! Missed watching you. Still regretting selling my ipad, as I can't sew with you, but I'll just watch awhile. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Jo Anna

Katie Ringo said...

Bonnie I'm starting to assemble my Orca Bay top and the pieced border scares me! I'm worried about trying to get it to fit properly.

What are your tips after measuring through the middle to fitting the pieced border on?

Excited for Easy Street!!

Suzanne said...

So glad you are back! I love quilt cam. Have a great thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. I am sew glad to see quilt cam tonight. I'm working on the second border of my papercuts quilt. My goal was to have one done by the time we start Easy Street.
Upstate NY

Mavis said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie and family! Missed ya!

The 2 Spies said...

Hey Bonnie! Just chillin with you _ no project in hand (It's 4am here) Happy Thanksgiving!!

gail.designs said...

I'm hand sewing the binding on the Talkin Turkey quilt just in time for Thanksgiving and the new mystery to be released. So glad you're home and love the new sewing machine.

A mom said...

How big are your paper strips to start with?

Mavis said...

What will you do with those orphan blocks when you're done? Sashing? Quilt back? Curious.

diana569 said...

Hi Bonnie... Welcome back... missed you.... working on hexies... does your new baby have a name? Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone watching.... diana in nj

Anonymous said...

What brand is your tiny iron? I have one of the clover irons, but i've burned myself on it twice and never use it.

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

Welcome home and back to quilt cam! In your first 30 seconds your calm and presence just calmed me down. Stressful day and I needed calming! Thank you! I am like Hadassah, I am just chilling along with you. No project in hand.

gmp said...

Hi Bonnie,
So good to be seeing Quilt Cam tonight. I made a chocolate cream pie, and cranberry sauce earlier, so I would be free to watch you tonight. Love the new paint job on your Featherweight! Happy Thanksgiving!
Grace from Long Island

Sandra Henderson said...

So glad to have you home Bonnie!~ Missed you! Happy Thanksgiving. Please say hi to my "DallasBird" who is watching you. He missed you too. He went to Callaway Gardens yesterday to see the Christmas lights! He's always on the cutting edge, that guy.

Jeanne said...

Hi Bonnie,

I have a featherweight in tough shape I plan on sending her to a spa for a makeover. I have seen two shops on the Web. Do you have Reccomendation?

Jeanne in ct

Eccles said...

Hi Bonnie, so pleased to see you home safe & sound. I'm in love with your SchoolBus & yep, she sounds sweet!! I was pleased to read in one of your earlier blogs that you'd look at paying up to $200 for one. I paid half that for mine, and much, much more to have it serviced & repaired. Rewired, new light globe & new belt. Oh well, I do love him. Yes, I think mine's a "he" lol. I;m still catching up with your sewing basement fitout. I have to re-plan my sewing table as well. It's a bit untidy. Whos' isn't though lol. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family :D
Carol, Oz

Misha said...

Bonnie, sew some of those triangles into little HSTs and add them to the shorter pieces maybe?

Marcia said...

I am completing the binding on the second small Christmasy quilt I am giving my two granddaughters tomorrow. At the speed I hand sew it will take 2 or 3 hours. Good to have company. Enjoy the "new" featherweight.

I recently received a Bel Air machine (based on a Singer 15) from my son for my birthday. It was made in occupied Japan. Hope to get it reworked soon.

Glad you are home. You were close to Toledo, Oh when you were in Michigan. Too bad I couldn't get to see you.

Kelly said...

Welcome home, Bonnie! I'm having "Fun with Bricks" tonight. The music is great!


Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie. Glad you are back. No project tonight.Just finished preparing for tomorrow's dinner, homemade rolls, cornbread stuffing, and desserts. Tomorrow will do the turkey and trimmings.

Gale in Oklahoma

Sewgreen said...

Wish I could be sewing. But I do have my featherweight with me right now. I'm going to DC to spend thanksgiving with a friend (who also sews). I'm quite excited.

Janet O. said...

No sewing for me tonight. I have you tuned in while I bake the pumpkin and pear pies for tomorrow, and make the last few batches of my Christmas gift soap.
So fun to see you sewing on your cheddar machine!

Jan said...

Bummer....At daughters for thanksgiving, brought easy street fabric, rulers, rotary cutter to start on Friday, BUT FORGOT CUTTING MAT....So sad.

Vicky said...

Working on some pieced Hexies from Mickey Depre's book! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you in January!

McKinney, TX

PS: enjoy watching your quilt-cam evenings!

simplestitchesbysp said...

Glad to see you home and sewing! Glad you had a great time in MI. The Quilt Museum is such a great place! Next time you will have to spend the day just ooggling and awing at all those luscious quilts. Enjoy Thanksgiving with the family and hope you get to relax a bit at home.

Sharon said...

Gerald did my Featherweight. It is totally wonderful...it's raspberry metallic but doesn't have a name yet!

mazie jane said...

Bonnie, honey, i love you, you know I do, but my OCD is killing me...the blind, OMG the blind is crooked! Janet P from Fabric Fnatics in Texas

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Hi Bonnie, welcome home. I've missed you! I am also working on a crumb quilt. I made 4" finished blocks and have put sashing between the blocks. I am now sewing my rows together and I hope to get my top, except for the borders completed tonight.This will be a QOV when it is all done.

I see that you are using paper to piece your block. Do you always use the paper? I just add my crumbs around the center in any which direction and fabrics until I get a piece large enough to trim down to 4.5" unfinished. Are you going to put sashing between your blocks?

Have a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow and enjoy it with your family.

sandyk said...

Hi Bonnie, Love your new School Bus FW, Im looking for a old FW to paint. Mine are too pretty!
Sandy K in Magnolia Springs TX

Cynthia in urban Oregon said...

I'm not into yellow that much, or school bus yellow, but your new FW is gorgeous! Come to think of it in college I bought a new bicycle and it was school bus yellow!
I am enjoying the music in the background, but not to worry, it isn't drowning you out at all.
It is so nice to have you back live online!
Happy Holidays!

Sandra Henderson said...

V&A Book Info:

Quilts 1700-2010
Hidden Histories, Untold Stories.

Penny Chattey said...

Good (very early!) morning from Hertfordshire, England. I must say that I am very much enjoying my first Quiltcam and am itching to tip out my box of crumbs and start now - neighbours might complain at this hour though! Thoroughly enjoying watching you work whilst I'm tucked up in bed!

Kathleen said...

Hi Bonnie. I am working on getting cherry pits out of the garbage disposal! LOL! Great way to start the holiday!

TexasQuilter said...

I was looking at the quilting cruise to Alaska today. What sewing project will you be working on that cruise? Hubby says it is about time for a cruise to Alaska again.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, the V&A book is called Quilts 1700 - 2010, Hidden Histories, Untold Stories.
Love your machine!! Sandra in the UK

Deb said...

She is beautiful! Did you make the table for a featherweight or is it adjustable?
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! And to all in Quiltville!

Unknown said...

Love the machine! I'm also loving the plates and plate rack. nancy

The Speckled Hen said...

Sew glad I popped on Facebook and saw your post that you were cam sewing tonight...first time for me and what a pleasure too! Was working on a quilt top today for my son for Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie...love your featherweight and her color.

Marie in VA Beach.

Amy said...

Just joined in...are you sewing your crumbs on a paper foundation that is the finished block size?

Unknown said...

Do you get a lot of people on your blog and in your workshops that have difficulty letting go of the "perfectionism" that so many quilters share? I'm having a heck of a time getting wonky and crumby, but I am trying!

Sandra Henderson said...

Dallas in Macon is telling you hi~he is wanting you to know he went to CALLOWAY GARDENS to see the big Christmas lights last night.
He says that you can also use those pieces for dog beds... lol We make them...
He is a mess. He talks to you on the screen Bonnie.

TLC said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Bonnie and everyone out there in Quiltcam land! I'm doing a bit of Santa's workshop here while watching with 600 HST. About a 150 more to square up and my bat wings are aching.

Sandie said...

If a reboot would help with a j"jerky" feed, go ahead and reboot! :D

Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Hi Bonnie! Helen in Brisbane Australia!! Thanksgiving is not a holiday celebrated over here but I wish you and yours a wonderful day, doing just what you want to do! I should be sewing, but instead I'm enjoying watching you:-) it's a hot hot day here today, so maybe sewing in the late afternoon,

Cheers from Helen

kynomi said...

Glad you are back and on quilt cam. I may or may not have been having withdrawal symptoms. I am sewing red and neutral pineapple blossom blocks on my pink Atlas while watching you. Your new baby "Missy" is gorgeous! I'm looking for a featherweight, but haven't found one yet. I'm thinking that if I find one, my nephew can paint it for me. Happy thanksgiving, and enjoy your time at home.
Naomi in Kentucky

Vee Rose said...

Down to the wire! Putting borders on Orca Bay tonight using my featherweight. She's not as flashy as yours though. :)

Misty said...

Are you happy with the FW refinish? I'm thinking of having mine done. thx!

gmp said...

Bonnie, what kind of iron are you using tonight?

Debbie Lou said...

Hi, Bonnie! So good to see you tonite. I just received a bag of scraps from a friend in TX, so I've been going thru the goodies and decided to sew along with you to see what I can come up with. Love digging thru scraps. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and all quilters out there. Enjoy!!!

Eccles said...

I'm watching "Once Upon a Time" while watching you & I think you've just named this quilt... Fractured Fairytales lol, & I've finished sorting/moving my sewing table around.

Mary said...

I have to take a minute to watch you. On the countdown to the Easy Street Mystery. I'll have to wait for my Company to leave on Saturday to sew. I cut out a quilt this morning too. Between getting ready for company that arrives after Midnight tonight. Dh wants dinner of course in the middle of my cooking for tomorrow.

Tami C said...

That scrap that you held up & guessed it was from 1990 something... I have 3 different colors of that print still in my stash! I'm kitting up spools for more leader/enders.

Cassie said...

That just cracked me up! Thanks for the belly laugh!!!

Jill said...

Hi Bonnie,

Is that a ladder across from you holding your quilts? I am so excited fo Easy Street, my first Bonnie mystery.

Thanks for all you do……

Ione Shaw said...

SO nice to have company while I work on meals for tomorrow. Worked all day and quilt cam and cooking great for relaxing

Mary said...

Hi Bonnie, it's Mary in Canada, Happy American Thanksgiving. I'm making crumbs tonight as I cut up the box of shirt backs from Yard Sale Saturday. Getting an 8.5" square or two from each back, then the rest in 2.5, 2, 1.5 strips

Quilting Nonnie said...

I'm just starting to sew my spiderweb blox together. I'm pressing seams open. Any hints about putting them together so I won't get a pof in the middle?

Love ya lots. I call you my quilting muse!

Quilting Nonnie said...

I'm just starting to sew my spiderweb blox together. I'm pressing seams open. Any hints about putting them together so I won't get a pof in the middle?

Love ya lots. I call you my quilting muse!

Quilter Kathy said...

Hi Bonnie
Nice to be "with you" tonight! I am hand stitching a tea towel gift for a Thanksgiving party tomorrow.
Enjoying watching you sew on your Magic School Bus!

Lori Huffman said...

Hey Bonnie, I just joined quiltcam tonight and wonder what size those strips of paper are? What is the name of the pattern and how will it all go together???

Thanks for all your wonderful teaching. I hope to some day be in one of your classes, IN PERSON!


Louise said...

Bonnie - I love scrap-bags! I have friends who hate scraps & they've learned to pass along scraps to me and other happy recipients!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie,I have thousands and thousands of fabrics in my scrap/crumb bins. All my quilting friends know that I like to make scrap and crumb quilts and they save their scraps for me. My bins (yes, multiple bins) don't ever seem to get smaller - they just grow. If the pieces are two small, I save them and give them to a friend who makes stuffed dog beds.

Nell's Heartstrings said...

Hi Bonnie! Got the floor completely cleaned and the second coat of paint on the walls! In all of my remodeling mess, I made sure to leave a way for me to work on RRCB and the first part of Easy Street on Friday! Your mysteries are quickly becoming my favorite holiday!! :) Nell

Sarah said...

Glad to see you back on QuiltCam! Your Featherweight turned out great! Tonight I'm making purple bow ties for my daughter's Christmas gift. Happy Thanksgiving!
Sarah in Virginia

Donna T said...

Since re-setting my Kindle back to factory setting, I can get Quilt Cam on my kindle... Ya

Bev said...

Awwww, I feel like my tummy is full-have missed quilt cam so much!! Thank you for taking time after your busy day to spend time sharing with us!!! God bless you, Bonnie Hunter, as you are a blessing to us.

Tanya said...

Holy Cow! how fun. My son was able to get the stream to fill the screen. My son got me earphones to plug into the laptop. What a wonderful way to spend my 43rd birthday EVE. Thank you for doing this and I can see pretty soon a Quiltville TV! Big Smiley Face!

Bev said...

Takes a long time to not to try and match the stripes and plaids on the quilt blocks if your were raised in the "perfect" sewing attitude! I have had a terrible time even cutting on the off-grain if it is a stripe or plaid! Have to put that piece on the bottom of a solid and cut so I can't see how wonky it is!! Just keep letting go a little at a time and celebrate the small achievements, You will get there eventually! :)

Bev said...

Bought mine like that in 1994 when we moved into the current house-it is still on the table next to my chair in the bedroom-I don't re-do very often! I have it in the navy and red in my scraps!

Unknown said...

Oh MJ, you would go crazy in my house!

quiltmom05 said...

Missed it. Busy moving furniture tonight. Darn!

Mary said...

I didn't get to comment during Quiltcam. I was elbow deep into onions, celery, and giblets! I sure did enjoy watching you as I chopped! Thanks for taking the time to do Quiltcam! I just adore how down home, and sweet you are! I love visiting with you! Have fun at the movies with your hubby!

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