
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Off to the Movies!

We are heading out to see the new James Bond flick – have you seen it?  We’ve heard mixed reviews, but ANY James Bond is better than NO James Bond when it comes to holiday movie viewing – at least to the men folk in this family!

And yes, it still means going out amongst the hoards of people still scrounging for their best shopping deals ---somehow the dark insides of a theater with a big buttery bucket of popcorn in the middle of a lazy afternoon is appealing!

Besides, the sooner we go, the sooner I can get back and SEW!!

I spent some time this morning breaking in the new studio up-do by putting a binding on a quilt for my next book!

This one has a VERY scrappy back, and I dug into the DEEP STASH for something to use for the hanging sleeve.  Since the back is all blues  ((Yes, I was clearing out!!)) I dug for a piece that was about 1/2 yard for the sleeve thinking that I could make that piece GONE.  Look what I found:

studio 066

Hello, old favorite VIP!

This has to be mid to late 1980s because Jeff was born in 1990 and I remember having this before then --- in SEVERAL different color ways!  I always loved this print with its old fashioned appeal.  Look how much living has happened while this has sat in the stash!  I’ve prepped the sleeve, attached it, the binding, and the label by machine and will start the hand work the next time I have a chance to sit and hand sew. 

After sewing the sleeve I cut what little was left into 2” strips and stashed it into the strip bins.

And while putting things back into the studio….here’s something I discovered.  How many of you have a Janome 6500P or a 6600P AND a featherweight?

I got to looking at the size of the cut-out on the portable extension table for my 6500P when I went to put it away, and wheels started turning.

studio 067

Featherweight on a Phone Book!

studio 068

With the simple height adjustment of the phone book, the featherweight fits the opening in the Janome 6500P extension table perfectly!

I do have an acrylic featherweight table I bought years and years ago – I think we were still in Idaho or Texas when I got that one, but I just thought that those of you who HAD a Janome 6500P or 6600P AND a featherweight without a table could find a happy make-do with this set up.  I actually like having the machine sitting up a bit higher.

And yes – I made a sewing table mat out of some of the left over carpet tiles ---my desk top is pretty scratched up from scissors, pins, seam rippers etc ---so this covers UP all those scratches and protects the desk from getting further damage.  DH asked if I want to look for new furniture for that corner of the studio, but you know what?  This is heavy duty even if it is that pressboard laminate stuff, and it suits me just fine.  I like the space behind the machine I get by sewing into the deep corner.  A new sewing table can wait!


Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The extra carpet tile makes sense. I use my large green cutting mat on an antique table (was hubby's grandmother's) to protect the top. It works great, I can lay whatever I want on the table, and it can't get hurt.

Sewgirl said...

If you want to see a really visually stunning movie, go see the new "Life of Pi". The photography on the big screen is outstanding, and it's a fun story as well!.

Have fun sewing today, looks like you've got everything set up nicely.

Nancy-Rose said...

Oh my! I had plenty of that particular VIP print as well, but I think I finally used the last of it (in hunter green - it was the 80's after all!) in a very scrappy log cabin quilt. I've always loved it though...I have a 'thing' for roses :)

Pam in KC said...

My husband said he's take me to see Skyfall this afternoon as well. I spent part of Thanksgiving day and yesterday watching the James Bond marathon on SyFy.

mamarazza said...

Great idea - I am the happy owner of a Janome 6600 and a Featherweight without an extension table... Thanks for the tip! Hope our phonebook will fit.
We decided not ot go out to the movies tonight, finally an evening without any plans or grandparents duties, just sitting on the couch, legs up - James Bond will have to wait ...
Thank you so much for putting up another mystery and for the daily fun with your blog. Greetings from Stuttgart/Germany.

Sharon S said...

Went to Skyfall yesterday. Always fun to see what the new weapon will be & how long JB can hold his breath under water. It never hurts that there is a little eye candy. I think I might have some some of that same calico you showed us today! Have a great day!

Sue's Stitchin' said...

We saw JB opening weekend. Got there 1/2 hour early so we had great seats. People coming late couldn't sit together. We're going to see FLIGHT this afternoon. Sue K

Terri in BC said...

Ha-ha, that fabric must of got around. I have fat quarters of the whole line in the brown colourway that I have hoarded all these years! I finally cut into it when I was doing my Orca Bay and needed some more dark prints (I used black, navy, forest green and brown which now all still reads black when I look at the quilt!)

Mary W Quilts said...

Saw Skfall yesterday. Very entertaining! Enjoy.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have a sewezi table that is set up for my Janome - I use the same table for my featherweight by doing exactly like you - get a couple books out the right height and it's perfect!

Unknown said...

You really are awesome! I have a 6500p and I also have a free standing table it goes in! My acrylic extension table lurks around the place unused unless I go on retreat. I am immediately going to go and set it up with the featherweight! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I'm sure I still have some of the same and in different colors...

Sandra Henderson said...

Let us know how the movie is... I heard that there was NO romance/hot steamy scenes !?!?!
can't be! HEard it was totally a GUY film and if there is no hot steamy, then not for me. lol

Debi said...

Gotta love Daniel Craig! I enjoyed Skyfall and I always look forward to any James Bond flick. Now, back to Easy Street:)

Lynette said...

Skyfall is one of the best Bond movies out there. Totally a guy film? Not at all! This family of one dad and 4 women loved it, every one of us. :D

Tami C said...

The very first quilt I ever had was a gift from my mother-in-law and included that fabric in the blue. It too was a log cabin quilt. It was the early 80's! That quilt was what going me interested in quilting to being with.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this. I have a Janome 6500 and a featherweight and I don't use the fw much because I need a bigger bed. Now with a phone book I can set my machine up with the extension table that came with the J. My 6500 is set up in the Koala cabinet since I use it almost every day. It's my fav machine though I have Pfaff and Bernina. I will enjoy this. PS...not going to the movie but I'm craving popcorn too. Must be the cold and I'm making some right now.

Krista said...

Thanks for the reminder! I've been wanting to see Skyfall, and when I read your post I jumped over to check showtimes. Next show (IMAX) in 1/2 hour - so I jumped in the car. Didn't even finish reading your blog post until now, when I got back (sorry) :)

Gayle and Rob said...

Saw Skyfall and really liked it. Less tech but more human experience and character development. This will be one of my favorite Bonds.

Jody said...

This was one of the best Bond movies....but Sean Connery is STILL a stud! (to quote Goldie Hawn in First Wive's Club!)

Unknown said...

Loved Skyfall and think you will like it too! I have a Janome 6600P and a featherweight too. What a clever idea using the extension table. That is why we love you, Bonnie. Enjoy your popcorn and the movie :-}

Lois M. said...

I have the 6500P Janome and Featherweight but mine came with the clear table I never use with the Janome since I have it in a table. But now, my quandry is do I take that phone book I have been keeping for strip quilting or use it to hold up the featherweight??? I have tossed so many phone books and now that I want them, I don't get them. I am no longer in a major city so phone books are thin here.

Sarah Ann Smith said...

Genius, genius, genius....yes, I have the 6600 (and 7700, thank you Janome!) and the table AND my beloved 1934 FW!!!!!!! WOOT...thank you!

Tamera said...

My hubby and I just saw Skyfall. It was the only Bond movie that I've ever enjoyed.

Congrats on finding a table for your featherweight! It's so much nicer to have that extension!

janie said...

Bonnie I love your blog and read it daily. I just wanted to tell you I have some of that same material (navy Flowers) and I live in NB, Canada. Wonder how that happens?? Going to start your Easy Street asap.
thanks for all you do for quilters.
love Janet

Randy D. said...

Ingenious! I love the idea!!!

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