
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Oklahoma Backroads in Lansing!

Day two of fast and furious scrappy quilting in Lansing Michigan --- this was LAST Monday, so almost a week ago!

My favorite thing about THIS class?  Everyone comes with rectangles and squares already cut  --and away we go! 

This quilt also provides oodles of bonus half square triangles so we got everyone on board with that and there are piles of “quilt seeds” being planted for another scrappy quilt with the leftovers from this one.

See this Elna?  It’s lived a good long life and is still sewing to beat the band.  SUCH a smooth stitch, and you could hardly hear it sew as the pieces flew under that presser foot!  It just goes to show you ---this machine, while showing a lot of wear and tear on the outside, can keep pace with any new model out there --- kind of like US as we age!  We may be showing our own wear and tear, but it ain’t over yet by a long shot, Baby!

Monday’s class was also a fun opportunity to send one of the members a big hello since she was unable to be with us!

We missed you and wished you could have been here!

I know there were problems with yesterday’s slide show.  SkyDrive, the place that hosts my photos through Windows Live sometimes goes into a funk.  Hopefully we’ve got it sorted today ---I haven’t gone back yet this morning to see if yesterday's are now view-able   It’s one of those things that I have no control over, I’m using a free site.  I take their hiccups as they come!

Speaking of slide shows and photos and the like ----

Our first LINK UP for your Easy Street Mystery progress will be here on the blog TOMORROW!  If you have a blog, write your post and come and link it up here.  You must have a blog to link up with us.  You cannot just link it to your Facebook page or your flicker stream.  You don’t have to have a blog to view the photos or participate in the mystery, but if you want your photos view-able to others, a blog is necessary.

More info on that in tomorrow morning’s post.  We have a lot of newbies this year and I know this is new for a lot of you.  Watch and wait and see ---you’ll see what I mean with the Link Up tomorrow!

How about a bit of Quilt Cam time this afternoon?  I’m planning on turning the camera on about 2pm Eastern.  Not sure who will be around to join me ---but I’m ready to put my own pedal to the metal carpet!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone ---it’s chilly out there this morning here in North Carolina –a brisk 22 degrees when I woke up this morning.  YAY!  No choice but to stay in and sew!


Unknown said...

Love the blocks! So much fun with scrappy pieces. SkyDrive working fine today! Hope to see you later. xx

farmhousequilter8 said...

Same temp here in KY so decorating and hope to sew a little later.
We have 8 in our Friday sewing group working on Easy Street. I would just love to know how many are actually doing this mystery, I bet the number would be staggering. Have you thought about a count? Thanks again
Paula in KY

Deb Marshall said...

Yeah! Quilt Cam time... count me in! I've been going through withdrawl! Beautiful blocks, thanks (as always) for sharing! Cannot wait to see the new studio space as well!

regan said...

I love the variety of the blocks everyone did. So many options for this pattern! And I need to make one of those machine pads with the pockets in front! That looks so handy to have! Especially at a class!

Beth in MN said...

Looking forward to QuiltCam. I use to have an Elna machine the same as the one pictured. It sewed a lot of clothes for my family, but I did wear it out. Nice to see one still trucking along!! Four patches sewn and just need to be pressed. See ya later!!! ;>)

V A N I A said...

Love the blocks!
j'm working for easy street all the day! j post my progress !
it was very very nice to do!!!!!!
j love to do it!!!!

Valerie said...

Oh! Someone else has my Elna air electronic SU! I LOVE mine. Bought her from a dealer at the Texas state fair in 1975, and she is still going strong. I have other machines, but when I sit in front of my Elli and thread her, it is such a comfortable, familiar place. And she never misses a beat. Glad to see someone else still loving theirs as well.

pcflamingo said...

"Quilt seeds" - love that term! Much better than left-overs. Love the slide show with all the different color variations: totally scrappy to planned colorway scrappy - love them all!

Bev said...

Hadn't noticed the star at the intersections until I saw the one with the shirtings and yellow. Does that star ever pop-all done by the fabric arrangements! Looks like a fun pattern-may have to add it to the growing bucket list!

Brenda said...

I have an Elna like that and so does my mother and they sew like a dream. they're all metal and have nice clean modern lines. I've sewn parkas on mine without a hiccup.

Mary said...

What a great block! Can't wait to try it!

sophie said...

It's been so fun to read about your trips to two former guilds of mine when I lived in Michigan ... I even saw some familiar faces in your workshop photos. I hope Lansing and Ann Arbor would good to you.

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