
Friday, November 09, 2012

More Quilts for Sandy Survivors!

I recieved an email message from Carrie who wanted me to pass on the following information:

I am the Long Island Chapter Coordinator for Quilts for Kids .org and am hoping that you can send a shout out for child size quilts. 
We are working with the local schools in Long Beach, pediatricians in the Rockaways and the Community Outreach Center of Nassau Community Hospital and Winthrop Hospital to help get warm quilts to people. 

We are also going straight to where the Red Cross Disaster Relief Vehicles are and directly giving to people in need.
Quilts can be sent to:
Carrie Crowley Davis
Long Island Quilts for Kids
304 North Ocean Avenue
Patchogue, NY   11772
Any questions can be emailed to me at ccrowleycsw@aol.com

Here’s another great organization reaching out to help those affected by Sandy and the aftermath!  Thank you so much for doing what you can to help!


Unknown said...

Bonnie, thanks for info. I moved to NC from orange cnty NY 7 years ago and am familiar with some of the affected areas. I have been wanting to send some quilts up there. I can only begin to imagine how awful it is- first the flooding and then the snow! Thanks, micki

marilyn said...

I'm sending 20 quilts to the first address you posted. Hope they help keep some kids warm.
Vacaville Binky Patrol

Andee said...

Will get on this..thanks Bonnie!

Andee said...

Will get on this..thanks Bonnie!

YankeeQuilter said...

I have a couple of children's quilt tops that I can quilt up next week...am binding an adult one that I plan to send out on Monday...

Mary H said...

I just finished binding and washing 13 quilts that I had in various stages of completion, and will be taking them to the PO tomorrow morning.

Unknown said...

I have a top that just needs to quilted, should be able to finish this weekend and ship it out monday, the top is from a quilter that just passed, this should be a great way to honor her!

~Deb Lindley said...

I have a cute pink/brown/off-white twin floral heart quilt that I've been saving for a special event - looks like this one is it...Thank YOU!

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